Reader Comments for Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce

These are reader comments for the article 'Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce'

Reader Comments

Posted by Beth in MS @ 03:25 on Dec 31 2014

Judging people always seems to be the way to show Christ right? Come on. I don't have it figured out. You don't have it figured out. We can't trust our own wisdom and views. Just love people. Period. It amazes me that I haven't found anyone used mightily by God in the Bible without a messy story and the religious people were the ones who hung him to the cross. Throw your stones people. And remember you are one of the religious people Jesus warned about. Human judgment is why so many in this younger generation abhor Christianity. What a shame. Christ's character is often so far from the Christians who proclaim his name. Shame on all of us. How do we know the story behind the sin, the suffering. A woman abused since she was 4 by an uncle. An abandoned boy who was never shown love by parents. We never truly know. That is why it is simply our job to love. "When we judge people, it leaves no time to love them". Mother Theresa. When we all quit trying to play God and recognize we ALL stand in the same need of grace EVERY single day, that is when change will occur. May I never think I have it more figured out then any other sinner. May I always recognize my humanness and place of need.

Reply by Jessica in Alabama @ 18:49 on Jul 5 2016

My sentiments exactly. How can we show God's love & grace & mercy when we are too busy throwing stones at people. Is divorce ideal? Absolutely not, but a lot of Christians seem to pick & choose which sins are acceptable and which are not.

People seem to forget God's greatest commandment, TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER. He didn't command us to be judge over one another.

God can use anyone and anything for the good of him. He can take broken and empty people and make them whole again.

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Posted by Ben in Uganda @ 13:47 on Dec 6 2014

I'm simply shocked but not very surprised. There must be something wrong with being in taking on a Music Industry Career and have it balance with family career.or call it Marriage Institution.Be it Secular Musicians or Gospel(Christian) Musicians,the plague of divorce on this Career is the same. Bebe Winans, Divorced,Fred Hammond,divorced, Yoranda Adams, divorced, Tramain Hawkins Divorced, Carman (mid or late 50s) never married, Donnie McClirckin never married-50s now,Sandi Patti divorced, the list goes on and on Larry Norman, Peter Case, Mark Williamson, Benny Hester, Randy Stonehill, Chris Eaton. The Devil is liar. May God help us to understand that Jesus was very very strict when it came to matters of marriage. If one marries a divorcee,save for adultery, you are an adulterer. If u look at a woman & you feel like sleeping with her,you are an adulterer already.Wow!! This is strictness take to another level. Eternity is real,just like Hell. When you compare eternity with 80 yrs on earth,the 2 are matchless. May God help us to be patient even when our partners are taking us thru hell. One woman took it to another level.Whenever her husband would go out hunting for prostitutions,she would fast,pray and go for night-prayers praying for the devil to get out of him.She never sought a divorce. Instead she loved her more and prayed for the devil out of her. Rev.,Shamback used to tell that testimony on World Harvest Radio.I'm a Ugandan.But ,most of the reasons and grounds for divorce among American marriages are simply laughable and childish to us. I just cannot imagine that even a slap or a punch on a partner can lead to a divorce. What? One time,my wife of 3 beautiful children of ours threw a kid's chair at me,toppled over things and caused an injury on my finger,blood and pain...Oh... but i forgave her and still call her Honey. Marriage is not a court that you simply wear and put it off at will. Married couples,we need to tolerate each other.

Reply by Charmaine in Trinidad and Tobago @ 16:28 on Oct 9 2017

Love your response.

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Posted by Rose in Scotland @ 23:03 on Nov 11 2014

I have no idea when this divorce took place, I don't have a tv and don't listen to news - all I know is that in my darkest moments Sandy Patty's music lifted me and made me think of God instead of the hell I was living in in abusive marriage. I am so behind news and I am shocked to know she is divorced and remarried. Would I judge her? Never. Whether she was right or wrong is between her and her God. Sometimes staying in a bad marriage is more damaging to kids. maybe hers was not, assuming they both loved their kids but the point is - we all make mistakes and the thing to do is go to God and ask for forgiveness and move on. It is easy for people to tell you what the word of God says. Look at Solomon and David. Who was closer to God than that? One lesson i have learnt from her story and mine is this, never shift your focus from God. If you do, like Peter you will sink! By the way, I thought God allows remarriage if your spouse was involved in adultery? Let us pray for all married people and those intending to marry because satan is a specialist home breaker. Married people, don't accept jobs that take you away from home. Temptation is waiting. God help us who love His law, and lift us when we fall.

Posted by Anni G in Wisconsin @ 15:39 on Feb 2 2014

I wasn't a Christian when I meet and married a man I met in a tavern. Ten years later I accepted Jesus as my Saviour, a year later, so did he. But he continued to be cruel to my children. Said hatefull things to them daily expecially Kellie. She is now an adult who picks abusive men for her life. Talk about learn what you live. Dont judge Ms. Patti's life. You have no clue whats happened behind their walls. No clue at all.

Posted by Roy Lang in Moss Point, Ms. @ 17:00 on Nov 21 2013

Divorce is horrible....I am a minister and have experienced it....didn't listen to Mom and married wrong woman....she was unfaithful....Praise married to a honey....for over 25 years...God has continued to use me for years as a divorced and remarried minister...Melconi is dead wrong about his opinion....needs to get saved...divorce does not tarnish you....only refines you....Melconi is wrong.

Reply by Annelise @ 20:53 on Oct 13 2016

Divorce refines you? Seriously, you need to get your theology right, even if you claim to be a minister. If divorce had such positive outcomes, why would God hate it? Wouldn't God recommend divorce as just another option to make you more like Christ?? Christians are so inconsistent. On one hand, they say no one is to judge. Then they defend someone who judges their spouse as unfit and divorces them. SMH!

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Reply by belle in florida @ 00:52 on Nov 9 2014

God is always right and man takes from the Bible what
suits their choices. Straight is the way to heaven anything
we have to give up down here will be worth it in eternity. I had rather suffer a short life alone here than suffer in eternity.

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Posted by Karen in Georgia @ 05:45 on Nov 19 2013

Judge not least ye be judged. Let him without sin cast the first stone. Do not try and take out a splinter in your neighbors eye until you get the boulder out of your own. David it saids was a man after God's own heart but he committed adultery with Bathseba. We are suppose to forgive our neighbor 70x70! We sin everyday and yes she was in the lime light but she was just using the talent God gave her to glorify his name! That does not make her perfect just forgiven like we are everyday. I have given my all in my two marriages that ended in divorce and the bible said's there are two reasons why you can get a divorce and one is if your spouse is running around like my first divorce and then he hung himself so he committed adultery and then left me a widow and my second was verbally abusive but stayed in my marriage and did all I could to be a good wife and mother and my husband got on prescription drugs and went through our business and home and my personal money of $100,000 but was to sick to know what he was doing. I was still going to stay with him but I think God got me out of the suffering by letting him become a recluse and said he loved me but did not want to live with anyone and I think it is he could not look at me without feeling the guilt of what he had done so there was nothing I could do and Moses said if a husband leaves his wife he must grant her a divorce. I think there are a lot of Christians playing God or not being a good Christian by wanting to burn her at the stake instead of doing what Jesus would do and forgive! This is when a Christian needs to feel the love of others because they are all ready hurting.Pray for them and tell them that. I know what it is like to be judged by all people and that is the people at the church. All sin is equal. God forgave me and I forgive her because I do not even know all the circumstances. Show your Christian humbleness and ask them if there are anything they can do for them.

Reply by john kraft in fargo north dakota @ 08:02 on Jan 21 2014

I pray that God gives you peace and heals you from all the judgmental people who have hurt you.

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Posted by A Divorced Person in USA @ 01:07 on Sep 2 2013

Scripture clearly slams the door shut on remarriage.

Jesus calls remarriage after a divorce…ADULTERY.

America’s divorce rate is the world’s highest because the law permits one partner to unilaterally end a marriage.

Marriages are terminated by one person against the will of the other spouse in 80% of cases.

I wonder how many people would divorce if they knew they were forbidden to remarry as long as their spouse is still living.

Reply by C.Goodman in UK @ 12:12 on Dec 6 2014

From; Got Questions? org
Question: "I am divorced. Can I remarry according to the Bible?
What we can know for sure is that it is God’s plan for a married couple to stay married as long as both spouses are alive (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:6). The only specific allowance for remarriage after a divorce is for adultery (Matthew 19:9), and even this is debated among Christians. Another possibility is desertion—when an unbelieving spouse leaves a believing spouse (1 Corinthians 7:12-15). This passage, though, does not specifically address remarriage, only being bound to stay in a marriage. It would also seem that physical, sexual, or severe emotional abuse would be a sufficient cause for divorce and possibly remarriage. The Bible does not specifically teach this, however.

We know two things for sure. God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16), and God is merciful and forgiving. Every divorce is a result of sin, either on the part of one spouse or both. Does God forgive divorce? Absolutely! Divorce is no less forgivable than any other sin. Forgiveness of all sins is available through faith in Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:28; Ephesians 1:7). If God forgives the sin of divorce, does that mean you are free to remarry? Not necessarily. God sometimes calls people to remain single (1 Corinthians 7:7-8). Being single should not be viewed as a curse or punishment, but as an opportunity to serve God wholeheartedly (1 Corinthians 7:32-36). God’s Word does tell us, thus, though, that it is better to marry than to burn with passion (1 Corinthians 7:9). Perhaps this sometimes applies to remarriage after a divorce.
So, can you or should you get remarried? We cant answer that question. Ultimately, that is between you, your potential spouse, and, most importantly, God. The only advice we can give is for you to pray to God for wisdom regarding what He would have you do (James 1:5). Pray with an open mind and genuinely ask the Lord to place His desires on your heart (Psalm 37:4).Seek the Lord.

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Posted by Harold in Hawaii @ 18:17 on Aug 23 2013

No man can judge a persons Heart only God can If we serve Jesus we try to do his will and in due time he will call us out to serve him in a great way humble servant when we put a crown of glory on a person we make them are God and they to will fail us Jesus will never fail you keep are eyes on him and his grace will be are hope .Thank you Jesus for forgiving me and making me new .Aloha from Kauai Hawaii in his grip Harold

Posted by robin ryan in long beach, california @ 18:38 on May 29 2013

Sandi Patti, is one of God's children. Please, let's all let God be the judge, let's keep enjoying Ms. Patti's music and powerful gift from God, and allow she and her family to have privacy, peace, and happiness. Wouldn't we want or expect that very thing if we were in her place?
Pray for them don't judge them.

Posted by MarVella Burton in Huntsville, AL @ 03:01 on May 13 2013

Often times when we are exalted by men we begin to think of ourselves more highly than we ought. It is dangerous to praise men and women for talents that God has given them. The limelight, applause, and attention will often cause us to stumble and fall, leaving behind those that we previously considered on the same level with us. The ground is still level at the foot of the cross and in these last days, satan is causing discontent and restlessness among the people of God so that people in homes, families, churches and even nations are being separated and destroyed. True success can only be obtained by true surrender to God and living by EVERY WORD that proceeded out of the mouth of God. Love for God and man is the acid test for all Christians. If Christ is lifted up He will draw all men and women to Himself; then and only then can they be drawn to each other and become loving and esteem others above themselves.

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