Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Patricia in Nc @ 03:04 on Feb 18 2015

So glad to see you back . Your music has helped usher me into the presences of God and still does. God has anointed you with the blessing of ushering people into his prensence I will be praying for you may God richly bless you

Posted by Gail Thomas in Southfield, Michigan @ 19:13 on Jan 28 2015

Dear Terry, I am so grateful to God for what he has done in your life. You music has blessed me for years, yes the anointing of God ushers me in his presence every time I listen to your music . During the times of my lost Mother, brother and friends your music soothe my soul and spirit as God healed my heart. I thank God for your gift he has so graciously blessed you with continue to be a blessing to the world in, Jesus name Amen.

Posted by Pastor Vester in Pasadena, Ca @ 15:48 on Dec 23 2014

Thank God for the blood of His son; your pass is under the blood , His grace is sufficient; go forth my son your future is now!

Posted by Novelet in NY @ 22:32 on Nov 28 2014

Terry, I recently saw you on Benny Hinn and I visited your site and now I constantly listen to your music. Your songs ushers me into the presence of the Lord and I tell others about you. You are a tremendous blessing to the body of Christ and it's all about Jesus and drawing closer to him. Continue to draw God's people closer to him thru worship. Please come to NY... I will be there. God bless you.

Posted by Lilla Green in Chicago, IL @ 06:17 on Nov 19 2014

Brother so dear, my heart is truly uplifted. Being elderly and weary from a day's work, I came home and played your albums: "Visit Us" and "Sound of Heaven." Oh, how Jesus blessed my body and soul. Two hours later, not even caring that I hadn't fallen asleep listening, I arose to see what was going on with you. Thank the Lord for your testimony, which I read (Googling) with joyous pleasure. Oh how your soulful gift heals, soothes and relates to any and all who love Jesus Christ! And when I saw how the Father has blessed you naturally and spiritually in the "Return To Ministry" article, I just had to add my little testimony. Glory to the Lord for you, Brother Terry! Hallelujah! You're beloved to me, and who knows how many others - of all ages! Thanks for being so transparent - Jesus loves you and so do I.

Posted by dawn marcelissen in hastings hawkes bay nz @ 20:29 on Nov 18 2014

Terry your agony is our agony your pain is our pain the enemy has robbed you but its redeemable thats the grace and love our god has for us you sing about it all the time you will come back twice as strong and committed dear god we will never get back to earth again bless you.

Posted by freddy ntsana in pretoria, south africa @ 08:27 on Nov 17 2014

it is so sad to hear of your devorce and of what led to it, it was also sad to hear that you had left the ministry of worship, so you can imagine how exciteđ I am to hear of your return. we thank God for restoring you to your place as a worshiper, we wilĺ forever worship Him inspite of our circumstances. it's good to have you back sir

Posted by Rev. Bonita Nsah in Maryland @ 12:38 on Nov 14 2014

To God Be All The Glory for the wonderful He has done in restoring you. I have all of your music and it will always remain near and dear to me. For it has ushered me into the manifest presence of God. It has been my bridge over troubled waters. It has been water in my dry places and it has soothed my sin sick soul. It is truly music from heaven, brought to earth by the power of the Holy Spirit. Yes! It is SPIRIT music! Welcome home my anointed brother in Christ. Welcome home.

Posted by Zena in Florida @ 18:00 on Nov 11 2014

Terry, you are blessing to our generation, may Gods peace rest within your soul. Welcome back home, even though you left for a bit, the impact of your ministry has never left for a second as your worship continues to uplift us by the power of the Holy Spirit! You were sting by the enemy, and that is expected because of the dept of how God has been using you to destroy the enemy's impact in our world. I wept as I heard what happened to you, and I prayed for you so I'm blessed to know you are coming back home to our Father! However I have just one thing to admonish you; PLS DEPART FROM THE CAMP OF THEIR CAMP, DO NOT LET THE RULER OF THIS WORLD LURE YOU AGAIN! You are called from heaven by the Father they are of the world, you are of heaven! God bless you!

Posted by Christine in Kenya @ 17:53 on Nov 8 2014

I praise God for the faithfullness of God! I thank God that you are going back to Ministry indeed His giftings are for His glory. Your music lift me to the Father in worship. May Adonai raise you to greater heights for His glory.

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