Reader Comments for Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce

These are reader comments for the article 'Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce'

Reader Comments

Posted by June L. Rounds in PA @ 04:52 on Nov 15 2010

It's awfully easy to look on a situation and have our comments, but until we are IN the situation, we can't know, we have no way of knowing the hurt and other emotions happening to the couple. I am so very thankful that our God is a God of the second chance (and more). God's wonderful blessings on your life, Patti - and your family.

Reply by Don in USA @ 15:24 on Mar 12 2012

Do you condone Sandi Patty's divorce and remarriage? Sounds like you do, and sounds like you are making excuses for her divorce, I don't understand! I agree that GOD gives second chances and more, but not to continue living in sin.

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Posted by Lorna in Canada @ 03:01 on Sep 1 2010

Hipocrisy? What is more hipocratic than lying down beside someone thinking you don't belong there anymore? It's because you're a christian doesn't mean you don't fall out of love. It happens. Who are we to judge? I say to the christians who are so quick to write off sandi, if you're God is so unforgiving and judgemental, then I don't want your God.

Reply by Don in USA @ 15:55 on Mar 12 2012

This reply is for Nicole who responded to Lorna.
First off, GOD does not advise with the Bible, it is what GOD commands!
Yes, it does include forgiveness, and repentance as well. It is the word of GOD that condemns, I don't know why we blame others, they are only quoting what the Bible says. We as humans, do not want to hear the truth, that is the truth!

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Reply by nicole in california @ 16:41 on Oct 29 2010

this isn't about forgiveness at all. it's about what God has advised us to do and us not listening. God is very forgiving. The only reason he says not to divorce is because he knows the damage it causes to everyone involved. anyone who truly has a relationship with Christ absolutely knows that there is restoration and forgiveness for Patti and her family. what the gentleman above is saying is that because she is in the public eye, in a place of influence, she should have step down for a time and dealt with her divorce and family privately. divorce, according to the bible, and God, is a wrong choice. but if that is the choice, there is also forgiveness and hope. it's just not the best choice, and God wants more for us that a broken family and a, perhaps, long journey of healing. anything he says "no" to, is only to protect us and give us a fulfilling life.

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Posted by Ann in Georgia @ 23:57 on Dec 27 2009

If she feels a release from God it's likely because He's letting her go like the prodigal son. That doesn't mean it's right. Maybe she could read "Created to be His Helpmeet" by Debi Pearl and understand more about a marriage relationship that honors God and abides by His word; not one that diminishes and blasphemes His direction for women in marriage.

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