Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

These are reader comments for the article 'Fallen Worship Leader'

Reader Comments

Posted by goodheart @ 20:26 on Apr 24 2011

Dear Brother:
God always with you, Thank you for your music
Jesus is risen, praise Him~

Posted by Michael Galletta in San Jose, CA @ 15:25 on Apr 22 2011

My dear brother in the faith, peace to you and your precious family ,in teh name that is abovve every name. Jesus, the son of the living God. The pwoer of God on your life and minsitry has impacted teh body of Christ to bring Salvation, deliverance and healing to all who have had the priveledge of hearing your anointed ministrel abilities. Gods power is release when the Davidic Worship sounds throughout the corridors of time. WE lvoe you and dwill continur to pray for you and your beautiful family. shalom.

Posted by Etheleene Freeman in Kingwood, Texas @ 17:51 on Apr 20 2011

I am still praying for Terry asking and believing for total restoration. I pray for The Lord to give him a new song, a greater ministry, a greater love for the lost that will show in his work. His music in concert has such an anointing that after I have soaked in it, people see The Glory of The Lord on me. I know it came from the concert music of Terry.

Posted by Haleema Moonesar in Trinidad / West Indies @ 20:47 on Apr 14 2011

Mr. Macolman, we are humans and we make mistakes in life; but we have an advocate to forgive and cleanse us from unrighteouness; a repentent heart God honours; be genuiene and repent and move on; forget people and their comments; God will forgive u, once you are willing to through away your past and continue to toil for the Lord. God bless and we are praying for in Trinidad! U did great worship and please continue to bless the world at large!

Posted by Barbara in Virginia @ 02:58 on Apr 14 2011

Dear Terriy, I am so SORRY to hear of this...I can't begin to tell you, or anyone, how God has used your music to truly touch my soul and bless me.
My prayer, dear brother, is that God fully restores you, and He will, if you allow Him.
For "we have all fallen short of God's glory"
Love, Peace, Prayers for you and family!

Posted by roland in phillipines @ 02:00 on Apr 11 2011

Thank you for you have been such a blessing to me. I look forward to see you again in the ministry, I pray in JESUS NAME amen!

Posted by Juanita Schroeder in Wright City, MO @ 21:23 on Apr 7 2011

Terry, God's mercy endures forever, just keep on keepin' on for you are ministering to multitudes and we are praying for you and believing for you to stick with Jesus WHOLEHEARTEDLY until Jesus returns for the church.

Posted by rod in philippines @ 16:49 on Apr 7 2011

words and prayers are already made, . .
received the grace of the Lord you are blessed,highly favored and deeply love by God

Posted by Ivamere Codrokadroka in Fiji Islands @ 23:06 on Apr 6 2011

Terry!! I know that you feel like you have failed many, your loved ones and even God!!! I'm your daughter here to encourage you; that our God is greater than our failures; weaknesses and sin...and he is a God of second chance...i may not know you physically...but God's immense grace and boundless love has not still changed and never will.... Mrs. Macalmon.... Going with Christ becomes a real challenge when we choose to continue in Christ's way and not that of the world's.......You might say"You don't know anything that's going on in my life" But, this is how we are different from those that are of the world. The pain, struggle, disownership from our loved ones, rejections that comes with it is what we have to endure as daughters of the Most High God.... God is still ALIVE! and Yes!! He Still Hears Prayers!!! In your greatest hour of distress and Hurt!! Cry It out to Him!! The God of Peace Is Always With You!!!He will never leave you nor forsake you!!!

Posted by Roseanne Okiyo in Kenya @ 14:20 on Apr 4 2011

I cannot believe this! please read Psalm 51. God can restore you if and only if you go back to Him in a repentant heart. I listen to your worship and my soul is blessed. Time is running out my brother! I am sure and trust that there is some grace, mercy and love for you from our Father in heaven. time is running out! may you be restored in the name of Jesus.

Reply by Pamela Eskridge in USA @ 01:52 on May 2 2011

All of us are capable of falling. 1John 1:9 that in order to be forgiven we must confess. Call sin sin and turn from it back to God’s heart for forgiveness. There is only one way and that is God’s way. Yes, He will forgive and restore! God can be honored again in your life and your ministry. We pray That you will (if you have not already done so) come before the leading of the Holy Spirit and those who are your mentors/leaders in the faith.
Be obedient as He gives you grace. We are praying for you and know God rejoices when His children return to Him after falling into sin.
There is no other way but by the same cross that saved us in the beginning.

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