Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Michelle in Michigan @ 21:10 on May 28 2010

God bless you Terry and everyone else who have commented but lets not forget the pain and embarassement that Greta his wife and 3 sons are experiencing being seperated away from their father. My heart goes out to all of the Mcalmon family. Please lets rally in prayer that the Lord will reconcile them.

Posted by Gloria in Colorado Springs @ 11:24 on May 28 2010

PTL-Another fallen soldier walking again with marching orders. I still believel you have the most special annointing in the 20th century in your gifting/calling, so you can just imagine my elation at your return!!!
Victory through prevailing prayer, thank you for being obediante no matter the cost!!!

Posted by Eunice Kamau in Kenya @ 16:02 on May 26 2010

Terry, the LORD Bless and Restore your heart fully to Himself. The rapture of the Holy Church of CHRIST has drawn extremely Nigh! Iam so blessed most Important as you come back, Remember Jesus must fully win in your life. please prepare the way in your heart for the LORD That one day, even as we also prepare in Holiness, we will worship Him forever before the Throne of GOD. Be strengthened.

Posted by Indira Winesberry @ 03:23 on May 26 2010

So glad he is coming back! I also hope that perhaps he and his wife may reunite, with sparkling eyes for each other. Amen.

Posted by André van Eeden in Worcester - South Africa @ 11:48 on May 25 2010

Praise God for His mercy and kindness endures forever! Welcome back TERRY!!!

Posted by Mary Malden in Pensacola Florida @ 01:07 on May 25 2010

To God Be The Glory for all of the Good things that he has already done. None other can minister these inspiritional blessings that we truly enjoy. The holy spirit has his way in your life and it is received to the fullest. Be Blessed and know that we all love you and are continually praying for your healing. There is none like you in this ministry. God Loves you dearly. Keep on lifting him up thru praises.

Posted by forgiven in Australia @ 02:42 on May 23 2010

I am so thankful to God that you are back! Your music blesses me almost every single day. I have prayed for you so much. I know thousands of others have also. May God bless you and protect you, as you continue to usher in the Kingdom God to those who are hungering after God.

Posted by Suzan in Missouri @ 11:13 on May 18 2010

So glad to hear u are coming back, your music is so anointed looking forward to a new cd sometime :) May your future be as bright as the Lord's promises we love u Terry remember we all have sinned and fall short we are saved by Grace Praise God !

Posted by Deborah Walizer in Fort Ashby WV @ 04:32 on May 15 2010

You have been on our hearts and in our prayers for many months. God has truly annointed your music and we are so happy that you are back. Your music has touched our lives in so many ways and you have been a such a blessing to our son. God bless you Terry! We love you!

Posted by Eugenia in FLorida @ 14:46 on May 13 2010

I'm so glad you are back! I just found this article while I was listening to HOLY. Tears of joy and thankfulness for your heart for HIM flow through me. Restoration is DIVINE. The Church needs you and welcomes your refreshing honesty and humilty.

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