Reader Comments for Rioters Are NOT 'Scum'! They Are The Fatherless

These are reader comments for the article 'Rioters Are NOT 'Scum'! They Are The Fatherless'

Reader Comments

Posted by Hal Legere in New Westminster, BC, Canada @ 10:00 on Aug 11 2011

Keneth and Ian, I agree with the spirit of what you say. I too know people who fall into the demographic which puts them at risk and yet they prevail and prosper. I too know people with every advantage who fail miserably.

That is not the point, of course we know these people the statistics given allow for that. However when we see a specific pattern it needs to be heeded.

Eg. Seatbelts save lives.. of course we have all heard stories of people who died because they were wearing seatbelts. Or someone who survived only because they had their seatbelt off. Yes people have died and survived against the odds but we still need to play the odds correctly.

Wear your seatbelt. and Fight Fatherlessness.

Posted by exoticdoc2 in Washington @ 02:05 on Aug 11 2011

We all have our problems and trials in life. Many people are raised fatherless without ever becoming thieves, looters, and committing assaults. You are merely providing an excuse, and it fails. They CHOSE to do what they did and you cannot tell me they did not know it was wrong. They are scum by their own choice and actions.

Posted by Ian Hughes in Wirral @ 16:02 on Aug 10 2011

I was brought up in a single parent household as my father died when I was 11 - it was not a Christian household and in fact was quite anti-religion. I grew up on a deprived inner city housing estate that was reported in a whole episode of 'World in Action' for it's drug crime. I have never taken drugs, I have never been involved in rioting and i have never been anti-authority. I am now 44 and a vicar not far from where I grew up. Being fatherless is no excuse. There is a breakdown in society where our young people are selfish and spoilt. They get what they want, when they want it and if they don't then they take it. They don't want to work for a living they want to be rap stars or millionaires overnight (the X-Factor syndrome). We have become such a liberal culture that our young people are brought up with no boundaries and no dscipline. I am of the firm opinion that the bible can teach us a lot especially 'spare the rod and you spoil the child'. We need to bring discipline back into our schools, communities and our justice system so that people learn their are consequences for their actions. Christians should also be clear in their message that God is not just a God of love but a God of judgement. There will be a reckoning and eternal damnation for those who choose not to believe and choose to do harm to others.

Posted by Kenneth Nesbitt in Fife, Scotland @ 12:56 on Aug 10 2011

I'm not yet convinced that it is the lack of a father figure or father that is the cause of the problems. I wonder if other factors are the major factors and that lack of fathers correlates to rather than causes the problems in young people. Given that I know so many single-parent families where children do NOT go off the rails, given I know many two-parent, nuclear families whose children DO go off the rails, given I know lesbian couples with very well adjusted children who've grown up into people parents can be proud of, I'm simply not convinced the issue is causal but rather correlational. However, I'm willing to be convinced and I thought it a timely article and timely reminder to all of us who need to be aware of our own contribution to a broken society. Thank you Jonathan.

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