Reader Comments for Max Divorce

These are reader comments for the article 'Max Divorce'

Reader Comments

Posted by Alba in California @ 09:36 on Apr 13 2008

God, Our God who has an outstanding love and forgiveness for ALL of us, will have the last word. Lets re-evaluate our own lives before we, with our God complex, tell people what's right or wrong in their lives, and why they choose to do what they do.
He's forgiven by grace, and not because he's a christian singer...and ya'll don't even know why they divorced. GET OVER IT! WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN LIFE.

Posted by Rod in mexico @ 18:59 on Mar 31 2008

i totally agree with mary, First of all i'd like to say that i have always been a fan of dc talk (specially of kevin's) this completely breaks my heart given the fact that i do understand that divorce is just not in God's plans and whatever the reason was, God is forgiving and so should we. if God forgave our sins who are we to not forgive others. I'm sorry to say this but kev: God will ask you for your wife (alayna) and what are you going to answer?

Posted by Mary @ 18:00 on Dec 22 2007

I grow so tired of the "do not judge" mantra people take so out of context. People, wake up and read the Bible. Stop sugar coating sin so that just because you don't want to offend people or want to be offended yourselves. (And Kerry, this is not about backstabbing, have a little maturity here). Perhaps people forget that Jesus actually did command us to judge? We have the right to call sin for what it is: sin. And no matter what the reasoning behind a divorce, divorce is despised in God's eyes. It is born out of sin and therefore is sinful. No reason in the world can change that. Even if someone is unfaithful, guess what? The Bible is still pretty clear about God hating divorce. It's a very painful and bitter pill for people to swallow...and I'm sure it's not easy to hear. But that's biblical truth. If Christians are unwilling to accept biblical truth, it might be time to reevaluate their walk with God.

It's sad when someone's fame is enough for people to say "aww it's ok, he really tried." Would we say that to a murderer or a rapist? "Aww it's ok you killed or raped someone, you tried to do good." After all, in God's eyes, sin is sin. Start living the way God wants you to, stop making excuses, and start holding each other accountable regardless of fame. It's time to actually walk in the light, and not just smile and say you do.

Posted by Maria in Oregon @ 08:39 on Oct 26 2007

I am a Christian. I am a divorced Christian woman. I know that sometimes things happen for a reason. I'm not a big fan of divorce, but in some cases it is necessary. In my case, I was married to an unfaithful man who lacked in honesty and communication. I believe we have an understanding God. Sometimes it is for the best. We don't know why everyone gets divorced, but if something is tearing you down and you become bitter and broken from it, then it is time to re-evaluate your life and situation. Just let Kevin live his life with his family and stop judging him.

Posted by scott in LA @ 01:08 on Aug 16 2007

Wow.... Are we serving the world or Christ? There is no in between! We are either for Christ or for the world (satan). To see such mixture in Christiandom pains me. I'm not just talking about divorce.... We all make issue's and have our opinions but what does God want from us?? He doesn't want self cultivation or self improvement.
We are only required to deny ourselves, pick up the cross and follow. Only when we deny our self (wants, needs, must have's, fame, etc.) can the Lord Jesus Christ have a way to grow in us and live out through us.
I feel for Kevin as I too have gone through a divorce but it's not what if I stumble what if I fall - it is I will stumble and I will fall. There is no good in any man. Not, until we deny ourselves and allow our Lord to reign in us.

Posted by steffen in india @ 10:36 on Aug 2 2007


Posted by krystee in lovestown (tenessee) @ 21:20 on May 2 2007


Reply by It's me in Same Place @ 17:48 on Jul 17 2007

I will say the original topic has gotten off track. But I will say that the biblical divorce is infidelity in the if it was not for does God look at it.

Did you know that there is talk of a dcTalk reunion?

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Reply by alias @ 22:59 on Jul 6 2007

from what i read from your comments, i gather that his divorce whas because of infidelity?

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Posted by mark in georgia @ 08:28 on Apr 28 2007

At what point did we decide that Jesus left us the authority to judge our fellow man? When did we realize that our sin was less worthy of scrutiny his? Both sides have valid points worth mentioning. However, I would like to point out Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned…” and Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death…” If the wages of sin is death and all have sinned then that effectively levels the playing field. Meaning those who have burned a copy of a CD are JUST AS GUILTY as the thief behind bars, and a slanderer is JUST AS GUILTY as a murderer. No matter how small or great your offence, in the eyes of God sin is sin. According to Jesus, unless you are without sin you have no right to persecute others because of theirs. James 4:11 tells us not to speak evil of our brothers and judge them. And what of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22 & 23) are these traits expendable, to be worn like a garment and taken off when desired? I, for one, am of a different conviction. I believe that each man/woman has the responsibility to work out their salvation before God with fear and trembling. It is my responsibility to pray for and uplift my fellow man, to walk with him 2 miles when asked to go 1. To remind him in failure of God’s love and grace. If you have not lived your life trying to uphold a blameless image in the public eye, then how dare you think you can pass judgment on those who have? None of us sat in on the counseling sessions and listened to the circumstances that led to this or what actions were taken to reconcile the situation. Those are details between Kevin, Alayna, their pastors/counselors and God. That being said, Kevin should you ever read this I want you to know that I love you no matter what and that’s not “greasy grace” that is a fruit of the Spirit. Run your race Kevin, I’m praying, pulling and rooting for you all the way. My friends Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and it would behoove us not to aid his efforts!

Reply by mark in georgia @ 20:23 on Aug 16 2007

(In reply to Mike in Grand Rapids) Mike, i apologize for not responding sooner but I haven't checked on this page in a couple of months. This is obviously a debate about divorce and if it is right or wrong. On that point i must express that i do view divorce as a sin unless for infidelity. I "judge" this because as a Christian and a person i have the moral and legal obligation to "judge" or "discern" right from wrong. This is the unquestionable responsibility of everyone. What i am displeased to see is the use of "judgment" in the since of determining one's guilt or innocence and, at times, voicing our opinions of the appropriate consequences. This is an action reserved for God and the leaders and judges he appoints over us for such purposes. To quote your post from March 31 '07 "I use him to remind myself not to fall in his pit" In my opinion this statement clearly determines his guilt and, if I may go so far, his sentence a “pit” I do agree that the world only sees the "big things" and we suffer for that but Jesus said the world will know we are his disciples when they see us love one another. In my own personal experience, unbelievers are turned off to Christianity very quickly when they see us cannibalize our own. They seem to view such an action as hypocrisy in it’s most extreme form.

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Reply by Mike in Grand Rapids @ 00:04 on May 10 2007

Mark. I think the basic concept of the debate on this site seems to be is divorce a sin. It is very unfortunate that Kevin is the example used here because the blog is about him. We could say anyone else here such as Sandi Patti. It appears that even you think it is a sin. My point is that we are CHRISTIANS and should live like it. Yes, the devil will tempt, but if we really believe what the bible says is true and God provides everything that we need, we should be able to overcome every sin. You make some very good points and we should be careful of what is said but remember that after we take the plank out of our own eye, we are to (in love) help others that we see in trouble. I don't know what you call it, but if you chose to go to someone in love as described in the bible then you must have "judged" what they were doing as wrong...hence the right to judge. And I agree that every wrong thing is a sin...big or little, but the world sees the big things...and then they call us hypocrites when we do these things. The world needs to see that we are different. In the world but not of the world. Set apart! A good example worth repeating on the news! ...not just another statistic. Please reply.

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Posted by kristy in colorado @ 14:59 on Feb 21 2007

READ ROMANS 2!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply by Mike in GR @ 10:47 on May 10 2007

I have replied to Mark's comment below and you will see my reasoning for judging below. I agree that judging is very serious but I don't see it as off limits. Judging "in vain" is going to be thrown back at me by God and I will have to answer to it. I did check out the lyrics again today and only see that Poetry is up for many different opinions. Is he saying that if a marriage is golden/perfect to hold it and if not...try and make it work but if it is not great, just let it go? I don't mean to make a "big deal" of Kevin. It is just that he would be one of the last ones that I thought it would happen to and it is shocking to me. Like in the other reply, it could be Sandy Patti or any other big time or NO NAME christian. My point is just that we should both put God first in our lives and let him lead our marriages or anything else that we do. With God as the center point, what foe can stand against us? None. Kevin, Sandy, etc. will still be a strong message carrier, but they could be stronger and the world would not have another flaw to point at.

Here would be the last thing to add...I deal with children almost day in and day out that are considered "problem children." If you go back to the beginning when the issues started on most of the kids, you will see the year the parents went their ways. Because "it's not gold" our children often grow up in this manner. Granted not all will but just the other day I went on a field trip with my son and his friend. The friend said that he was happy that I came and from out of the blue, he said my mom and dad broke up and my mom wanted me. I had to stop and reassure him that they both love him. But, he sees it that way...with his own perception.

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Reply by krystee in tenessee @ 21:28 on May 2 2007

your right but i really don't think anyone has the right to judge kevin besides he confided to me why he had to get it i really think his song Golden is totally talking about the divorce just checkout the lyrics listen to it. but just remember Jesus said " judge ye not and you will not be judged" loves to everyone, Krystee

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Reply by Mike in Grand Rapids @ 06:17 on Apr 10 2007

Read Romans 2 and then read the first marriage vows. Kristi, if the song said it all then why didn't he see it coming before he CHOSE to learn the hard way? You have got to understand that a person has only one chance to do things right the first time. Once they are compromised the core values they may try to make things right but there will always be a caution sign that pops up. When you get married, you will fall whole heartedly in love with the faith that you are his and he is yours. Should your husband take that first step out of the marriage and then reconciles to you and you may stay with him, but you will always watch him and will never have that original 100% trust of him. Let's look at the church...divorced men as a deacon or elder is not biblical...even God says that once you screw shall be marked. Forgiven? Yes. Carefull on your defense to Kevin. I am just as shocked as you and hurt by someone that I have held high for years but you can not pretend that this did not happen. His attempt to pass on the message of God has been hampered no matter what way you look at it. He didn't just make a promise but a promise before GOD.

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Posted by John in Chicago @ 07:52 on Feb 16 2007

Reading through all the above in relation to Kevin's divorce reveals a wide variety of views. As much as we look down on the outcome of their relationship, I am reminded, as I read, of two things. The first was seeing through the eyes of Christ..."you who is without sin throw the first stone."(John 8:7-11) This passage exemplifies the heart of the Father. He knows our frame, and despite our inadequacies, continues to uphold us. Proverbs 24:16 "...a righteous man falls seven times, but he gets right back up." Secondly, the Father turns our mistakes around for His Glory...ever heard of a poet, artist, musician, writer, a man living on the edge by the name of David? More specifically...King David? A man after God's own heart? Sounds a lot like the person in discussion...if God could take this king (who was by the way, an adulterer and murderer) and bring forth the wisest man to ever live (Solomon) and the King of all Kings (Jesus came from his line), God will also do wonders for Kevin Max. Let's pray that we all begin feeling the heart of the Father for people, rather than being quick to nail people to the cross like the Pharisees. Shalom...

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