Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

These are reader comments for the article 'Fallen Worship Leader'

Reader Comments

Posted by Jean in Ireland @ 17:53 on Oct 5 2014

My Dear Brother in Christ,

God Loves you Terry, you are not alone. I am praying for you, your Wife and Family.

Posted by Bella Donnelly in NZ @ 03:49 on Sep 23 2014

Terry your worshiping is truly amazing. When I first became born-again your music is what keeps me alive and in touch with our Almighty God of the heavens. We are truly blessed to have you and your worshiping. I never get tired of your worship music it takes me to another level in Christ Amen Amen Amen.

Posted by dan robinson in lou. ky. @ 21:36 on Sep 6 2014

i love your music an I do some of your songs.gods presence shows up because of your songs.praying for you. preachor john bunion in 1 of his books said he was temped by the devil , while preaching to the people to speak words of blastfemy. GOD is love if my sweet granddaughter did something bad ,I still love her!!!!!!

Posted by crystal in Melbourne @ 11:36 on Sep 1 2014

Dear brother in the Lord.
You still belong to christ. He is with you and loves you regardless of your slip.
The enemy wants you out but Jesus is waiting to fight for you. The choice and decision is in your hands.
Just yesterday I was brought to tears listening to your CD ' this is the time for true worshipers to worship him in spirit and in truth' . Make the right decision to repent and return to christ.
Let your ministry take off like never before.

Posted by la vern farley van t in United States @ 04:05 on Aug 31 2014

Brother Terry: I am playing your cd now. Know you are in my prayers. So many people are blessed by your gift. Don't stop with your praise. bless you. La vern

Posted by Cecilia Galindo in New orleans, LA @ 22:08 on Jul 20 2014

Hay cosas mas grandes q nuestro Padre Celestial mira, como la humildad, el arrepentimiento y q nos volvamos a El de todo corazon. Levanta tu cabeza porq El ya la bajo hace mas de 2000 años en la cruz del Calvario. Te dice el Señor: Tu no eres perfecto, eres un varon conforme a mi corazon, en este tiempo te remontaras a mayores alturas a traves de la alabanza, he cambiado tu plumaje y tu pico como a las aguilas, tu canto y tus palabras sanaran el corazon de multitudes.
Sigue adelante, eres de bendicion para multitudes, cuando adoras a Dios, las huestes celestiales se unen a ti.
El Dios de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob, te bendiga siempre.

Posted by Louis B. Tobin in Mountain Home, Arkansas @ 05:04 on Apr 30 2014

Jesus will never forsake you or leave you. I'm a Christian, but I have sinned even looking at another woman. I'm so thankful that the Holy Spirit convicts me and I have repented. King David went into deep depression until he realized that God was waiting for him to repent. God did!
So while we are still alive in this body, our flesh will try to convince us that sin is O.K. God sent his son, who was and is sin for us. He is our propituation and our heavenly advocate who loves us. Like Paul said. "I have to die daily. There will come a day. I'll pray for you my friend that God will restore you. The prodical son came back home after living a sinful life and his father ran to him with open arms. i believe God wants you back home.

Posted by Preokosifa Prebi in Nigeria @ 21:51 on Apr 12 2014

Bro Terry, I logged in to check out if there re new songs done by u, but just found out about your backsliding. Pls come back to Jesus, He has freedom for the scars & mistakes that u ve made, thats the beauty of His grace. U cant be too far away from His grace. The memories ll be erased. Dont let the devil use u as gain. Jesus Loves U.

Posted by Janet in Florida @ 18:22 on Mar 24 2014

Dear Terry, Your worship music is some of the Most anointed I've ever experienced. It has blessed us for many years. That is part of why I feel so troubled about what you & your family has been through. I was so sad to hear about your decision to divorce your wife, rather than reconcile believing that God could not restore you to your wife & the decision to remarry someone who was not your wife. God sees covenant differently than we do & it seems that not many in the body of Christ have a working heart knowledge of just how deep covenant goes. I realize that this is like "closing the barn door after the horse has gotten out," but I'm praying for the Lord to reveal some things to you, so that you can share with others & they may be able to avoid these pitfalls. I know God has forgiven you, just as He forgives all of us who call out to Him. I'm just personally torn right now because of what Jesus said about divorce & remarriage. This is such a hard subject & touches So many Christians today. I pray that you will clearly hear from Him.

Reply by Lela in Arkansas @ 14:10 on Jul 17 2014

Well said Janet. I've just started listening to this worship music through a women's prayer group I attend. After 32 years of marriage my husband and I became separated. No infidelity was involved. During our separation, God started dealing with my heart and showed me that someone has to die to self in our relationship and being the Christian in our marriage I knew that needed to be me. Our marriage has been restored by The Lord and through obedience to trust Him to take control of our marriage, we are happier now then we have ever been. We celebrated our 3 year restoration on July 8th and last May our 35th anniversary. Now God has given me a burden to reach out to other couples who are on the path to divorce. God hates divorce.

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Reply by Rev. Juan Feliciano in Springfield, MA @ 15:48 on Apr 24 2014

Yes Sister Janet you are right, God sees covenant marriage differently than what most of our society views it today. We need to continue to uphold what God established from the beginning regardless of the direction our society has taken and even, sadly to say, the shift of opinion the church may be taking. He is the same yesterday as today, His mercies are new every morning and He we have seen Him in the Bible require at times drastic measures in order to get things right with Him. We pray for our Brother Terry who God has used to bless our lives with music towards the throne.

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Posted by Rakhil henry in Bath,uk @ 09:13 on Dec 30 2013

Dear Bro.Terry,you are such a blessing for me and for other people also.I am under treatment for Ca.One night at 3:oclock God gave me a word to go on u tube and listen Terry s song "you do the miracle so Great"Iam so much blessed and believe that God is using you for His glory.pls .dont give up.we all are sinners,there is no one who can claim that he/she never sinned.Jesus came for us to set us free.Its not God s plan to destroy Ur family and ministry.Its devil who is always after God speople to harm them.our Lord is merciful and faithful God .he never levels u nor forsake you.pls .open Ur heart to your father and come back to ministry,Jesus s open Abrams are waiting for you.god bless u.por

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