Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Carey Borne in Russellville, Arkansas @ 08:45 on Nov 3 2010

Terry, I have so listened to your cds Regularly on a daily basis, I used them especially in my private prayer time as well as have played them for our church prayer meetings.
When I first heard of your fall, I knew what u were going through and immediately began to pray for you!
I would like you to email me as of how I could contact you , I would really like to talk to you or keep in touch! I love you and am continuing to pray for you!
Friends in christ, carey

Posted by Bread of Hope in Roanoke Rapids NC @ 01:30 on Nov 3 2010

Welcome Back brothe Terry. i was hoping you would return. You have to great of a gift to sit on the side lines and besides we have all sinned and come short of his Glory and he is faithfgul to forgive us. Glory to God hes back

Posted by Marie Weaver in Kyle Texas @ 12:44 on Nov 1 2010

I am so happy that you are back, your music was the first I ever heard when I started to listen to worship, It was the worship that ushered the presence of GOD into my life. Grace and peace be with you and Greta as you journey into even deeper depths of HIS dwelling.

Posted by Niyi in Enfield @ 08:33 on Oct 31 2010

I have listened to Terry's music in church and know that it comes from the throne of God. The Lord found King David to be a man after His heart, despite all the errors David had made. Thank you for coming out publicly to accept your faults and more importantly repenting and moving on. Some other ministers are hiding their faults or sins, while some others are excusing their's. Do just what you said ... worship God publicy so others can be encourged and move on.

Posted by IRIS MCELROY in Gaithersburg, MD.United States @ 20:44 on Oct 28 2010

Terry, Welcome back! You have been missed greatly. Your music has bless so mmany persons in nursing homes and hospitals more than you ever known. I was blessed at the 2008 worship workshop in Colorado and will never forget that Awesome experience. Thank You for allowing Father to use you. Waiting to hear your new music in 2010. Blessing to You

Posted by Judith W in Missouri @ 06:19 on Oct 25 2010

Terry, I play your CD's every day at work. Not one day goes by that I dont play them in my headphones. I always turn to your CD's when I am tired of the other music. I never get tired of listening to them. The anointing is SO strong on all of your CD's. I am VERY happy you are going to start doing worship music again. I praise God for giving you the victory, and I know your anointing will increase because of your battle and victory.

Posted by Larry Johnson in MN @ 02:28 on Oct 22 2010

I have played 1 to 3 of your cds' everyday for the past
5 years. There are no other cds' like yours. I have
prayed for your return and PTL you are back and
forgiven by all. Looking forward to your new cds'.

Posted by Michele P. in Baltimore @ 16:39 on Oct 20 2010

Dear Bro. Terry,
I have prayed for your life to be restored. Those who work in the trenches sometimes get hit the hardest. I thank you for your honesty and transparancy. God is the God of restoration. So allow your transformation to birth hope out of the ashes. Praying for you and your family.

Posted by JUDY MITCHELL in CALIFORNIA @ 23:42 on Oct 19 2010

I have never stopped praying for you and your family, and for the restoration of your ministry, and have had others praying too!! Isn't it marvelous to know that even when God does not condone the sin, He always forgives the repentent heart?!

Posted by Debra Spencer in Molokai, Hawaii @ 16:51 on Oct 19 2010

Praise God! I am so happy that you have been restored. God is awesome! I was introduced to your anointed music through sisters in Christ who also lead me to Christ. After 31 years, I faced hardship in my marriage. But God thought me to forgive and to love others. When I learned to love God first, truly love Him first, that is when God gave me the kind of love to love others. Your anointing through your praises and worship music brings the presence of the Lord immediately. It was through searching on web for your songs that I found that you are back. I am so very happy! My Apostle and ministry team love you and God bless.

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