Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

These are reader comments for the article 'Fallen Worship Leader'

Reader Comments

Posted by TONY in tuldsa, oklahoma, USA @ 15:09 on Sep 18 2013

the man of God. the Lord is with you. Sing, Sing, sing and sing to your Lord He loves you.

Posted by MaryLee Simpson in Tyler Texas @ 05:39 on Sep 3 2013

You have blessed we with your singing,oh my I play your music in the store where I work,those without sin cast the first stone.Adam and Eve walked with God and they sinned,my heart goes out to you and your music ministry may God renew in you what you need to move on.God forgives when we repent.God Keep You and continue to use you.

Posted by elaine higins in australia @ 02:27 on Jul 9 2013

Dear Terry I understand what yr gng through I'm also crying out for healing of my soul....worship is our life source i pray you are restored that Jesus pulls you out of all guilt , greif , shame that his blood washes you and makes you whole again and that u hve double portion anointing of Fire and Life luv you E.

Posted by Rácz Magdolna in Magyarország @ 20:58 on May 5 2013

Helló Terry! Olvastam a híreket rólad, amelyek nem elítélnek, hanem buzdítanak. Én is ezt teszem, hiszen gyarló emberek lévén , képesek vagyunk szabad akaratunkat helytelenül használni, és olyan dolgokat elkövetni ami bűn. Isten az Atyánk Jézus Krisztuson keresztül lát minket, és Őbenne eltörölte a múlt, jelen és a jövőben elkövetett bűneinket is. Kérlek téged Krisztusért, hogy a kegyelmi ajándékot amit Tőle kaptál, használd! Egyidős vagyok veled, van egy 36.éves fiam zenész, ő is az Urat dicséri. 13 éve hallgatjuk a dicséretet tőled, és a fiamnak te vagy a példaképe. Minden vágya az, hogy úgy tudja dicsérni imádni Istent, ahogyan te teszed. Neki is megvan az ajándéka a zeneszolgálatra, ő is felkent dicsőítésvezető.Leszakad a menny mikor te dicséred az Urat.Szeretünk téged, és kegyelem és békesség adassék neked a mi Urunk Jézus Krisztus által, akinek dicsőség örökkön örökké. Ámen

Posted by Uche Suzzanne in Nigeria @ 19:04 on Feb 21 2013

A broken and contrite heart,God,you will not despise.My pastor,God has seen your heart and has also heard your cries.Praise and worship ministries are so dear to Him.The enemy will definitely look for a way to stop you,but remember in all circumstances,God still loves you and He still remains your father.Your songs inspire my family and I.I know generations ciming,will still drink from your songs of inspiration.We love you.

Posted by maxy in kenya @ 07:49 on Feb 1 2013

Terry MacAlmon, i hear your story and i think of David in the bible, the man after GOD'S own heart. This man was not perfect, he committed adultery and murder but at the end of the day GOD says,"this is the man after my own heart". One thing i know Terry is that GOD loves you, coz the GOD of DAVID is still OUR GOD this day. I know you said u don't know if you will go back to the ministry but i know you will, coz GOD will never use you and reject you, the GOD, you, i and others serve is a GOD of mercy and grace. When David sinned most of the time, he preferred falling into the hands of GOD and his wrath, coz he knew that GOD was merciful. I have been out of church for a year but GOD has restored me and i know that he will do the same for you. Terry, JESUS, loves you very much, the worship you gave him it was true and worthy, many people are being blessed thro your ministry. We want to hear you sing more worship my brother so that we can also worship with those songs in our churches hear in kenya. Blessings

Posted by Pastor Victoria S-M in London UK @ 14:56 on Jan 17 2013

To Pastor Terry you have been such a blessing to me my heart burns in worship i pray that you forgive yourself the lord has forgiven you we all make mistakes the ability topick yourself up and move on,Remember there is no condemnation to those who are in christ.
I will continue to pray for you and your family and i know that after this ordeal your ministry will burst through another level,carry your wife along in the ministry i see restoration,All will be well

Posted by Richards in Nigeria @ 07:12 on Jan 9 2013

mortal men give up on themselves when they fell so weak and inadequate to go on but God never does. the range of what we think and do is only limited by what we fail to notice (GOD'S GRACE & LOVE). and because we fail to notice what we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change.

Posted by Edwin in Reading - Uk @ 01:28 on Jan 6 2013

Dear Bro Terry The Lord Jesus loves you so much.Therefore, Be zealous and repent. We need you.Regards Edwin

Posted by GenerationBlessing in The South Moluccan Island @ 19:17 on Dec 14 2012

Dear Terry and closed Friends.

Long time ago I received from a young woman a cd from you.
I look at it and I saw a photo an young man after his piano.
I never listen to this cd and I have never hear about Terry Macalmon.

But after ten years God´s Spirit moves me to use this cd for my healing seminars.
I take it from my libary and start to listen `I came to Worship You´.

And the most favorite song is ´Father of creation´.
Today I use this cd for my Restoration Seminars for
the South-Moluccan people.

Dear Terry and closed Friends and family. Father of mercy and creation has forgive
us all. I am looking forward to see you to praise His mercy again and again.

Arise and be enlightened!

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