Reader Comments for Hip-Hop Crisis

These are reader comments for the article 'Hip-Hop Crisis'

Reader Comments

Posted by ruby in pensacola flo @ 02:58 on Nov 21 2009

I loved the truth in the past and still do.the thing is, we cannot put our trust in man, God didnt make man for that. So we cant look upon him as if he was a God, so yes its possible that he have fallen, the most beautifull thing about it though is that he didnt stay in that place, but out of respect for his fans and his God he asked for forgiveness. there is one thing in our lives i dont care how save we are; we are always going to struggle with that one thing. The flesh is so strong that God himself could not understand why man continued in sin even though he had made an escape for him, until he sent his son Jesus to live in this body to experience why we do the things we do. Thats why i love God because everyone is not going to look at Da truth the same but God still see the anointing and the power he has on his life, Thats y i love him so; he's gracious. But I love you Truth and im praying for you.May Gods peace stay with you

Posted by Tony Barnett in south philly @ 00:28 on Nov 21 2009

My sincere prayers are with you and your family. I am praying for restoration, healing and forgiveness. May God keep you and all that are involved.

Posted by Sheryll in PA @ 17:56 on Nov 20 2009

Secret Sexual Sins by Fred C. Rochester on amazon. The church needs this book after all of these allegations.

Posted by Just Another Servant in Cali @ 00:04 on Nov 20 2009

I'm Irritated... i understand that He is a forgiving God and that no sin is greater than the other... but can you please help me understand... i mean did you not see the face of your wife... and vice versa cause it does take two to tangle... Jesus help us... come on fam... for real, i'm generations under you and to be honest we make it harder for the generations under us to Preach Jesus and LIVE Holy because we disqualify ourselves. and people on the outside looking in 1.don't believe us when we say that God is real (the response: He couldn't save you so how is He gonna save me?) 2. they say, "what makes your life any different from the one i'm living now? I'm praying for not just Truth (Ironic) but for EVERYONE who is involved... and i'm SURE it's not just Truth...he was probably the only one man enough to confess it. and also praying for All the other "superstars" you know in heaven... you're gonna be just another angel worshiping the Father... not a superstar angel... Go DEEPER and KNOW God!!

Posted by Tapiwe in Surrey @ 21:52 on Nov 19 2009

What a joke, these "christian" artists live immoral lives apologise when they get caught, have their little time with their pastor and then it is business as usual.

Reply by Andrew in Zambia @ 00:04 on Jun 10 2010

Tapiwe, you are forgiven. Jesus died for sinners like you and I.
I would have said nasty words if I was not a christian. But Jesus did his work in me and now I'm able to have nice words. God loves you just as He does me and Da' T.R.U.T.H

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Reply by jackie in kenya @ 08:20 on Nov 23 2009

HEY. whats wrong wit u? you sound like a modern day pharisee/saducee.

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Posted by De'Shon in pensacola fl @ 21:52 on Nov 17 2009

we up lifting you in prayer truth, it's not the mistake you made its how recover from it, get back up we love you man and God does too.

Posted by Theron McDonald in billerica MA @ 16:41 on Nov 14 2009

I still totally respect the truth, in fact, I respect him even more for coming clean about the whole thing!
It may sound crazy, but when a leader like Da Truth makes a mistake, it gives the world a chance to see God's love and mercy kick into full effect. The bible says that God delights in showing mercy, so with that being said, I believe that the truth will be just fine. I will still support him and listen to his music, but why is the Ambassador being so quiet about the mistake that he made! Why can't he come clean just like the Da Truth did. Why the silence and the secrecy!

Posted by Terrence in Brooklyn NY. @ 14:37 on Nov 7 2009

I have been in that place where DA Truth and others like him are; those of us who walked in the power of Christ especially as leaders. And I've learned that a faithful man is not a man who doesn't make mistakes, but he is a man who sincerly repents to God, and his family, and moves forward. Never allowing the mistake to define him but allowing God's truth to define the man.

Posted by Never Alone in Buffalo, NY @ 13:24 on Nov 7 2009

We should pray for them and not forget that we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD. Nonetheless, CHRIST JESUS Is still the Prince of Peace and that is not changing. We might be surprised at what happened, but we have to remember as GOD lifts one, temptation also escalate toward the individual.

Posted by courtney julien in baton rouge, la @ 04:43 on Nov 7 2009

yo, what is going on? these cats raised me in the faith in so many ways (ambassador and truth). we can't keep falling like this yall. im prayin for them and myself. however, script says he is able to keep us from fallin yall. lets trust that and run from our knees.

Reply by philo in uganda @ 17:18 on Jan 19 2010

man da truth en all da hommies reppin' christ are normal even deeper guys inna de bible did fall at some tym.listen to lecrae's vibe am prayin' 4 blessed by yo music kip it christ

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