Reader Comments for Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?

These are reader comments for the article 'Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?'

Reader Comments

Posted by Sam Edwards in UK @ 02:04 on Aug 27 2008

Thanks for that.
I'm a Christian and up until recently went to a Hillsong Church. - I'm slowly starting to loose faith in them.
Its seems that theres something not quite right about the whole network. How its ran, and if any questions are asked, your pushed away.

Posted by Daniel in South Africa @ 09:22 on Aug 26 2008

I must be honest, I am in fact dissapointed, but I cannot simply stand by and judge our brother. Yes, he has lied to us all, but do we not also lie? I mean, think about it, how many times do we not lie to ourselves, do we not tell little white lies? Remember, in the eyes of God, it is all the same.

Yes, this is sad, but God promised that everything will work out for the better for those who believe in Him, so I believe that Mike will recover, and he will have a different story to tell, one of complete victory.

Let this be a reminder to us all, let us wake up, let us see that God loves the truth and let us pursue it. God bless

Posted by Rachel in New Zealand @ 04:50 on Aug 26 2008

"my experience is that the devil attacks just before we are about to make major ground for God"
I agree wholeheartedly Ben! We must not be beaten and dragged down by this. In Christ we are 'more than conquerors!'

Romans 8:31-37

What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies.

Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered."

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Posted by roxane in brisbane @ 03:52 on Aug 26 2008

it's been interesting reading everyones personal comments and we are all entitled to it because alot of people are greiving right now and we must make room for each other to do that. our daughter Laura came home from bible college last night and reminded us about the life of King David - God called him a Man after my own heart". This is exactly what the enemy wants to do - divide the body of christ - it comes from within intersetingly enough and not from without. Come on people, let's rise above this. i have 3 teenage daughters who are very involved in the youth movement and this hasn't rattled their faith at all. there's alot we can learn from this. let's put our faith and trust back in the One we are meant to.!

Posted by josh in cornwall @ 01:52 on Aug 26 2008

Whilst shocked, it shows that no matter how high we may pedestal or revere someone... They are only human, like all prophets. You read about anyone in the bible Adam, Noah, Moses, Joshua, David... they all commit sin.

David commited far greater sins, in God's view, all sin is equal, therefore we are all equals.

Some christians are more trusted than others, some more well known. Some are more in the public spotlight, ALL are human, ALL sin, NONE are perfect.

So yes, Mike has sinned, of course he has, just like you.

Posted by Fiona in Kent @ 23:36 on Aug 25 2008

I have watch my leades fall into adultery, lust, and stealing money from the church. I have been damage by false phrophits. I had my Pastor perving on me and telling me it was my fault. The worse times this happen when you know the people really well. I have been damaged by christian councelors. I don't go to church at the moment I can't find one I feel safe in. It doesn't change the fact that God is real and that the Holy Sprit still lives in us, me and those who have hurt us.

Posted by Marion in Scotland @ 21:25 on Aug 25 2008

I have met Danny Gugliemucci and used his materials in our church.
My heart breaks for him and his wife. My prayer for them is that their true friends with build a hedge around them protecting them, and helping them to rebuild trust in their son. He himself must be so unwell to have gone this far.

Posted by Paul in Perth @ 18:56 on Aug 25 2008

Mal I am interested to know if you think that Mike should be held responsible for his actions. In the eyes of many this would be seen certainly from a criminal law point of view as him committing fraud, with the issues that he is currently being tested and diagnosed for they aren't really grounds for him to be held as not having a mental capactiy to know what he was doing is wrong and therefore could only be used in this circumstance as mitigatng rather than the cause. I am a firm believer in showing grace and forgiveness but I am also a firm believer and I believe the Bible also to suggest that when Christians sin we need to make them acknowledge that what they have done is wrong and where it involves the whole church community there should be sanction imposed. This may seem harsh to many but I think that those in fiath have given money and supported this apparent lie deserve to have their feelings of loss and being cheated met and managed effectively. I was wondering if you could comment in regards to church discipline and what your view on that is.

I see a continued growing deification of church leaders today that surfaced during Luther's time and he saw this and saw the Bible and enacted a protest and a reformation. I am a firm beleiver in forgiveness but I cannot see how we should let his actions go undisciplined. Nor can I see that from a Biblical perspective we should let him off without some form of action being taken. I welcome your response ot htis matter because many I have discussed this matter with seem to think we should simply let him off.

Posted by Rachel in New Zealand @ 14:09 on Aug 25 2008

I have read all of the current blogs on this web site so far...

Some thoughts that have stuck out to me:

This must be affecting some people more than others - Those whom were closest to Mike, those whom these events remind them of their own personal life events. - therefore people's reactions will be different based on these factors and the only contribution one person can ever give is from his/her own PERSONAL viewpoint. - No one can give an ultimate opinion. - Everything is coloured by the individual.

Therefore, it is my intention to take everything I read or hear about this situation as one small, coloured part of the bigger picture. (Including: blogs, interviews, newspaper articles, conversations with friends/leaders/relatives)

So far, some of my personal opinions are:

Love the sinner, hate the sin - The deception was abhorrent and there is no justifying it. But that is why God is so good - The worse the action, the more we see God's grace.

God does good things through people despite the bad things they do - When I was younger someone close to me completely betrayed my trust and if I just looked at that ONE action I would find it very hard to have any good opinion of him. But when I look at his life story, there is no denying the good God has done through him - Same for Mike.

Judgement is reserved for God AND those who have been put in authority over us: I am in no position to judge Mike but there are people who are - His leaders. - And as far as I have read so far, they seem to be doing exactly that. He has been suspended from his pasturing position, his father is getting him psychiatric help, and I am absolutely positive that there will be more follow up involved from the leadership in the ACC.

Hope this blog is useful for those out there (like me) who are trying to figure out where they stand and what they think

Posted by Graham O'Leary in Woodford Green Essex @ 10:59 on Aug 25 2008

I can see Jesus bending down and beginning to write in the sand....So I say Please Please Please guys remember how we all live our lives, how daily we fall short, how sometimes the thoughts in our heads could convict us for life, how so undeserving we are of forgiveness and grace yet our Lord and saviour holds nothing against us and freely forgives us time and time again. Yes there will be consequences for Mike for what he has done but God is well able to change, restore and use him for the Kingdom in other ways....Please don't throw stones guys....

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