Reader Comments for Gospel Francais: French Christian Music

These are reader comments for the article 'Gospel Francais: French Christian Music'

Reader Comments

Posted by timothy in canada & usa @ 19:13 on Jun 16 2007

Hello to all,
you will find worship music that has been translated from english to french and other languages ( for all ages group,in different styles) from many worship leaders around the world (some recorded live at worship conferences) by doing a carefull search on [vineyard music] and you can request the monthly catalog from vineyard music usa-here are some categories : winds of worship, touching the FATHER s heart,accoustic worship,children s worship etc..) also Hillsong has done almost the same thing-you can hear those songs on
topchretien has a weakly review on new christians artists, has 24/7 music videos.
salut a tous .Que DIEU vous benisse tous.

Posted by Patricia Carwell in Haiti @ 17:42 on Jun 14 2007

Hello. Although I live in Haiti I am not Haitian. I am an American looking for high quality up to date French Worship Music. I know it's out there, but I can't find it very easily. I need help. Can you provide some resources or better yet, names of artists and music that I can research and purchase? We are also searching for DVDs that display words to the alond with the music like Integrity Music produces. Any suggestions?

Posted by timothy in canada & usa @ 15:09 on Jun 14 2007

Bonjour a tous mes freres et soeurs en Christ
you can find a lot of interesting sites by doing a google search[muzikparadise].
Passez une bonne semaine and continue to let Christ s love shine through you every where you go.

Reply by Hilda in Mexico @ 22:38 on Feb 17 2008

God bless you!! I just want to know if you can send me some christian websites..where you can listen to preachings and some christian music but in the french laguage..I canĀ“t find any..Thaks for your attention and time..God bless you...Hilda Verduzco

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Posted by timothy in canada & usa @ 17:13 on Jun 13 2007

Hello Fred,Tania
you can get a list of french artists/bands along with their web sites at
Au revoir- passez une bonne semaine.

Posted by timothy in canada & usa @ 10:04 on Jun 13 2007

hello to all
you can also watch christian videos at
Bonne journee a vous tous.

Posted by timothy in canada & usa @ 09:35 on Jun 13 2007

hello to all
you can now listen on line to contemporary christian music in french and english from radio essentiel by going to . This site has a lot of things you are looking for.
Bonne journee a vous tous.

Posted by timothy in canada&usa @ 04:30 on Jun 13 2007

you can get Maggie Blanchard music and many others french worship music at is a great site for francophone chretiens.

Posted by timothy in canada @ 20:13 on Jun 12 2007

i would recommend the 3 cd from vineyard for french worship-you can get them at
there are some music also on
God bless.

Posted by timothy in canada & usa @ 15:14 on Jun 12 2007

bonjour a tout le monde
you can now listen to a christian broadcast in french(do a search [topchretien] ). it is great ! (music, interviews,etc..). check out all the sites on that web page. search[worshipmusic] web page and you will find many sites where you can order christian music in french, etc..
we chistians in the usa are praying for revival to come to all coutries around the world(
may God bless all of you.

Posted by timothy in canada & usa @ 23:32 on Jun 11 2007

bonjour to all my brothers & sisters in Christ around the world.
you can find french worship music by doing a google search on [ online french christian music ] (cannada,usa,uk,etc.),hillsong, youtube and yahoo videos has posted many videos from differents christians artists. enterHisgates. theworshipstation broadcast 24/7 globally . check those sites. au revoir et que le bon Dieu vous benisse tous.

Reply by yvon luboya in johannesbourg south africa @ 13:42 on Jul 4 2008

french gospel music i do like also

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