Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by debbie in tacoma wa @ 23:33 on Sep 24 2010

first off we are all sinners and we all fall short.i love your music and yes i cry for JESUS and it makes me love him so much more,its like food to me,and iam glad your back.i will not judge you,because we are not to judge.only JESUS is our judge.and anyone who say they have not sin,cast the first stone.good luck terry in all that you for everyone.i pray your wife find peace in her life as well.only GOD knows the begining and the end,but i will pray for restore in both of your lifes. thank you debbie

Posted by Patty in Irwin, PA @ 17:53 on Sep 24 2010

I am so glad to hear you are returning to worship. I am looking forward to hearing new songs the Lord gives you. You are anointed to worship and lead others into His presence.

Posted by Julie & Jameson Kim in Portland Oregon @ 05:45 on Sep 23 2010

Praise the Lord. I am happy to hear that you are returning. I never knew about your ministry or you leaving it until just recently. My 2 year old son Jameson has suffered from night terrors for most of his life. A minister at my church gave me several of your praise cd's to play for him at night while he sleeps. He now goes to bed without any problems. Please continue to live the life that God has so richly blessed you with. I will keep you and your family in our prayers for peaceful restoration. God Bless and welcome home to the loving arms of our Savior. With love. Julie and Jameson Kim

Posted by Carolyn Pool in Chattanooga, TN @ 21:04 on Sep 22 2010

I have listened to your CD's over and over and they continue to bring me into real worship and intercession in my home. I have prayed for your restoration as I believe the Body of Christ needs what you have to offer in worship leadership. May God mightily bless you and Greta as you move on.

Posted by Sylvia in Cork, Ireland @ 13:15 on Sep 22 2010

Thank God we serve the God of restoration and new beginnings. Great news!!

Posted by Dee in Texas @ 04:29 on Sep 22 2010

What blessing to the body of Christ to witness God's love and restorative power - we love, we embrace you and we rejoice with you.

Posted by Steven in New York @ 11:25 on Sep 21 2010

I am saddened that Terry decided to violate scripture and divorce his wife. He has no biblical grounds for divorce since he was the adulterer. I am astonished that he can step back into ministry after dismissing the Word of God. Many are applauding him when they should be weeping. I am not condemning him, I believe he is still a brother, but I also cannot condone this and support his ministry either. GOD HATES DIVORCE. If the wife choose to leave that might have been a different story but in his own words he chose the divorce. Sad day when the ministers of God cast God's word behind their back.

Reply by Gina Reavis in Memphis, TN @ 05:05 on Sep 29 2010

What our brother Terry needs now is compassion - not admonisment. I venture to say, he has been in his own private hell for some time. We are all sinners and fall short in all ways but with God's tender mercies and undying love, He loves and forgives us. God's love goes a long way to help heal, restore and revive a soul. Pray for him and leave the judging to God. This Pharaseeical attitude is the very reason why many never come to know Christ....

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Posted by Angela Goonewardene in London, England @ 17:38 on Sep 20 2010

Hello Terry,

I'm so delighted to know that you are back in your singing ministry. We missed you so much, but your songs have been played on a daily basis in my home, and also we sing them at our church services.

Praise God! Keep up the good work! continue to bless the body of Christ, your work will be rewarded.
There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus! Thank you once again for obeying the voice of God to sing praise to Him. God Loves you always, He will never leave you or forsake you.

Posted by Ramona Wolter in Scottsville, KY @ 03:37 on Sep 19 2010

Praise the Lord you are restored! I had just learned about your ministry and music just several months before that all happened. I played your music day and night. When I learned of your mishap (don't know how else to call it) I was devestated that you had left the ministry. I finally found music that would soothe my soul. I prayed and prayed for you and every few months would check the net to see if you were returning. Never found anything till now!!! The sad thing is you are in dallas and I was living there from Nov. 2009 to Feb.2010 with my son. I couldnt find work there and came back to KY. Now I want to go there if you have your ministry there!! Thank God you're back!!! I love ya Terry along with everyone too I'm sure. I'm elated now!!!!

Posted by ann sandys in phoenix arizona @ 04:28 on Sep 17 2010

I hear a song that terry did a long time ago and wept. terry, you are so special. and God loves you so much. we all have sinned. yours was just in the eye of the public. God has His hand on you and it will be good to have you and your music back! Praise the Lord. We really need you!!!!!!

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