Reader Comments for Isla Grant: The Scottish country singer with the faith to end a drought

These are reader comments for the article 'Isla Grant: The Scottish country singer with the faith to end a drought'

Reader Comments

Posted by Irene Byrne in Glace Bay N.S. Canada @ 15:28 on Jun 4 2014

We were together 36 years, My husband passed on May 13th 2014. while in hospital every morning i would play your C.D.s & would let them play all day it seemed to relax him ,his name was Al .When your tickets went on sale for the Savoy in Glace Bay ,N.S. for June 3rd we got tickets ,sadly he was gone but i am sure I felt him in the seat next to me .May God shine his everlasting light on you & your Al . Irene Byrne Glace Bay N.S. Canada

Posted by Heather Crossland in mahone bay Nova Scotia @ 03:47 on May 4 2014

I am so excited and have tickets to your June 2nd show at Rebecca Cohn Halifax. I would love to get to see you
and be able to say a few words. Your music and story has given me a new outlook on my own life. I want to get permission to record your songs in my little hometown. These will just sell local not in stores. I have so many people who enjoy all of the songs that I sing. People love A Single Yellow Rose. You have so many wonderful songs and I am just enjoying my life.
Love to you Heather Crossland

Posted by sarah in west of Ireland @ 17:39 on Jan 29 2014

Hi this is my send letter re Isla and al , I just want to say I go on my pc and I go to paltalk which has so many music rooms that one can play a song or just listen well since my day in this music room I play Isla and people from all the world know her now and there is not a night when I am in these music rooms that I don't play 2 or 3 of Isla songs or not a night some else does not play one of her songs she is know by people from all over the world and I am so happy for her and to be able to let people her lovely songs is my pleasure so much because I have liked her music for years now so good luck to you Isla and al in all ye do God Bless thank you for your fantastic songs .. hugs from your first fan in Ireland and I was ... haha ..

Posted by Sarah in west of Ireland @ 17:32 on Jan 29 2014

Hi My passion in life is music and I heard Isla for the first time one day on the radio and I was hooked I tried to find out more about her and any way I got her Cd and I had a small business and I always had music on in out shop .
When I got Isla Cd I had it on every day and people started asking who is this lovely singer and I told them . One morning we heard that Isla was doing concerts in around where we lived and I thought my god I have to go but like a lot of other people I get it hard to go in a crowd so I did not get to it but so many people went to hear her because they had heard her in our shop and they told her where they heard her , I was so disappointed I did not go but I was afraid I would be put up to far from the Exit . Well let me tell you all the next morning who walked in to our little shop in the west of Ireland but yessssss the lady herself , my husband came running to tell me who was in the shop but I thought he was kidding me and he keep calling me to come and see I went still thinking he is kidding me and there she was The Lady Of Song Isla I nearly fainted I could not believe it so we talked well she did I was just frozen with delight at seeing my fav singer so went for a coffe and I still was in shock I will never for forget it , we moved house to another part of the town and I lost her address .. To this day I still play all her songs in my new business we have and lots and lots of people from different parts of the world have heard her in my place and I will always get a cd for them if they want it which most people do , so I am still doing my bit for one of the greatest singers and songwriters of all time and such a lovely person she has it all ..

Posted by Heather Crossland in Mahone Bay Nova Scotia Canada @ 22:26 on Jan 24 2014

Dear Isla & Al,
You're music has given me so much healing and I have a wonderful husband who has always been there for me. I sing most all of your songs and people enjoy
them very much. I sang at the Hank Snow tribute at
the open mike and came in third place. I sang your song A Single Yellow Rose and also a song about Hank
Snow that was written by Robert Joudrey known as the The Fiddlin' Farmer.I will keep on singing your songs and people love them very much. I am still trying to find out about your tour to Canada. I want to see and hear you sing those beautiful songs. I don't know if you are coming to Metro Center in Halifax. Your songs have given me so much happiness in my life.
Thankyou Isla & Al

Posted by Shanthi in Colombo Srilanka @ 08:02 on Sep 3 2013

I love your songs very much



Posted by Bruce Reynolds in United States @ 12:47 on Aug 15 2013

When my spirits are low and as life gets really hard I listen to your songs, and I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoy them and how many memories they bring to the surface, they make life a little better. I enjoy country music, but I enjoy yours much more. Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

Posted by Ruwani Mudalige in Colombo. Sri Lanka @ 17:26 on Jun 19 2013

My favorite singer Isla Grant....the beautiful lady with the most touching songs. Just love every song of hers but " sweet baby mine " happens to be my best when I sang it at our sons wedding overseas...every word in it was so very appropriate for that special night....simply waiting to see her singing alive on the 19 July in Colombo.

Reply by Jean Newell Budgell in St. John's Newfoundland @ 15:41 on Jun 15 2014

My sister and I were out to see Isla and Al on the 12th of this month. She is a beautiful person and also her husband. Fantastic singer.

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Posted by Heather Crossland in Nova Scotia Canada @ 03:16 on Jun 4 2013

I love your songs and sing a lot of them at our Music Jams and Variety shows. I am not you but I try to do them as close as you and people love me to sing them
My Husband plays acoustic guitar and mandolin and a great flattop picker. I wish I had all of your songs.I know you are so beautiful and your songs inspire my life alot.People just look when I get up to sing. Thankyou for letting me post this message.
Your greatest fan. Heather Crossland

Posted by ANTONIA DE SILVA in SRI LANKA @ 18:10 on May 28 2013

I enjoy all songs of Isla grant. Waiting for her visit to Sri Lanka She is such a nice lady her songs are wonderful.
I cherish the song Cottage in the Country as two of my sons
are overseas. This song brings tears to my eys. Long to
see Isla personally.

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