Reader Comments for Gospel Francais: French Christian Music

These are reader comments for the article 'Gospel Francais: French Christian Music'

Reader Comments

Posted by Susan in USA @ 03:28 on Apr 26 2008

My daughter is in France at this time. She has always been a strong Christian, but where she is located none of the young people go to any church and she is struggling in her faith because of wanting to fit in. I am going to let her know about this web-site so that maybe she can get back to her Christian music. She had been a drummer in a Christian band here in the USA.

Reply by Timothy in Canada & USA @ 05:50 on May 28 2008

Hello Susan
Did you know that has a chat room and whre your daughter can find friends in France and also link up with the TACF branch off church in Canada.
God bless you

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Posted by Timothy in Canada & USa @ 16:42 on Mar 19 2008

Did you know that popular worship songs translated into french are on the Cd : VIENS ( vineyard music) ,featuring worship leaders : Stephanie Heinen, Jean-Marc Lerigab, Francois Reymond, Marjorie Wafler .

Reply by bethany in canada @ 20:41 on Oct 1 2008

Hey Timothy,
It's amazing how much ministry your doing, even on a web site like this... great job...
God bless you all in your pathway for God.

If you ever need encouragement look at psalms......or mabey even acts-ministry wise...

Isn't GOd soooo good????
Luv Him

God blesss
Let God lead you all , everyday, in everything you do, everywhere you go... : )

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Posted by nicola darling in maidstone @ 12:56 on Mar 13 2008

It seems like i'm not the only one struggling to find some good french christian music. I just want to recommend an artist called Olivier. His album nouveau depart is amazing. The lyrics are beautiful and so is the music. You can get it from itunes for less than £7. It really is a great cd.

Posted by Pippa in England @ 13:59 on Feb 22 2008

hello all, i love french christian music and am very lucky for the fact that my cousin is married to Nicolas Ternisien. He's great.

Reply by bethany in canada @ 23:56 on Sep 30 2008

I was wondering....i am doing a project for school about Nicolas Ternisien....If you can help me with it......i can't find info on him for my project....mabey where and when he was born stuff like that????? My project is due on fir Oct 3/o8 soo can you ...OR ANYONE please respond as soon as possible..????Like the best time will be like wendsday.....not to be rushy or anything..

And Timmothy...Great job with your ministry to the world

Everyone keep going on for God

God bless you all :)

Isn't he so great???????
J'adore Dieu

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Posted by George in Kenya @ 14:26 on Jan 31 2008

Praise Jesus tout le monde!I feel blessed to learn that there are other people out there craving for french christian music.Where can i get old english hyms in french e.g amazing grace etc?
Bye n keep the fire of Christ burning in your hearts!

Posted by Timothy in Canada @ 07:51 on Jan 20 2008

Vous pouvez ecouter le gospel traditionel et moderne 24hr/24 sur

Posted by Timothy in Canada @ 03:46 on Jan 15 2008

Bonjour chere soeur dans Christ , Denise (Brasil)
C'est aujourd'hui que je viens de lire votre message date Dec. 24,2007.
Merci beaucoup pour votre encouragement.
Have a blessed year

Posted by Timothy in Canada @ 07:26 on Jan 9 2008

Holy God TV ,la chaine chretienne francophone from France web site is

Posted by Daniela in Brazil @ 17:22 on Dec 30 2007

I’m Christian and I’m from Brazil. I’m praying for a transformation in Europe, especially in France, where I hope to study soon. I`d like to know more about the gospel in France and, of course, about Christian music.
Thanks for the valuables information

Posted by Shamiso in Malawi @ 15:17 on Nov 30 2007

Je viens de decouvrir votre site et cela plu car je me suis renseigne du gospel francais et des musiciens chretiens.Je suis francophile et j'aimerais bien obtenir les paroles des hymnes chretiens francais.Si quelqu'un peut mes les faire,n'hesite pas a entrer en contact

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