Reader Comments for Hip-Hop Crisis

These are reader comments for the article 'Hip-Hop Crisis'

Reader Comments

Posted by Antonio Miller in Winston Salem, NC @ 00:49 on Nov 7 2009

He who is without sin, cast the first stone. With the same measure that you judge (another), you will be judged (by God). That's why it's always good to walk in love, humility, mercy and forgiveness. Manny, we love you brah. You're already forgiven and restoration belongs to you. We pray mental, emotional and spiritual healing for your family.

Reply by Knowledge Da Poet in Winston-Salem, NC @ 16:09 on Jan 21 2010

Truth keep your head up brah, my prayers are with you and your family! Your storms will make you stronger....I am a living witness!

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Reply by Natalie in Chicago @ 05:57 on Nov 25 2009

When do we stop, when do we stand. We must stand up against the enemy the flesh and confess our sins and thats what Emanuel did. Bold move but necessary. It encourages me to come forth with my confession publicly to the church as I cannot minister with this hidden truth. Open Book.

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Reply by 'Prophecy' in Zimbabwe @ 09:32 on Nov 17 2009

Da T.R.U.T.H we r wit u in prayer man.... jus remember that the greater yo mission, the greater yo opposition... stumbling is not falling.... our love.... ZIMBABWE

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