Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

These are reader comments for the article 'Fallen Worship Leader'

Reader Comments

Posted by Bettie kahuthia in Nyeri kenya @ 18:54 on Sep 30 2011

Terry i beg yu!arise man of God. Its not yet over i hear the Lord say. 4 the last 12 years i ve been uplifted by your worship. Millions of souls want to hear you say again "you deserve the glory..." please terry if not for any other reason, 4 my sake worship God again. God has long destroyed the record of your wrongs. Hes waiting to hear you say again "they are cries of adoration...." rise up terry in His strength. Bettie kahuthia.

Reply by Gary Sellars @ 22:38 on Oct 24 2011

It's good to show your love for Terry and to let him know that you don't condemn him.

As you probably know, he is back in ministry but I'm writing you because your words seemed to suggest that you fail to understand that there is a damage and corruption and harm done to a person's soul when they commit something as grievous as adultery.

Pride comes before stumbling and a haughty spirit before a fall. Men don't fall suddenly. Our hearts get hard and calloused and insensitive in the secret place of our hearts.

We're waiting for the hope of righteousness; we're not yet perfected and it takes diligence to "watch over our hearts" while sin is constantly desiring a lodging place there. When we fall, we need to take time away from ministry and humble ourselves and it takes time for our souls to be restored. Men should never be pushed either into ministry or back into ministry.

But love and affirmation is never a bad thing.

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Posted by Emilia Ortensia in san mateo,california @ 08:20 on Sep 22 2011

Thank you God for Terry, his music has inspired me to worship God in a much deeper level. Your music is holy spirit inspired. May God keep lifting you up and may his purpose keep being fufilled in your life. Thank you Jesus for the price you paid for us. "Who the son sets free is free indeed. God bless you always Terry.

Posted by Rodrigo in Santiago, Chile @ 15:17 on Sep 20 2011

Terry ha sido de gran inspiración para la adoración que hoy estamos desarrollando en Chile. Sin duda, él es uno de los grandes y Dios lo volverá a levantar.

Posted by Penny Robinson in TRINIDAD & TOBAGO @ 01:10 on Sep 19 2011

Dear Terry
I remember as a new believer someone invited me to worship with you when you visited Miracle Ministries in Trinidad. I was so blessed by your Worship that I got all your CD's. I got online to see what new CD's you have and am now learning of this unfortunate situation.
I truly believe that you are blessed by God and the enemy must have been after you for a long time. At times like these we believers have to 'pinch ourselves'
and pray for each other without ceasing; 'cause ANYONE could be next. I know how difficult this must be for your wife and family and I pray that the Lord gives her the strength she so desperately needs at this time. Please understand I am not at all trivialising the situation, but "This too shall pass!"

Posted by KAY in OH @ 16:43 on Sep 17 2011

Dear Terry, I have played your CD's almost constantly for the last 2 years. Nothinbrings me into His presence as your anointed music. Please reconsider bringing forth another annointed CD. I miss you so much in spirit and truth. God's grace is sufficient to forgive our trespasses as we learn from them. God Bless, Kay

Posted by Vincent D'Souza in Bangalore, India @ 18:50 on Sep 14 2011

Dear Mr MacAlmon,

I have enjoyed and have been blessed by your worship on so many occasions and do feel privileged to use your songs while I myself lead worship. Truly, the Lord has used you to lead so many into His presence. Thank you for your 'Yes' to Him.
We are all on a journey. There are so many hurdles that we have to get across through this journey. Sometimes we do trip and stumble. Many a times we fall and bruise ourselves really bad. But the greatest blessing is that, through all these things 'we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us' and He has already won the victory for us. All we need to do iis to claim that victory amidst our failure and He is ever ready to raise us up once again. I'm sure you will come through this difficult time by the grace of our loving Saviour. God be with you always.

Posted by Peter J Shepherd in Fort Worth, TX @ 09:52 on Sep 10 2011

My first time, experiencing worship with Terry tonight, was perhaps the best experience I have had in years.

Yes, Terry sinned, as we all have, BUT GOD has forgiven and restored him. May God use his music to give hope, healing, deliverance, and restoration to many others.

Posted by Dina Delfino in Melbourne, Australia @ 01:09 on Sep 6 2011

Terry's music and songs are one of my favourites. They search the soul and bring it to the throne of God, with such power and anointing. I SING PRAISES makes me cry. I got to know Terry's journey only lately. I have been touched by the way he handled his crisis and wish him well. No one has the right to judge. We all fall short of the glory of God. In His mercy and kindness, we hope to be healed and restored and become better servants. Kind blessings to Terry, his family and ministry. Hope you can come to Australia!

Posted by zoe in midwest @ 05:46 on Sep 3 2011

I will NEVER EVER play his music fact I will throw out all of it! He is a cheater, and a big fake. He can't even do the right thing for his children's sake let alone for his poor wife's sake! He isn't a real man of God he is an impostor!!!Jesus said , "You will know them by their fruits".

Reply by Cheryl in Toronto @ 17:43 on Oct 13 2011

Easy there my dear. Be very careful how you tear God's anointed apart. Remember even King David sinned against God, yet the Lord has always referrred to him as "a man after my own heart" Paul says to be very careful, lest you yourself fall. There is not one of us that the Lord has had to restore. We must be our brother's keeper. Satan, our accuser does not need our help. He can do his work all be himself. You be the Lord's extended right hand. Don't think for one moment that you are so holy that you will never stumble or fall. He who has been forgiven much, forgives and loves much. "Christians" and too eager to tear each other down. United we stand, divided we fall. You need to pray for Mr. MacAlmon. I am sure you have been blessed by his gifting. And don't for one moment think that God will remove this gift from him. His giftings are without repentance. I suggest you fall on your face before our Holy God and repent of you silly rantings. When Job's wife told him to curse God and die, he said she was foolish. God is still God and HE is still in the business of restoration. Remember HE is the repairer of broken walls and the RESTORER of the Breach.

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Reply by gabriel Gradney in Lawndale, Ca. @ 19:52 on Sep 14 2011

The God I know has many Names and one of them is the God of Restoration. As He forgave and restored king David he has done the same for the Psalmist. Our Holy Father said that if we do not forgive He will not forgive us our truspasses.

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Posted by Elizabeth in Washington state @ 21:04 on Sep 1 2011

Dear Mr. MacAlmon I just wanted to encourage you to keep pressing on. All of us walk a life that is imperfect when set against the backdrop of Jesus' life. Our failures are as vast and varied as can ever be imagined. This is why He came and died for us. I thank the Father every day for His amazing gift of grace that He provided. His gifts are irrevocable and remain unchanged and He has clearly given you an amazing gift of worship. His expectation of us is not perfection but the humility repent when we fall and the strength and determination to get back up when we do. I don't know where you're at with the process of your restoration but I want you to know that there are many of us out here waiting for you eager to join you in glorious worship once again. We've missed you terribly...we have not found any other worship music that so wonderfully carries us to the throne of God as yours does. My prayers remain with you and my hopes high that soon we will have you back again.

Your sister, who fails every day in many ways


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