Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by samuel nigatu in edmonton canada @ 09:34 on Nov 3 2014

i realy love your worship songs always leads me in GODS presence GODblessyou.

Posted by Lucy marvel in Kenya @ 10:02 on Oct 14 2014

Even David fell bt God restored him, bcoz God values worshipper so much! The past is gone n nw u have more glory. I pray 4u that more grace n favor will manifest in ur life!

Posted by Campbell Evans in Alabama @ 02:14 on Sep 26 2014

It is wonderful to hear of your return. Truly the grace and forgiveness of God is immeasurable. And His love and mercy is everlasting. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance (irrevocable) Romans 11:29. They have been placed within us for a lifetime and to touch the generations to come. David said "You number my wanderings; Put my tears in YOUR bottle; Are they not in YOUR book (His book of remembrance) When I cry to YOU, Then my enemies will turn back; This I know for God is 'for' me. Psa. 56:8-9. No one fell harder than David and yet he was a man after God's own heart. God loved him and he loves you Terry. From this time forward God will use you to draw others into a whole new level of worship. Blessings, Rev. L. Campbell Evans

Posted by Barbara smith in Pompano beach fl @ 17:36 on Sep 18 2014

Thank you. Thank you. Your gift of music is annointed and a blessing to me and others, it is a healing balm I the midst of pain and heartbreak. Your live music cd brings me to His throne. We all have feet of clay but are redeemed through His great love for us.

Posted by Veronica I in Phoenix AZ @ 17:26 on Sep 17 2014

Thank you for your transparency. Praise God for His love in restoring you back to what you were called to do. You are a tremendous blessing to the body of Christ and pray that the latter day anointing on your life to lead Worship will be greater than the former. By the Grace of God, go I.

Posted by Jojo in Uk @ 09:36 on Sep 10 2014

To God be all the glory that your back to your very calling worshiping our God! We are all facing battle but in your case the enemy are working so hard because you making impact to all souls through your worship all over the world. The righteous May fall seven times but will arise again! We are like fallen soldiers but we are not the soldiers of the world that fall and remain there but we are soldiers of the Cross we arise like Jesus Christ! His strength is perfect to our weakness. His mercy endures forever! You are a livingstone not a dead because God engraved you in His hands not in stone! Ps.79

Posted by Pam O'Neil in Prescott AZ @ 23:42 on Aug 23 2014

Terry: A few years ago, we were in a horrible attack from the enemy. It was so severe, we thought we'd die under the attack of it, seriously...We got out all of our CD's we had of yours, and played them 24 hours a day. We'd have them in our vehicles when we left the house, and would have them going inside the house when we returned. We'd ONLY go out if we had to, the attack was so bad.

I wanted to tell you that while we had your worship CD's going, the enemy would flee, and it is the ONLY way we survived!! We got through it, worshiping. That is how we battled this horrible thing, was with worship! You will never know the people you have helped, till we meet in heaven, but because of you, and the power of your worship music, my passion now is to bring as many people into worship that have never been there. I sign worship in my church, (I call it 'demonstrative worship'), and I've done specials worshiping in 'sign' with your music. The very first time I did that, the whole congregation stood to their feet mid way through, with tears streaming down their cheeks, with the power of the anointing that you brought to that song, which happened to be, "The Lord's Prayer ". I have prayed for you many times, that God would bring restoration to you! WE NEED YOU, AND YOUR WORSHIP, AND YOUR PRECIOUS HEART TO DO WHAT YOU WERE BORN TO DO!

Posted by Baruch Greenstein in Summerfield Florida @ 03:47 on Aug 16 2014

Your worship to our king is always a reflection
Of who he is , his unchanging holiness.
Prodigals welcome. There go we but by the grace
Of God.
It does my heart good to hear that a fallen
Warrior had been brought home.
Priest of worship of the most high God
You are have been and will always be ,it is who
He created you to be.
A portal of his presence in his hands that his
Body might enter in and know and experience his Glory.
May simony never seduce your heart .
May holiness cover you as a garment of
His presence all the days of your life.
May you have his heart ,
May you dwell and live in his presence.

Thank you for coming home .
Baruch Haba B'Shem Adonai
When the enemy comes on like a flood The Lord
Will raise a righteous standard against him.
Welcome Home!
His blood says... paid in full ... This covers it all!

Posted by brave chatama in malawi,central africa @ 12:35 on Aug 15 2014

nothing terry would separet your ministry from the one who entrusted it to you, Jesus. am one among those who ejoys the presence of God as I listein to your songs,stay blessed.

Posted by Edelyn Magallanes in Iloilo\Philippines @ 15:44 on Aug 5 2014

It is my first time to listen to your music. On saturday August 9 we will be having our North eastern Iloilo womens fellowship and we chose your song entitled Time to worship and it blessed my heart. thank you so much for God lead you back home in your ministry. Yes, God is a God of second chance, and i know you will bring more souls at the feet of Jesus through your music. God bless you.

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