Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

These are reader comments for the article 'Fallen Worship Leader'

Reader Comments

Posted by Jane in North Carolina @ 20:32 on May 18 2015

Sometimes you can sing a song so much you can become numb to what you are actually singing. You may start to listen to voices that are not the voice of God that may lead you astray. You soul is the most important thing in life. I pray that you would not become numb to God's voice and not tune him out. Praying for a new song to be put in your heart!

Posted by Dr.Silas Ayako in Kenya @ 22:13 on Apr 25 2015

Your songs have brought amazing revival here in Kenya, there is a great end time revival sweeping all the globe from Kenya and your songs are being featured in this end time revival of holiness and repentance. Millions of people are returning to Christ globally and preparing for the glorious coming of the Messiah. Don't hesitate, get to your first wife and repent your sins to God in Christ Jesus, He is faithful and just to forgive your sins and wash you from all your unrighteousness.

Posted by Marilyn in California @ 00:47 on Apr 11 2015

Terry: Three years ago a friend was listening to one of your CD's. I stopped, tears came....and the presence of the Lord was so strong. When I found out your name, I purchased every CD...bought them for gifts. EVERYONE tells me they have never heard such anointing, never felt so drawn to the throne of God. Just today I learned why there are no new CD's out. Will it change the ministry of your music? Absolutely not...but I will be praying for you every time your songs take me to God's throne. I understand why the devil attacked you so diligently. No other man/music has been so anointed and worshipful before the throne. You have brought me from discouragement to praise over and over. And P.S. Our prayer group will be praying for you daily. You are loved beyond measure by the Jesus who gave you your talents. Blessings.....

Posted by Bernard Jiseve in Kenya, Vihiga County @ 22:51 on Apr 10 2015

Your songs have brought amazing revival here in Kenya, there is a great end time revival sweeping all the globe from Kenya and your songs are being featured in this end time revival of holiness and repentance. Millions of people are returning to Christ globally and preparing for the glorious coming of the Messiah. Don't hesitate, get to your first wife and repent your sins to God in Christ Jesus, He is faithful and just to forgive your sins and wash you from all your unrighteousness.

Posted by C Alleyne in London, England @ 09:20 on Feb 28 2015

My dear brother, my heart go out to you as we are all tempted as children of the Most High. Jesus is Lord of the Harvest and regardless of where we find ourselves he is waiting for us to cry out to him. There is nothing that Jesus can't mind as he went on the Cross of Calvary for it. Spend time with Jesus, through his ministry and God's word which would assist to clear our thoughts, words and deeds. It is not finished until God says it is finished.

Posted by Joann Epps in Freehold, NJ @ 21:24 on Jan 21 2015

My heart is wounded knowing my anointed brother fell into the hands of the one who comes to steal kill and destroy. His music ministered to many times when I was discouraged. God forgives and He will restore if the person wants to be. I pray my brother want restoration. However, he the right thing by stepping down until he get his spiritual walk in order.

Posted by jeanette blohm in Noble Park victoria Australia @ 09:44 on Dec 3 2014

Terry. Just listening to your CD Everlasting love,still affects me thesame way as did years ago.lm a worshipper myself and had a relationship few years ago caused me walk away from my first love,but God brought me back and has forgiven me,he never forsakes us,he waits for us to cry out for his forgiveness and he so loves you.he comes to bind up the brokenhearted and heals our wounds luv in JESUS ps a bruised Reid he never breaksT

Posted by Jacqueline Lebaivalu in Hawaii @ 07:21 on Nov 23 2014

I want brother Terry to hear me. I am a wife of a Pastor. My Pastor husband committed adultery with a young woman in our church. But I took my pain to Jesus and he healed my wounded soul, I was able to forgive and love my husband for who God made him be in life. Your anointed songs have blessed a million, and to tell you, your reputation doesn't change the anointing of your songs when I listen I always enjoy my time with God when I play your song. Show the devil Jesus is powerful when you forgive yourself and come back to the Lord. Love your family serve God faithfully and make the devil loose. God bless

Reply by Reeta in Scotland @ 19:15 on Jul 3 2015

I am so happy, Jacqueline that you were able to forgive your husband and that your marriage has been restored. Praise God. Your husband confessed 'his' sins - mine hasn't and continues to lead a church and has never asked my forgiveness or acknowledged that he has done wrong. He just tells people that I left him. I now live alone and pray that he will, eventually, confess. I pray for the handful of members of his church who snub me (because they believe that I left him for someone else). I now have a new and beautiful spiritual family in my new church and feel that God lead me there.

Satan is as active on planet earth as he always was and we are foolish to ignore that fact.

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Posted by dawn marcelissen in hastings hawkes bay nz @ 20:13 on Nov 18 2014

Dear terry no one can worship like you when you dont feel well just turn on your dvd and go into another world god forgives you and so do we do not give up hope you are what the world needs and our churches need to get back to real worship like yours keep strong and courageous blessings

Posted by Cynthia in Canada @ 17:02 on Oct 21 2014

You know when someone gifted like Terry and his music is true and Godly, the enemy knew that and the power he had through praise and worship and that low life scum(the enemy) had to drag terry and his reputation down, I'm praying for you Terry and your wife.

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