Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

These are reader comments for the article 'Fallen Worship Leader'

Reader Comments

Posted by Patricia in Brooklyn @ 13:35 on Nov 27 2010

When I first heard you on Benny HINN years ago your music led me into the presence of God together with some friends we travelled to Colorado for your worship festival and what a blessings it was ,Ihave been interseeding for you and I know God has plans for you, you are my Brother in faith and I love you continue singing for the Lord ,Iwill continue to pray for you your family and your Ministry.

Posted by MELANIE JONES in OAST, AUSTRALIA. @ 05:07 on Nov 27 2010

I would just like to add my support to Terry and his family at this time of stress in their lives and add my prayers to those of your many supporters whose lives have been touched and changed by the anointed music coming from this man. Having been in a similar situation I can truly the Lord not only heals but can completely restore as we yeild to Him And it really is no one elses businees but theirs. May God richly bless and keep your family!

Posted by Tjaart coetzee in South Africa @ 16:41 on Nov 25 2010

thank God for His Grace Abounds and He is the author and finisher of our faith, we are praying for you and your family God bless

Posted by Jan in San Diego, CA @ 06:52 on Nov 25 2010

My heart is broken to hear of your having left the love and strength of Jesus Christ that you sing so powerfully of. I am crying as I write this. Jesus has used your music to transport my weary soul and dry spirit into His presence. When I listened to your music, I chose to take the Lord's way of escape from my own temptations. It breaks my heart that you did not heed the words of your own music. I got on your site tonight to see if you have any concerts planned here in San Diego so that I could take my unsaved husband with me; I was praying that the Lord would use what I thought was your sincere faith and sanctified life to bring my husband to salvation. But now I doubt my husband, who is such a precious, deeply loving and faithful husband who passionately believes divorce is not an option after making a commitment to marriage, would be able to get past your betrayal to the Lord Jesus, your wife and family. It is true that the Lord Jesus forgives us when we come to the Cross broken-hearted over the ugliness of our sin and when we truly repent (not make excuses for why we sinned and never commit that sin again) but He does not prevent us from having to pay the consequences for that sin here on earth and of having lost opportunities to win precious souls to Him. I pray for restoration in your life and that of your family. It is not too late to ask the Lord to restore your marriage and family life. Jesus Christ still works miracles today when we cast our sin at the foot of the Cross and submit to His rulership. If you do that, He may choose to use your contrite, obedient spirit and musical talent to bring glory to Him in a new way. I will be praying for you. May our Lord Jesus Christ bring complete healing in your life.

Posted by Patience in London @ 22:18 on Nov 21 2010

Am over joyed to see and hear you sing again after all that have happened. Our God is good and He will never leave nor forsake you. May our Good Lord restore and continue to guide you. I have prayed for this day, to see you sing again to the glory of God and to shame the devil and that has come through. Am happy that you still love the Lord, am overjoy, am glad. Remind steadfast my dear brother in Christ.

Posted by Diane Glerum in Grand Rapids, Michigan @ 15:02 on Nov 16 2010

Terry, It was just this morning as I pulled up your site, that I learned of your broken life. I'm crying as I write. My grief is for your spirit and that of your family. May the Lord bring complete healing back into your life. As you seek His repentance, I pray you become a Better, not bitter man.
I have never heard such annointed music as yours. I listen to it almost daily. None brings me into the Kings chambers like your music. Don't let His song go out of your heart. He IS your healer, after all.:>)

Reply by Millisa in Mass @ 04:25 on Nov 20 2010

You can now find Terry MacAlmon on Facebook. He re-entered ministry this past May, 2010 and just released his first cd since having left a few yrs back. The new Cd is entitled, "A Worshipful Christmas" --and is exceedingly anointed.. Songs you have not heard done "that way" ever, only the Holy Spirit seems to do w/Terry. It is a combination of symphony, orchestra, piano and lyrics.. Blessings...

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Posted by Randi Guzewicz in LI,New York @ 21:43 on Nov 12 2010

You know the body is praying for your full restoration...and deliverance in your marriage and walk with the Lord. With God you know all things are possible! It is the submitting to Him and the obedience to the His word that is the decision we pray you will make ..that you will choose this day to let God restore you..repentance and forgiveness from the father is immediate. You have to forgive yourself and know that it is not the unpardonable sin.i pray wife will seek God too dn you both will be restored. God hasn't stepped down from the throne ...and He has gifted you with a beautiful gift of drawing us into the presence of the Lord in a gentle, humble way that is hard to describe. God doesn't take away the gift, but you want to use it for His glory so bottom line the choice is yours. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, and with God all things are possible...ALL THINGS! don't give up, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could even think or ask..We are standing in the gap for your situation..and pray for God's grace and mercy to be poured out on you and your family..and that your anointing will increase as you turn all things over to him.

Be strong in the Lord and the Power of His Might!
You weren't a mistake..God wanted you born and to be used for His glory!

Praying for you,
Randi Guzewicz

Posted by Hayley in South Africa @ 13:25 on Nov 12 2010

Hi, I have never listened to your music but I am sure that you have blessed many with your worship music. I will be attending your worship session tomorrow. I pray 1 Corinthians 13: 7 that love believes, hopes and endures all things. Let God restore all things to you.

Posted by Audrey patra in Kampala- Uganda @ 13:10 on Nov 12 2010

Hi Terry,

Am always blessed by your worship, and truthfully I have learnt a lot from you. I have always prayed for you.Thank you for allowing the good Lord to hold your hand and help you rise again. Ministry begins in "Jerusalem" and then spreads to the rest of the world, may it be so even in your Jerusalem, which in this case is your family. Your family needs you, so my brother pay whatever price it will cost, to see it restored. God will help you through it all. Am praying for you. Audrey

Posted by joy onyeizu in nigeria @ 19:30 on Nov 11 2010

my brother terry,there is still ROOM at the cross 4u.our Lord is so mch intrestd u.your ministry is so mch blessings to lives out are stil a SON of our FATHER. No matter how fa u think u must hav gone..His loving arms ar wide open.we luv u prayn 4u

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