Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Antoinette Landouw in Australia @ 15:02 on Jul 4 2010

Terry, God has surely blessed you with a wonderful worship-, musician-, and singing-gift.
No wonder the devil has tried to destroy you, your family, AND your ministry.
Remember - he did it to King David too - but God never removed his anointing (as aprophet, singer songwriter, and musician), NOR his appointing (as King).
However, Jesus wants us to "prove our repentance by a changed life.
So if you have really repented of whatever sin was in your life - WHY DIVORCE YOUR WIFE??
God HATES divorce - it would be different if your wife had divorced YOU - that would be out of your control.
In one way or another all people sin - Christian or not. Don't gloss over sin - adultery is horrible - but God's people all over the world are guilty of it, either physically or spiritually. (Read the NT book of James).
Even so - get right with your wife and be the husband you should be - THEN come back and worship God!

Posted by Joey Weisbaum in Dunnellon, Fl @ 09:30 on Jul 3 2010

Terry, I know God will continue to bless you as you move on. Your music helped me in the darkest time of my life and He has blessed me every day since. I have shared your music with many people in their time of need. I hope I get to Dallas some day.

Posted by Jeannette Murphy in Dublin Ireland @ 23:06 on Jun 29 2010

Thank God you have returned to your wonderful music ministry. My friends Here in Dublin have prayed for you to return to your calling. We will continue to pray for your wife and family that God will restore you all. I was listening to your song HOLY HOLY and saw comments on your return. May God bless you and keep you. You mighty Man Of God.

Posted by Joan Gottwald in Upstate NY @ 15:05 on Jun 22 2010

Praise the Lord! I belong to a small prayer group that meets every weds. We always have one of Terry's worship tapes playing as we pray and have been faithfully praying for Terry MacAlmon. We are delighted to see God's hand in Terry's life and to see answered prayer.

Posted by Rose in St. Louis @ 12:35 on Jun 20 2010

Bro Terry, I am so glad that you have returned to the Ministry that God has given you. I continue to lift you up in prayer. I am excited that you will be in St. Louis on June 27th. I am so looking forward to the worship and the movement of the Holy Spirit on that day. I know that lives will never be the same with you and Mr. Chapman teaching us how to worship God on a higher level.

Reply by Kathy Schnakenberg in Kansas City @ 03:25 on Jul 9 2010

How was it? I wish I'd seen your post sooner and could have driven to St. Louis. Do you know when Terry is coming back to St. Louis or if he has any other events planned? I love his music and since I bought his CDs don't listen to any other music.

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Posted by Debbie Russ in West Monroe, Louisiana @ 16:45 on Jun 12 2010

WELCOME BACK!! The steadfast of the Lord NEVER CEASES and His mercies NEVER come to an end. They are new every morning! Great is the Faithfulness of the Lord!!

For the past 3 years (which by the way started in Dallas) my husband and I have been learning about Gods Unmerited Favor. Because of His finished work on the cross, Jesus paid for ALL our sins once and for all. God sees us as righteous because of what Jesus did for us. Our good works do not make us right before God, although we should live our lives to please Him and bring honor to Him, and our failures don't separate us from His Grace. It is by the works of JESUS that makes us righteous before God. By one man's sin, Adam, we became unrighteous sinners separated from God; by one man's righteousness, Jesus, we have been made perfect and righteous before God!! That's good news. That's the Gospel.

God loves you more than you will ever be able to understand. You are a vital part of the body of Christ. When you hurt, we all hurt.

My husband and I have been blessed by your anointed music. We experience God's presence when we worship along with you as you worsip at the piano. We are musicians too, so music naturally influences us. As a musician, you have inspired us to practice God's presence with our instruments as well. I play my flute along with the music and my heart gets lost in worship.

You are a threat to the kingdom of darkness, but through Jesus you are more than a conqueror. SOOO
WELCOME BACK, my brother.

Posted by Nicole in The netherlands @ 23:38 on Jun 11 2010

I also wanted to know how Terry and his family was doing. I am sad to here that there has been a divorce. I come from a broken home. I am 34 years old now, and when i was 8 years old my parents got divorced. It does not only have an impact on the husband and whife, but children also get hurt, and it does not matter how old you are.

I have a friend of mine and she is having a difficult time whright now in her marriage, but as a friend i belief God can and wil bring them back togetther.

Even though this marriage seems to be over with the divorce and so, I belief God can turn this all around and that what God has brought together no man shall sepporate.

God is bigger than every thing, and He can turn this around, that is what I belief, and this may look like it is over but dindent God turn the wurst nightmare into the greatest thing of all, He gave His son Jesus Christ, and He died on that Cross, and all seemd over and out, but after 3 day's He rose again and where is He now, YES HE LIVES and If God can do this, than For Him to bring back a marriage that is broken and make it hole again, is a peace of cake to Him, come on dont we have A great God, HE rains And I belief In A GREAT and AWSOME GOD, HE gives LIVE I pray and thank God that He wil make this marriage hole again, Father Thank You that you love youre children so mutch that you gave youre son. Thank you that you are blessing these people and that you wil turn things arround Amen. God bless you all.

Posted by Dee in Virginia @ 04:01 on Jun 9 2010

Unfortumately..i am way behind the times. just read od the marriage problems and divorce tonight. To say the least I am shocked and saddened that yet another person whose music i love had home issues. been married 27 years and love my husband. I trust that you Mr. Terry will be accountable to someone and sing at times where you are not known at all!! like in a small choir singing tenor. You said too much to overcome??? With God nothing is impossible??? Sometimes we dont want to overcome, its easier to be free. From one who almost divorced at 19 years!!! im so glad i did not. Now my husband is my best friend

Posted by PeterT in Adelaide, South Australia, Aus @ 09:43 on Jun 4 2010


Even though you chose to divorce Greta, it doesn't mean that you can't win her trust & her heart back!

The moment I heard of your humanity, the Lord spoke to me & said "His fall is for My glory. he will be back soon. He is out for a season to learn that he is called to bring others into the knowledge of My glory. His pain will show in his words and many will feel the revelance of his music and will turn back unto Me."

Bless Ya Heaps

Posted by Cecelia in St. Louis, Missouri @ 05:52 on May 30 2010

Although I am thankful that Terry was in counseling, something must have gone wrong if the marriage was not reconsiled. Too many of our worship leaders and pastors run through a course, and take a few months off. What I would like to know is why would you go back to ministry if you can't resolve the issue with your relationship Greta. Who is on her side. Who is making sure that her and her family is taking care of. This is a selfish act, yes there are two sides but come on. When as a society do we condone an act, and then pat the person on the back after a few months. I know that God is trying to bring us all back in right relationship, but do you really feel that it is ok to bring someone back in ministry, just because? I loved the music he wrote, don't get me wrong, but all I see is that people just want him back because they missed his music, and are not looking at the big picture as to why this happened, and will it happen again? Is he (Terry) strong enough to move away from a support group, and try to make this happen on his own. I'm just saying, look at the bigger picture.

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