Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

These are reader comments for the article 'Fallen Worship Leader'

Reader Comments

Posted by Fran Chavis in Gilbert, S.C. @ 15:59 on Nov 7 2017

Dear Terry,

God gives gifts without repentance, So, If he has freely forgiven you, Who am I not to forgive.? I still listen to your praise music and still feel the annointing. It has NEVER BEEN ABOUT YOU OR ME , ONLY HIM!
If we all can remember that , we can all forgive more freely! Accept HIS forgiveness and allow God to heal all of your lives and move on to obey Him in whatever He calls you to. You did not take God by surprise! He knew all about you before the beginning of time and He is NOT THROUGH WITH YOU !!!!!!!!!

Posted by ANTHONY KANYAMBU in kENYA @ 20:35 on Aug 24 2017

OOOOOH my dear friend Terry really happened, but you can still get restored.God is God of mercy, thus He is always called "MERCY"

Posted by Cynthia Bowkett in United Kingdom @ 19:02 on Jun 26 2017

Dear Terry and family my heart goes out to you all, God knows all about us and how our lives will span out on earth and we also know and agree before we come here what we are taking on.He also knows we all sinners,and that the devil tempts us every second of the day as humans we are not Perfect. The pain we feel when we hurt God/and our loved ones I know is unbearable I believe the torment for our sin feels like hell in our minds. Forgive yourself as God does. You give us all World Wide so much pleasure in your gifts of music/voice from the Holy Spirit. Believe in all the love of God/ joy/ happiness you bring taking people like me also a repentant sinner on a journey to The Lord's Throne. May God heal /Bless you and your family always Thank you Terry for all your hard work and honesty. Cynthia from UK

Posted by fredrick inzai k in molo kenya @ 12:25 on Jan 25 2017

I don't understand how can one be lifted of the Lord and turn around to ashamed the Lord into sexual sin...I read this article with tears...remember David.....

Reply by Pamela in Ohio @ 21:41 on Feb 3 2017

It is as simple as someone's choice. You can be extremely close to God and still make the wrong choice. No one is exempt and everyone has to be very careful that they follow What God Says at all times because a second later you could make the same bad choice as someone else you thought you'd never act like.

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Posted by child of the king in london england @ 18:38 on Dec 9 2016

Dear terry and your beautiful wife you need to receive gods grace in this situation in this time only the lord your god understands the heart are not the lord mercy's are new every morning , I read how your mother gave her self to the lord for your life in prayer and here you are clearly the devil loves all christains who make mistakes but now you have to clean on the scriptures so you can bring glory to god , I want to say you are weak both of you but understand it restoration which will glorify the saviour . terry you have failed in this matter but terry its not without forgiveness , you are a man who clearly wants to be restored or you would not be in this place . it takes a second to be retored , to be recognised with your wife a moment as well , you need to say sorry and believe you are forgiven if your wife has forgiven you and the family then you must take hold of that forgiveness for your self it works both ways terry we forgive but we must forgive are selves to , we struggle all of us do with forgiving are selves but its not impossible to do it , just receive so others can see its possible to . you must kick the devil in the pants don't let him win your marriage or family , don't give god your heart , be broken and go back to god ok , its vital to restore it will change your family so much more , your music comes from above I want to say 2 night in a row I couldn't slee for be troubled ok your songs came over the radio I didn't know the time i just new that god had touched my heart with the words of restoration . Psalm 46. 10 be still and know you are god.
Hebrews 4..9.10 there is still, a rest for the people of god .

Posted by Judd in East coast USA @ 13:00 on Oct 2 2016

I certainly understand that Gods mercy triumphs over judgement , but you simply cannot just say ,"sorry God wipe your mouth , let a few months pass and expect the same anointing again. King David was never the same after his fall into adultery .
You see if Terry had been an average person , a 9-5 family man , the stakes wouldn't have been so highl to get back to restoration .
To much is given , much is required . Now I believe that God would have turned things around possibly to the former glory had Terry salvaged his marriage .
But all too often these people just move on and think all is well. Paula , and Randy White , The guy with Tattos,Jim Baker...
We also as a family used to listen to and recognized his strong anointing , but we can't listen to it anymore. There's a hinderance now. Things were not done right .
Again if Terry weren't in ministry I believe the accountability would not have been as severe. But this is not the case . We must count the cost in minstry , and if we God forbid find ourselves wanting of the Spirit because of sin we must not do as these people but leave permanently. If God desires us again in ministry that's his business .
We wouldn't throw a sex offender or person who is a drunk into ministry . It's the same thing . We seem to care more for the "anointing " then for righteousness .
Judd Sands

Posted by Deb Switzer in Wilkesbarre of @ 20:56 on Sep 12 2016

Terry. I was just praising and worship with you once again. Same album for the last 15 years. It's the only one that brings me to the throne to worship. It's the live one. I started looking for the first time to see where I could go where you were and found out about your recent struggles. Please, the gifts of God are without repentance. Yes you must, to get back into the bigness of it with big ministry's but you are forgiven and did knew it from the beginning. Your steps are ordered and there is no condemnation. Let His grace do it's mighty work else why did he die! Read Norman Grubb, Sylvia Pearde and get free and healed my brother. Love you!

Posted by Maxine in Barbados @ 17:20 on Jun 20 2016

You know Terry God led me to your awesome ministry because I sought deeper worship and communion with him. I started with the old familiar songs we sang in Barbados years ago and discovered some awesome worship songs I've never heard in the process. You are truly an anointed minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a true worshipper, the kind that worships in spirit and truth... That's why the devil will be after your soul. Do not let him have it!!! It belongs to Jehovah your God and creator who has anointed you as one of your songs say for such a time as this !!Take the time you need to heel. God gives beauty for ashes. We the redeemed as you have called us in one of your songs understand how the enemy works and therefore we do not judge you. I know you must be a true believer to have walked away from ministry with a burdened soul and not stay in ministry with sin in your heart But God is a restorer of them that diligently seek him and he casts sin into the sea of forgetfulness. With a repentant heart he will set you free. You have confessed the sin. The first step,has been taken now allow God to work in you and do the rest. He is faithful and will restore you. He needs us for the last " going down" satanism time is short and he has turned up the heat on us. Greater is he that is within us though. Let this last thing I say encourage you. I sent two of your songs to a friend this morning and some of the exaltation from your worship and she messaged me to say I am skipping.... God bless you bro.

Reply by charles Hazen in Phoenix @ 20:35 on Jun 12 2017

Wow! Now is the time to press into the things of God. Give and it shall be given unto you, keep pressing in. For these are the days of Elijah...

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Reply by Lady P in The Bahamas @ 01:06 on Sep 4 2016

I concur with every word Maxine in Barbados said. As a matter of fact I just finished worshiping with one of your CDs. Terry you are so well loved world wide and we do appreciate your HOLY GHOST FILLED, Worship songs, they take us straight to the Throne Room of the Father who loves you. I do hope that by now you would have REPENTED because He misses you and He's waiting on you Terry.

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Posted by Brigitte Blevins in Topeka KS @ 18:24 on May 30 2016

Terry, I just not long ago heard your music. It is so anointed by God. No wonder the devil tried to stop you. Forgive yourself. Go back and make things right with your wife and family. We love you and are praying for you and your family. Remember --- the gift of God is without repentance

Posted by kabuga in kenya @ 11:23 on Jul 18 2015

Surely the beginning of wisdom is to shun evil, His purpose on the cross is that we will be washed from all our sins, for
HE entered the most holy place by His own blood, our Lord Jesus. Embrace repentance as we seek eternity. He Is Coming

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