Reader Comments for Max Divorce

These are reader comments for the article 'Max Divorce'

Reader Comments

Posted by Massey in Los Angeles @ 11:44 on Feb 4 2007

Only 2000 characters? Kevin and Alayna are sinners....just like the rest of us. My own marriage failed as didn't end in divorce, but it failed. Food for thought:
1.The purpose of Marriage is to make us Holy rather than happy (although happiness may be one of the many results, it is certainly not the sole purpose).
2. Following Christ is not equal to the "American Dream".
For us to be able to be in the presence of God we MUST be Holy. God will use whatever He chooses to make us Holy. He chose for Christ to die on a cross in order for us to have the opportunity to be Holy.
He, for me, chose the many failures (and pain assoc with them) in my marriage to drive us closer to Him.You name the sin....wen did it. Yes, even that....our pastor told us we could divorce......biblicly.
For K & A, God chose something else to drive them to Himself. It's not for us to determine what happened and all. God is driving them to Himself. Our hope and prayer should be that God gets them unto Himself.......just like our prayer for ourselves should be that God gets us to Himself as well. We are all sinners. No one can judge another. We can all pray for God's Grace and work out our Salvation...... Same for Kevin and Alayna. God's grace to us all.

Posted by kristy (again) in You know it @ 17:44 on Jan 31 2007


Posted by kristy in Boulder @ 20:01 on Jan 29 2007

God forgave kevin but can kevin admit that what he did was wrong? i think we're seeing a what if I stumble,In the light and the hard way soundtrack(all three songs by Dc talk f.y.i)why(?) askevin would say "the song says it all"

Posted by kristy in Colorado @ 17:43 on Jan 29 2007

This is a letter to kevin but anyone can read it, kevin i hope you will have time to post a reply:Dear kevin, i was devistated when i heard about your and Alayna's divorce.It was atottal shock to me. i can understand how helpless you must have felt.i dont know quite how to explain this to you except through the bible:matthew says this about divorce;The pharisies asked jesus is it lawfull for a man to divorce his wife for any reason? jesus said ' it is lawfull to do this only if your wife is an adulter.what god has joined together let no man seperate. If he divorces and marries agin he has commited adultery." this is seirious kevin it was wrong and you know it im not tryi ng to be judjementle im telling you this because i realy and truly care about you. if you admit it and ask God for forgivness then he will forgive you. i pray for you every day that you might see the truth. And dot think im saying u should divorce amanda and marry alaynas again. look at this divirce it was wrong trust me. love from your sister in christ kristy(more commenly knoen as Resident of boulderthislifeheven thenext)Im sending a compleat version of this letter to your fan address.God Bless you Kevin Max Smith.

Posted by kristy in boulderthislife heven thenext @ 21:33 on Jan 26 2007

im so sorry kevin and i wish the best to you and amanda tell london i said hi if u ever read this

Posted by rodney in houston tx @ 06:06 on Dec 12 2006

you can go true pastoral counseling who are suposet to be spiritual , but gods word is cleare when it is cleare abput a covenant, person can not avoid a covenant only the dead. 27

Posted by sarah in Villa rica, Georgia, U.S. @ 20:49 on Oct 8 2006

Look Kevin Max has always lived on the edge and that's why I liked his poetry, music and writings so much, but when it goes from living on the edge Christian-style, to living on the edge Worldly-style, I think I may have to check out! There's so much going on in the world today . . . when I listen to Christian music I want to know between a shadow of a doubt what the music is saying is true. I just don't hear Kevin claiming that this was "wrong". It bothers me, I can't help it. It's just where I stand.

Reply by Josh in Northfield, Massachusettes @ 03:30 on Nov 17 2006

Are you saying Chirstains don't sin? We all sin, that's way we need grace from above. I'm sure Kevin and Alayna did thier best. Anyway, this is old news, Kevin is Married agian and has a lovely little girl, London and has said that they have an other on the way. God has blessed Kevin Max.

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Posted by Natasha in italy @ 21:50 on Aug 25 2006

anyway kevin max is already MARRIED AGAIN and have a beautiful baby. and does not mean always have to work a realtionship, now is different because he has a child but can happen the song the imposter has much to do with his life, the new one after his divorce.

Reply by Marie in texas @ 15:54 on Nov 2 2006

It takes 3 to make a marriage work.

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Posted by Mitchell in USA @ 18:37 on Aug 24 2006

The Bible says that what God brings together no man can separate. So if it was not God who brought them together, is He responsible for maintaining the relationship? I believe that when divorce happens-the relationship was not God's will in the first place. When He is in agreement with the matrimony of 2 individuals-by His power, grace, and strength he will help maintain it. Any other views on that?

Reply by James R. in Pennfield @ 08:41 on May 12 2007

It is an interesting way to look at it...but is that just an easy way to justify divorce? I am saying that at any time in any marriage, I could decide that I do not want to be married and say that it was not God's will..."oops, guess I need another wife."

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Posted by E in USA @ 06:54 on Aug 22 2006

I've always loved DCTalk. This pains me.

No wonder the world looks in the churches and thinks the people there aren't any different than themselves. Giving greasy grace isn't doing anyone a favor.

If I was bleeding to death, I'd rather go to the hospital and get a painful treatment, than go to the hospital and only get a pat on the head, a pillow, and comforting words. Greasy grace leads the false convert to hell.
When they say, 'Lord, Lord', Jesus will say, 'Depart from me you evildoer' (Matthew 7:21-23).

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