Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by pr henry muyonga in Uganda @ 12:38 on Mar 10 2014

Thanks be to God,your highly talented br terry, i pray that all goes well with you and continue touching lives with what God has given you' AMEN

Posted by Debbie in Cape Town, South Africa @ 06:15 on Feb 20 2014

Dear Terry

God is surely using you, keep up your ministry! Unfortunately the availability of your music locally is very restricted. I need to tune in on the web...

Posted by Faustina kwenortey in London Uk @ 23:59 on Feb 11 2014

Blessed be the name of the Lord. The calling and gifting s of God are without repentance. Am happy you are back in Ministry, Your calling , Music or Worship as you do it has done great things for my soul and I owe you prayers and support to abide in the Lord. I will be praying for you brother.

Posted by Liza van Rooyen in Bethal, Mpumalanga, R S A @ 09:42 on Jan 31 2014

Your music has always blessed me. I would not change my mind. God is so good ... all the time!

Posted by Cheryl Calvert in Chelsea, AL @ 04:58 on Jan 22 2014

May God bless you and use you in these last days. The body of Christ needs people like you, with a heart like David to lead us into His presence. We have all come short at times in our lives. His mercy endures forever!!!! Thank God for HIS MERCY!!!! The spirit and the bride say come Lord Jesus come!!!

Posted by Daniel Pietersen in Western Cape South Africa @ 10:14 on Jan 18 2014

Hi,brother Terry,Wow! I love worship and your worship by the grace of God touching my spirit with power,I was just listening to a song" You are holy holy are you Lord God Almighty" with the earphones in my ears and I went in a deep sleep and then I heard myself singing the same song in my sleep that my spirit wanted to cry,I love that,it makes me feel to stay in the presents of God,like David says in Psalms.27verse4;One thing have I desired of the Lord,that will I seek after;that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,to behold the beauty of the Lord,and to enquire in his temple.My brother, the Lord bless you and keep you and the Lord makes his face shine upon you in Jesus Name Amen!

Posted by Deirdreanne Pierre in Trinidad and Tobago @ 00:44 on Jan 12 2014

Thank you Terry for your wonderful, God inspired music. It is what the Lord uses to lift me into His presence. Thank you for loving the Lord and for allowing Him to use you. My prayer is that the Lord will continue to use you for His glory and honour and may you continue to give us music to usher us into His presence. GOd richly bless you.

Posted by Elizabeth Adamson in United Kingdom @ 00:56 on Dec 24 2013

It hasn't been easy to come on public and tell the all world what happened to you , but we thank God for your humble spirit of being Honnestly, I know we are all not perffect and we know that from just 2007 to 20011 Satan has been having fun in the body of Christ trying to destroy Mighty Men and Mighty Women of God, thank God you are up again stand still and see the salvation of the Lord .
God Bless you and keep you in this new walk, We love you as a brother in Chirst and we missed you so much .

Posted by Norma Wallace in Edmonton, Alberta @ 16:47 on Dec 18 2013

For such a long time I have wanted to express the part your music has played in my time with God each morning. I love especially 'In the Presence of Jehovah'. I did not recognize the Holy Spirit so much in my life until your music. I, too, first listened to you first on Benny Hinn and the presence of God became such a treasured part of my life.

Posted by Marie in Maryland @ 16:03 on Dec 9 2013

I bless the Lord for His grace and mercy. I am thankful that your gift has not been lot to the Kingdom for you have been a true blessing to the Kingdom. I, too, have most of your music and God has used it to draw me closer to Him through worship. Stay faithful to God, be encouraged, and I know God will be faithful to you.

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