Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

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Reader Comments

Posted by Doug in Pittsburgh @ 15:52 on Aug 14 2011

Right now I am in much pain. I am sitting in the car outside my church. I just can't get the strength to carry myself on crutches into the church. I thought I would stay in the car and listen to some worship music that would lift my spirits. Immediately I thought of you and googled your name on my cell phone. That is when I came upon this blog and was surprized to hear of your struggle.
Sometimes when I am alone I get really discouraged with the hard things in life. Lately I have been attacked on every front. I have some serious health issues that preclude me from working. My home is in forclosure and believe it or not the enemy has attacked me by sending a young girl to seduce me when I am at my weakest point.
Then when I think I am alone in the battle I learn of your stuggle. The Lord has also given me many spiritual gifts. I sing and write worship music. Though I am not as accomplished instrumentally as you over the years God has used my gifts to lead others to himself. I also have 6 kids who love the Lord are each serving him in some capacity. Recently I have been praying hard about planting a church. At the same time I have been overwhelmed with attacks from the enemy. It is then that I become aware that our wrestling is not against flesh and blood but against unseen principalities and powers of darkness that are set out to crush & destroy the gifts that God has given us because he knows the will be used to advance God's kingdom and he will do everything in his power to prevent that.
Now lest you & I think we are alone in this attack all we need do is look back at the many christian leaders that have fallen from grace in the last decade. My wife and I watched Soul Surfer last evening about the young lady who's heart was set on going to the top of her field through her sport of surfing only to have her arm bitten off by a shark. She never gave up and neither should you.

Reply by Roberta in Southern California @ 18:36 on Sep 10 2011

I have been listening to music by Terry and still am as I write. I have not known the details of Terry's life but with the annointing on the music it has lifted me out of discouragement. Praise God! I have been walked in similar shoes and know without a doubt that God extends mercy and grace to me over and over again when I fall short. Look at the life of David..Let us not think that we are sooo good and without fault. God Bless you! Seek the Lord and He will lead..

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Posted by yvonne in england @ 01:30 on Aug 14 2011

What a worshipper!!! God is faithful in all his ways,may the peace of God that surpasses all men understand be with shall live to worhip the Lord your God.
Never give up,Be strengthened and encouraged,am looking forward to your next album
God bless u

Posted by Debi in Midland, Mi. @ 05:46 on Jul 31 2011

Terry you music dtill moves me in a way I do not understand. I know you did wrong but you did confess your sins and those will haunt you if you don't ask God to take them away. Please return to us friend we need each other to make this world livable. I send warm wishes to you and pray God will restore you and your wife too talk a lot .Many prayers

Posted by PASTOR RICHIE in New York @ 06:38 on Jul 27 2011

Dear Terry I just found out about the sad event in your life. I pray you and your wife will work it out. Jesus can and will forgive and restore if we will yield to His will and follow His word. It want be easy but we can do all thing only through Christ. The music the Lord has allowed you to minister was given only by His grace. May His grace keep you and bring you into a greater ministry and deeper level of worship in the future. Always remember Our Lord loves you and He is our helper in the time of need. Pray with us will be leaving on a 4 months mission trip to the Philippines.
Be blessed
Pastor Richie

Posted by marcia @ 02:08 on Jul 26 2011

I do believe God is restoring you, and is healing your wounds. God bless and keep you lifting his people up through your music.

Posted by Eben Aikins in in Kumasi, Ghana @ 16:39 on Jul 22 2011

Papa Terry,
God still loves you even the more! remember, He said, ''I will never leave nor forsake you". i want to let you know that i love you too. your songs are amazing; they are spiritually sound. and i always play them. i even sleep with them. they have touched my life and i think millions of others too.

i thank my God [and your God] that you are back in the ministry. don't let the enemy frustrate you. that's what he specialises in. don't give him a foothold. only look up to our GOD because He is the only One who is able to keep us from falling.

i've been praying for and with you. let us continuously increase in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we will be kept blameless and without spot till the day of our Lord.

the joy of the Lord is our strength. enjoy His blessings always. with lots of love!

SHALOM always,

Posted by Leanne in N C @ 16:16 on Jul 17 2011

Dear Terry,
On a trip recently my friend introduced me to the music" I came to worship you". I must say here Terry that the body of Christ needs your gift. God is a God of restoration, forgiveness and Love. We need you to continue in Him. Stay accountable and say in Him.
you are a gift , stay close to Him and Sing , worship and brokeness is a place of true worship. Blessing to you and your family.

Posted by James Koneight in South Africa @ 13:50 on Jul 5 2011

Terry my brother, your are a blessing to many are a born worshiper we need your divine inspired music.
What is the procedure to bring you to South Africa in September 2011. for our tabernacle celebration from the 12th until the 18th. May the Lords blessings be upon you.

Posted by Janet W. in Kenya, Nairobi, Africa @ 15:01 on Jul 4 2011

Oh! i have just known this wonderful and anointed man of God recently. I have heard some of his songs before but i never knew the singer!

Oh you are gifted and made to worship the King! are you not? let not the enemy deceive you! A righteous man falls seven times and is then rises up to different levels of anointing!

The Holy Spirit has to let the devil tempt you so as you can be refined as fire and purified for God's glory! God the Father, Lord Jesus and Mighty holy Spirit still loves you.

At least you are alive, thank God. Some fall and the evil one kills them before they are restored fully! Thank God for your many Blessings and call upon Holy Spirit to minister to you again!

everybody needs you back. Look how many desire your anointing to heal their Broken Souls

I pray God to encourage you more and to make you bolder for Him! He forgives and remembers our sins no more. Read ephesians 6. its spiritual war since you battle with the evil one when you have won many for the Lord through your Singing.
he delights in you if you only come to His embrace! OUR LORD JESUS

Holy Spirit of God Minister to you and encourage you! amen

Posted by DONATUS in ITALY @ 11:32 on Jul 2 2011

Wake up bro.Terry & sis Greta for all have sin and come short the glory of GOD, not how many you fall that matters, but are you able to rise when you fall?. He that runs to last will have crown. Br. Terry! you are forgiven,go and sin no more. Sister Greta, how many time will your BROTHER offend you, laugh & cheer up, unite yourselves again and OUR MASTER AND LORD will give you peace and bless you mightily so we can build the HOUSE TOGETHER- IN JESUS NAME

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