Key Quotes for 2005

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
It is estimated that more than 50,000 people in the UK are living with HIV, of whom nearly 15,000 have no idea they are infected. In the past it has been seen that the gay community is most at risk. However while that still may be true, the rate of infection is rising faster among heterosexuals than any other at risk category. In 2001, 56% of these infected were heterosexuals.

HealthThe War Cry – 10th September 2005
The total membership of all the denominations will fall from 9.4% of the population to under 5 by 2040, and 18,000 more churches will have closed.
ChurchThe Daily Telegraph – 3rd September 2005
By 2040 there will be nearly twice as many Muslims at prayer in mosques on Friday as Christians worshipping on Sunday. The average age of Christian congregations will have risen to 64 as the young abandon the churchgoing habits of older generations in the face of growing secularisation.

ChurchThe Daily Telegraph – 3rd September 2005
Bereavement is a common and sometimes life defining experience for young people. One study has found that as many as 92% of young people in the UK will experience what they see as significant bereavement before the age of 16. Between 4 and 7% will lose a parent.
Social IssuesYoung people bereavement and loss - 2005
Britain’s Churches will be well on the way to extinction by 2040 with just 2% of the population attending Sunday services. If current trends continue, churchgoing will plummet by two thirds over the next three decades while Islam will mushroom.
ChurchThe Daily Telegraph – 3rd September 2005
Caffeine increases the power of aspirin and other painkillers, that is why it is found in some medicines, but withdrawal of caffeine can cause headaches. Women who drink 2 or more cups of coffee a day also have increased risk of developing osteoporosis. This can be offset by drinking milk or yoghurt to replace lost calcium. Most studies have found that high caffeine consumption impairs fertility, and taken during pregnancy may cause premature or defected birth.

Food and - 23rd June 2005
Coffee is the seed of a cherry from the tree genus Coffea, a tree yielding about 1kg (2lb) of coffee per year. There are more than 25 species of coffee, the 3 main commercial types being Robusta, Liberia and Arabica, the latter representing 70% of total production.

Food and - 23rd June 2005
Coffee is the world’s most popular stimulant: 4 out of 5 Americans drink it, consuming more than 400 million cups a day. Consumption in Scandinavian countries is more than 12kg (26lb) per capita. With more than 25 million people employed in the industry, coffee is second only to oil in world trade.

Food and - 23rd June 2005
A cup of drip brewed coffee has about 115 milligrams of caffeine, an espresso (and percolated coffee) about 80mg, while instant coffee has about 65mg of caffeine. Decaffeinated coffee is not totally caffeine free, containing about 3mg of caffeine. A can of Coca Cola has about 23mg of caffeine and Pepsi Colas 25mg.

Food and - 23rd June 2005
Only some 7-8% of the population today are regular churchgoers. This population is ageing and the proportion is declining.
ChurchThe Universe – 28th August 2005
Three quarters of political scientists surveyed said that they had a belief in God. Nearly 70% of social scientists, specializing in subjects such as sociology and psychology, claimed a belief in God compared with 62% of natural scientists. Even with biologists, the group with the lowest level of belief, 59% stated a belief in God.

Religion/SpiritualityThe Church of England Newspaper – 26th August 2005
Religious Studies in the UK has this year become the A Level subject with the largest increase in entries, according to the 2005 A Level entry results data. The 16.9% increase in the number of students taking RS A Level this year makes it the top subject in terms of the increase for the second year running, after last year’s 13.8% rise.

EducationThe Church of England Newspaper – 26th August 2005
There are currently around 7,000 faith schools in England, 600 secondary and 6,400 primary. The vast majority are Christian (mostly Church of England and Catholic) with 36 Jewish, five Muslim and two Sikh.

EducationThe Church of England Newspaper – 26th August 2005
A poll by ICM for ‘The Guardian’ found that 64% of respondents agreed that “the government should not be funding faith-schools of any kind.” A quarter of those polled said Muslim schools should be treated on the same basis as Christian and Jewish schools, while 8% wanted to limit public funding to Christian and Jewish schools only.
EducationThe Church of England Newspaper – 26th August 2005
As many as 86% of motorists would support post-test motorway training for new drivers.

Odd FactsThe Sentinel – 26th August 2005
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