Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Kathy in Kansas City, MO @ 14:14 on Oct 16 2010

Go to and search for Terry MacAlmon. Ask him to be your friend and once he responds, you can communicate with him on facebook. I just discovered his facebook site the day before his worship weekend in Moberly, MO and what a blessing it was. On facebook, click on events to see Terry's upcoming events. He's got a new Christmas CD coming out any day!!

Posted by Francis Ssekamatte in Kampala, Uganda - East Africa @ 21:46 on Oct 14 2010

Dear believers of Christ,

I just didn't know anything about this servant of God called Terry Macalmon until about a year ago. It all happened when a christian brother at our local church who had lent me a large collection of his music inventory CDs of many various singers ranging from Hossan Integrity to Hillsong etc. Altogether about 150 CDs.

It so happens that among them was this one CD labeled manually with a marker as " Live worship" by Terry M. I listened to all the CDS but this very one was Worship like none I had ever heard before all my christian life. Before i realised i had abandoned all the other CDs coz I could not help but listen to this Terry worship over and over again and again. Its them that I begun making inquiry of who this man was... The intensity of the anointing that came upon my life as i worshiped God in my room with this CD was immense. God's spirit came upon me in a big measure and i could not stop worhiping God in tounges for prolonged hours. My heart trembles with reverence of God upon hearing the name Terry Macalmon.

Posted by Cheryl in Washington, DC @ 22:48 on Oct 12 2010

I am so elated to know both you and your worship ministry have been restored in our sweet Savior. Your music ministry changed my life and my walk with the Lord allowing me liberated freedom to worship Him in spirit and in truth. As often as I thought of you I’ve consistently pronounced eternal blessings upon you. My heart has wept for you and yours but we glorify our Heavenly Father for making all things new. Welcome back! You have been greatly missed and loved by many. I waited patiently for this moment in time. I want more… I've hungered for more of the sound of heaven. Now Is the Time!

Grace and Peace be your portion always,

Posted by Samuel A. in Manchester, CT @ 07:57 on Oct 11 2010

I am glad to hear that you back to your First love. We all Love you so much. I am actually listening to Dwelling place right now, and I take such joy knowing that you are also in His Dwelling Place. May God Grace and Anoint you even the more for the journey ahead. I pray that His perfect will be done in you and Greta's life as you move on. God bless you.

Posted by Melvis G. Click in USA @ 03:31 on Oct 8 2010

Everyone of these 'encouraging' comments mirror my feelings toward you completely. I have prayed for you much and am so happy and glad that you have received restoration from God. He never left you, and I know you know this, but sometimes as humans, we need to hear this. You were created for what you do and I can tell you that I would have never progressed into the Spirit realm that I have without your gift from God. I travel a little (in the beginning traveling a good distance to work; and now as a reitree, to see my kids and grandkids, and when I play your tapes I enter the Glory of the Lord, and sometimes I KNOW that angels have to get me where I am going). I just leave the present world and enter the Glory Realm! I cannot tell you how happy I am that you AR\E BACK WHERE YOU 'BELONG'


Posted by Ruth Welch Finley in ARKANSAS @ 16:56 on Oct 6 2010

As I write this, tears are streaming down my face. Your music has ministered to me more than any other single individual. It never fails to bring God's Manifest Presence. Your return to your God-Called and anointed ministry is a cause for great rejoicing. The them of the Word is REDEMPTION. Your life and ministry will greatly exhibit that reality to a sick world.

Posted by Lindzey Lincoln in Richmond, VA @ 04:05 on Oct 1 2010

I've prayed for you Terry! We need the gifting and Songs of Heaven in the body! We need your gift of worship to be more the norm in our churches across our land! Now, get on with what you were born to do... Magnify the King! You are loved!

Posted by Susie in NC @ 20:46 on Sep 29 2010

Terry, I praise God for you and rejoice that you are once again going on with your ministry. As an intercessor, I know and understand that we all open ourselves up to many spirits...but praise God, "He's the glory and the lifter of our heads!!!" I have wept much for you knowing how men must have judged your situation, but thank God we are all overcomers by His Grace...keep on keepin on brother!!!! WE love His Anointing...and you surely do possess it...God bless your ministry as you go forth...

Posted by Sheila Blude in Alderholt England @ 14:47 on Sep 27 2010

So thrilled to hear the good news of your return to ministry, I knew you would have to come back to worship yours and my precious Saviour who is all forgiving and full of mercy, How marvelous, how wonderful is the Saviours love for me and for you.. :-)

Posted by Dr. Eric Jarmon in Philadelphia, PA. @ 10:19 on Sep 27 2010

I just read about your situation. I want you to know that I love you with the love of the Lord. God is a restorer and will lift us up and place our feet on higher ground. I was introduced to your music and worship music some years ago. Your music blessed my soul and I shared it with others. Your music was Kingdom Wisdom. For the last two weeks, I kept singing to myself, "I sing glory to your name, O Lord. Your name is great and greatly to be praised. I went online, because I wanted to order the CD.
Terry, I want you to know that I am so glad that you are returning back to where you belong. We need you to continue to teach how do Kingdom Worship and go into the presence of the Lord. God is the God of another chance and another chance. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of the Lord. It is my responsibility to love you and not condemn you. I don't need to know all the details that is between you and God. I just want to know that you are okay and want you to minister to me with your song. I love you Terry !!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back!!!!!!

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