Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

These are reader comments for the article 'Fallen Worship Leader'

Reader Comments

Posted by Ron V Jackson in U.S.A. @ 13:52 on Apr 4 2011

We should never be so quick to judge. Everybody is under increased pressure everyday of their life. That is why we must seek the wisdom of God and pray. If we fall short of God's glory (which we all do from time to time), we must repent quickly then get back in the saddle. I am not quick to judge anyone. God did not give me a black robe in which to judge others. I judge not less I be judged. God already put into his statues a principle that should prevent all of us from sitting on our holier-than-thou chair. That principle says, whatsoever things we sow; those things shall we also reap. Let's simply pray for the fallen. Be blessed.

Posted by EVELYN in brooklyn,New York @ 14:46 on Mar 26 2011

God is a forgiving God and is able to restore any child of his that falls. We must repent and come back to God with a repentence heart and sincere to surrender to him who body and soul. and spirit. When God put man and wife together let no man break them up. Do not listen to man listen to GOD still voice. He is able restore and heal the broken hearts

Posted by Nadine Deans in Jamaica @ 14:45 on Mar 23 2011

I am so grateful to God Almighty the that you have returned to the kingdom. I too prayed for you as a brother in Christ. There is no doubt that God has given you the gift the ministry of worship. Now that you have returned I am sure hell is not happy. We continue to cover you with prayer. Continue to usher people into the very presence of the Lord. Thank you for being obedient to His will.

Posted by Terry Bennett in Albany Oregon @ 00:14 on Mar 22 2011

Brother Terry, I am now at this moment listening to Pikes Peak Worship. One year ago today I was in a horrendous accident when a front end loader ran over me twice in a work accident. Daily I have listened to your music during my recovery effort. I know God has anointed you to bring not only worship as your gift but your worship also allows God an avenue to bring healing to those like myself. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance and everytime I have listened to your music I pray God will restore your desire to once again lead the Body of Christ in worship to our King and Saviour. Blessings Terry Bennett

Posted by Sunita Gangadeen in Trinidad and Tobago @ 13:06 on Mar 10 2011

My brother in the Lord, may the Lord restore your joy and his peace forever reign upon your heart. I love your music and songs of praise and worship, I will never forget you nor the gifts that the Lord has bestowed upon you. When you worship the Lord you usher in the presence of the Lord immediately, when you visited TCC in Trinidad it was certainly a pleasure hearing you sing in person unto our King of Kings - Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. "Thou a man may fall seven times the Lord will pick him up" and who is man that God is mindful of him, the Lord remembers that we are dust and today we are here and the next we are not, be encouraged and your worship takes me straight into God's throne room and it's an awesome experience, no music has ever done that for me but the gift that the Lord has given to you. For your gifts has certainly made room for you. Be Encouraged.....Sunita.

Posted by Terry in Malaysia @ 04:38 on Mar 10 2011

He was just warming up and his worship really bless me, what a waste. However, our God restores !! Terry, our heartfelt prayer for you, you would be restored like David !

Posted by Laura Evans in Compton, California @ 16:56 on Mar 2 2011

Terry, I so grateful to God that you recognized your downfall and want to seek your peace and anointing back from God. He said that if we confess with our mouth and believe in our hearts he is faithful to forgive. I believe he has done this for you. You are a great psalmist and the anointing that you were given will be restored. You sing out to God and love our souls at the same time. I am glad that he returned your soul to rest in him. I listen to your worship songs and I know that God is listening. I can feel his presence with me during worship. We fall down but we get up and thank God for Jesus whom gave us this right. We are humans and our flesh sometimes get weak even though our spirit is strong. Jesus told the disciples when they asked. Lord how many times must we forgive someone; seven times and he answered seven times seven. There is no man that can judge you or blame you or count you at fault but God, so with that said I say May God continue to bless and keep you through the Holy Spirit. Please don't give up on us or Jesus because he never gives up on us. I love you, my brother in Christ

Posted by bill in aussie @ 02:59 on Feb 28 2011

repent!!!!!!! to recieve the anointing again terry cry out to the lord , for hes tender to those who cry to him from the broken and contrite heart , look poor and miserable before him and he will return your life.

Posted by debbie traylor in georgetow ky @ 02:03 on Feb 20 2011

I have known Terry since grade school... i remember him playing the piano for us in class one day... of course at that time non us us knew where the LORD would take him. All i can say is we all fall and make mistakes. The most important thing is that we learn from them and seek the Lord. I prayer you can do that... your talents are to be used to glorify the Lord. I will pray for you and also for all the others that are affected by this horrible attack of satan on your ministry and your family.
Strength to you..

Posted by John Gatembe in Mombasa. Kenya East Africa @ 07:28 on Feb 19 2011

You got such a big ministry and a divine assignment that you cannot neglect cause God himself, men of the bible and them that know you in this life are waiting to see you finish well and they will be grateful to hear our heavenly father telling you one day,"well done good and faithful servant. And hence don't allow the Devil to take glory by putting you down. A rigteous can fall but hear this, if he is willing he can and will rise again. You are that righteous man. Rise up, your family needs you, and the believers as well. Rise up man of God even to another level I pray.

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