Reader Comments for Greenbelt '12: A moment-by-moment review and reflection

These are reader comments for the article 'Greenbelt '12: A moment-by-moment review and reflection'

Reader Comments

Posted by Fat Roland in Manchester @ 19:48 on Sep 2 2012

Some interesting comments from Facebookers disappointed at the parts of this article that appear to suggest a certain level of closed-mindednesss from Tony Cummings: 366057455/

Posted by steve th @ 16:00 on Sep 2 2012

"I sit reading my programme and munching an apple. With this report to write and interviews to do attending anything but music performances is a no-no" says TC having already missed two bands on mainstage with a 3rd just starting! :-(

Posted by Andy B in Dinas Powys @ 10:09 on Sep 2 2012

Whilst agreeing with some of your comments Tony, (I'd like to see more of the likes of Newsboys, Third Day and Casting Crowns on Mainstage) I have enjoyed the likes of Billy Bragg, Bruce Cockburn, etc for the challenge they provide. Perhaps it's time for Greenbelt to embrace the Tom Wright approach to life and understand that it is currently as lop-sided in its approach as many 'evangelical' churches, organisations and individuals are. Perhaps it is time for it to move somewhat more to the centre, and cover the whole range of the musical and artistic spectrum. Then it really will return to being a proper festival.

Posted by Mike Starkey in Llanidloes, mid-Wales @ 22:43 on Sep 1 2012

There was a lot to like at GB 2012. But my moment of greatest unease was when Nitin Sawhney and band performed a Sanskrit song of worship 'to Lord Krishna'. I believe in inter-faith dialogue as much as the next person, and enjoy GB sessions where Christians compare beliefs with those of other faiths. But hosting worship of Krishna? Sorry, but for me that crossed a line, and I left the mainstage area at that point.

Posted by Julie Willcox in United Kingdom @ 22:16 on Sep 1 2012

I first went to Greenbelt 12 years ago - against the wishes of my Pastor. I had been abused/excluded/ostracised in all the mainstream churches I went to after finding Christ as a 26 year old single parent with no church background. I thought there was something wrong with me as I didn't seem to 'fit' the accepted 'Christian' mould. By the time I arrived at my 1st Greenbelt I was losing all hope and had been seriously damaged by mainstream churches. I cried as I put my tent up, I lay on the grass and felt strangely warmed inside, I could tangibly 'feel' the love and acceptance of me as a person - just as I was. I spent that 1st festival in a state of bliss at the love and beauty I had discovered in Greenbelt. I know as a strong Bible based believer there are some items on the programme that are not 'evangelical' but then there are as many more 'items on the programme' of conservative evangelical mainstream churches that would make Jesus wince...... ie their general lack of proper concern for the outcast, the poor and the marginalised. Greenbelt loves as Christ loved. Jesus saved me, Greenbelt gave me a home and welcomed me and continues to challenge inspire and cement my Christian faith.

Posted by Simon in Plymouth @ 18:34 on Sep 1 2012

Goodness me, what an awful reviewer you are. You bring only your agenda and prejudice and have no openness at all. You do not belong at Greenbelt. Remain in your ghetto and stop trying to represent the Church, or orthodoxy, for your reading of Scripture is simply vain. You do not have the ultimate hermeneutic.

Posted by Ken Barnes in Oxford @ 22:32 on Aug 31 2012

Thanks Tony! I love the way you write these articles - the way you intertwine the mundane with the profound; your personal experiences with objective criticism. Brilliant. Having read your article I feel like I was there - although thankfully I wasn't LOL! Peace, Ken

Posted by Robin Vincent @ 15:49 on Aug 31 2012

Hi Tony, I’m Robin from Molten Meditation and if it’s ok I’d like to respond to some of your comments. This comments box doesn't give me enough characters so i've put my response (in typical emerging style) on my blog! o-tony-cummings-review-of.html

All the best to you and thanks for coming along!

Posted by Adrian Jones in Bath @ 14:40 on Aug 30 2012

It sounds as if Tony enjoyed Greenbelt, although not as much as me. Also sounds as if he wants it to be something that it never has been - perhaps he doesn't know that its fluid, open, ready-to-be-challenged-but-also-challenging Christianity is an annual lifeline for many of us. And how come he didn't look at a weather forecast and take some wellies?

Posted by Marie Lewis in Huddersfield @ 14:22 on Aug 30 2012

In my opinion a very sour and biased account of Greenbelt. If you are theologically at odds with it's liberal position, don't go and even more importantly don't publish your views. You make much of the odd swear word but say little of the powerful challenge to address injustice and oppression. I know from Jesus' own words where His heart would be, Shame on you.

Reply by Mark in Evesham @ 19:06 on Sep 4 2012

"If you are theologically at odds with it's liberal position, don't go and even more importantly don't publish your views."

Do you want Greenbelt to become a small, liberal clique that is hostile to outsiders? Are you unable to handle criticism from someone who doesn't share your views?

If not, why complain about a non-liberal attending and disagreeing with you?

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