Reader Comments for Further Gospel Revelations

These are reader comments for the article 'Further Gospel Revelations'

Reader Comments

Posted by A. Sinner Redeemed @ 15:29 on Dec 3 2009

More than ever..we need to pray for the leaders of not just the local church but those who have any public influence esp. worship leaders. I am praying for Emanuel, Tye, Shante, and Emanuel's wife. Amen.

Posted by aw in philly @ 01:57 on Dec 3 2009

I pray for both of these families to overcome hard times in their lives right now. I refuse to judge their actions, for we ALL sin and fall short of His glory, but it's gotta be hard for them becuz they're in the spotlight and they are seen as key examples in the kingdom. I pray that all things work together, matter of fact I know all things will work together bcuz thats the type of God we serve. God bless.

Posted by Stefan in Philadelphia @ 23:04 on Dec 1 2009

why are we gossiping about these people on a christian website when the the bible says don't gossip but restore each other Gal. 6

Reply by Min. H in NC @ 15:55 on Dec 16 2009

"why are we gossiping about these people on a christian website when the the bible says don't gossip but restore each other Gal. 6"

How can we truly restore, when we do not have all the facts. We do not need all the facts when sin occurs. There is alot more here than meets the eye. When situations like this occur, the ripple effects can be devastating. We need to stop acting like a bunch of babies who have fallen in love with some celebrities, and are doing all to protect them, when the best thing they can do is come clean. You need someone from the outside who is not going to be partial.

But you know what's probably going to happen; some people are going to pray, some people do not even care, and this will be forgotten, and no real repentance is going to come forth.

A restoration was attempted, but the last part of this verse was evidently ignored to be careful when helping another out.

We need judgment from within, and we need to stop coddling grown men and women who sin, especially those with a public persona. They chose this life and need to understand that there are consequences. 4-5 fornications/adulteries is not something to just sit on your hands and pray about. Some serious spiritual oversight is necessary here.

Let the world forgive their own by in their way, and let us do it our way. If these people would stop acting like they're in a frat, I believe the Christian community will be more forgiving for coming forth than trying to let this blow over into the sea of forgetfulness.

If we are gossiping, then let THEM come on here and shut us up.

I am straight up enough to say this here and now; I am willing to meet with them face-to-face, hammer this whole thing out. But first, forgiveness must truly start from within their own camp.

My real problem is with Christians who want to act like nothing happened.

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Posted by Bradley Cannon @ 18:34 on Nov 30 2009

I believe that all of this should stop, and that we should be praying for all three. We don't know what happened for sure. We weren't there. We should be sending our prayers and support.

Posted by Min. H in Raleigh @ 14:31 on Nov 27 2009

I am not saying that everything is true, but taking this article at face value, know ye not, a little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump. Had the young fornication within the group been taken care of, this whole debacle could have been avoided.

Posted by AndreaWilliams in Las Vegas Nevada @ 06:24 on Nov 25 2009

All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.... you cant have a testimony without the test!!!! In the name of Jesus...God will HAVE the GLORY!!!!

Reply by SandraSoumahoro in Virginia @ 22:52 on Feb 24 2010

I am far from being able to cast a stone but it looks to me that they have failed the test and should step down as those that were made to in the bible to show that what God stood for then continues to stand for now. My prayers are with all who fail testes but repent to pass the ones yet to come. Remember, the harder it gets only means the devil is losing!

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Posted by Caprice in Macon, Ga @ 03:42 on Nov 25 2009

I am really disappointed in hearing this news, but I pray that it isnt true, I really admire these guys, they have great ministries and its so sad because they have a flock of youth who admire and look up to them to. I love you guys and I'm truely praying for you.

Posted by TEE in S JERSEY @ 00:52 on Nov 25 2009

Not saying this is correct, but all have sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God, if comments made are going to help these individuals than do so, if your comment is in the negative than keep it to yourself but for the grace of God this could be you, praying that the marriages that are in trouble will be healed and reconciled they are only human beings, Only Jesus was Perfect

Reply by Marsha in Baltimore, MD @ 18:55 on Jun 15 2010

It is not as deep as people make it. We are all in the flesh. Just like worldly artist, entertainers and actors if you do not allow God to show you how to handle the spotlight and keep your marriage tight you will fall. Period!!! It is not deep or spooky. I heard Chris Rock on the Tavis Smiley Show the other day. He said a Sr. entertainer told him, "Chris Man, GO HOME!!!" It is called common sense! If these preachers and singers that have been blessed by God to have fame and fortune don't adjust their schedules to include time for relationship w God and family they will fall into the trap every single time. It's sad that the word has more sense than the church. But the bible says that the children of this world are wiser than the children of the light.

We go about things so naive and super-deep spiritual spooky that we throw good old common sense out the window. All the while the world and sinners are shaking their heads looking for the light.

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Reply by a @ 23:32 on Feb 8 2010

that's not a modern message. The bible clearly states to judge not or you would be judged. Jesus showed compassion on the woman accused of adultry. They were ready to stone her, but Christ said he that is without sin cast the first stone. I would suggest you drop your rocks, especially if you live in a glass house

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Reply by Standing in Charlotte @ 20:44 on Dec 30 2009

Speak the truth!!!! God's compassion and forgiveness is greater than mans... Thank God!
I am in agreement J Mosley. We must encourage and pray that marriages that are in trouble will STAND in times of troubles... Stand on the promises of God...
We strive to be Holy... its a process....
2 Tim 1:9....who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began

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Reply by ND in CA @ 23:27 on Dec 29 2009

Spoken in true cliche form!! The modern gospel message of, no judging, all has fallen short, nobodies perfect, and just except any and everybody in love has really tainted the true nature of the Gospel. No wonder why it's so easy for people to make a mockery out of Christianity. People no long fear God because the church no longer fears God. The world is just following our example. They have more moral fiber than we do. When you are on a big platform it is necessary for an open rebuke to take place to show the body such behavior shouldn't be tolerated by those who are supposed to be on the forefront. Guest what... Tye and Truth according to the word of God has disqualified themselves from ministering the Gospel in form of a large platform. Our prayers should be that they are restored in the Grace of God but not in the previous office in which they once occupied. Moses and the high priest aaron was both punished for deeds done while leading God's people......should Tye, Truth, Jamaal Bryant, Zachery Timms, and others be exempt? People will start living holy once we stop excepting anything. Osteen's wife alleged blow up on the plane was a mistake.... cheating on your wife with prostitutes, chior members, minors, and mentors wife is horrible on all levels. True leaders don't just take sabbaticals, they completely step down for the kingdoms sake to not confuse people and hurt the churches witness. They need to understand that God is good even though they are now an usher, or a regular Joe with a regular Job.

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Posted by LOVE GOD in USA @ 23:09 on Nov 24 2009

*Singing “Gospel” music, going to church, or “preaching” does not make a person a “BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN.”
*JESUS said:
(Matthew 15:8)
“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”
(Matthew 7:21-23)
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, “Lord, Lord,” did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
-(2 Corinthians 13:5)

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