Reader Comments for Gospel Francais: French Christian Music

These are reader comments for the article 'Gospel Francais: French Christian Music'

Reader Comments

Posted by yvon luboya mutombo in johannesbourg @ 10:52 on Dec 8 2008

la musique est la force dans rout le domaine

Posted by Marc in Brazil @ 15:09 on Dec 4 2008

Hi Everybody I´m from Brazil and have a progressive band. I´m happy to found this article, we plan to travel to france in 2009 and want to make contacts to the Christians there to spread God word.

God Bless you all

Reply by Timothy in Canada & USA @ 06:54 on Dec 9 2008

Hi Marc
You can go on and link up with many pastors and musicians from France and other french speaking Christians

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Posted by Timothy in Canada @ 06:13 on Nov 19 2008

Christian Television Network International is broadcasting in many laguages including French:

Posted by Timothy in Canada & USA @ 06:38 on Nov 11 2008

Hi DD has cd music and you can also click at similar pages there too for arcadian music .
google search : Cajun christian music will give you many sites also
Have a blessed day

Posted by Katie in S.C. @ 03:07 on Oct 27 2008

I really appreciate you putting on this web site. I am praying for you.

Posted by alejandro in Mexico Mexique @ 20:57 on Oct 14 2008

je promesse quoi je chante christian rock en francais un jour je promesse je voudre quoi Dieu se sert de moi aurevoir benisses

I promises sign christian rock in french some day i promise

Posted by Angie in Colombia @ 18:11 on Oct 10 2008

God Bless you!
You help me a lot for my french learning.
Thank you for the information.

Posted by Tebogo in Maitsapo @ 09:42 on Aug 26 2008

Hello out there. I need an eglish translation of some exo eclats 2 songs. if one can help please respond to The only french i can 'speak' is merci ,bonjour and j'item...thank you. (i jst love them)

Posted by Juliana Tigre in Brazil @ 14:30 on Jun 27 2008

Salut,my name is Juliana Tigre,christian from Brazil.I'm still dont know many christians songs in french language any way I would like to listen.
Soon,I will go to Paris and I hope to see a blessed country in Europe.I'm sure about what Jesus Christ is doing and what He will make around the world and in special , what He will make in France!

"For it is written,As I live ,saith the Lord,every knee shall bow to me,and every tongue shall confess to God." Romans 14:11

Posted by D. d'Entremont in Atlantic Provinces, Canada @ 00:18 on Jun 23 2008

Looking specifically for Acadian or Cajun Christian music, can anyone help me?

Also, where could I get French teachings on audio ( devotions)?

So very happy to learn about so much French Christian music.


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