Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Willa Faris in Jonesborough, TN @ 22:54 on Nov 20 2013

Terry, your music has always ushered in the Presence of God. I remember when I first heard you play, I think at a Benny Hinn meeting, and I purchased everything you had, and my friends purchased, and we all felt the same. My daughter was at ORU with one of your sons. You have a wonderful God given gift, and I am so thankful that you are recording again, and using your gift to minister to the Lord and lead others. God bless you!

Posted by Judy in Albany, OR @ 06:38 on Nov 17 2013

After hearing some difficult news about some dear friends we put your video of worship on and watched and worshiped with you. God has used you in powerful ways to lift His Holy name and lead His children into the throne room. I have most all (except for your newest ones) CD's and DVD's and my favorites are Live Worship and Holy. What powerful music you have put forth. I know the Lord will continue to restore you and you will be used of Him in marvelous ways in days and years to come.

Posted by Calvin Zungunde in Harare, Zimbabwe @ 23:01 on Nov 14 2013

Terry, your music puts me in another World which is indescribable, behind the Veil, where there is nothing else but only His Presence. I listen to your music all night long, even while im sleeping, it penetrates into my mind. May God continue to use you in your calling,

Posted by Dr. Ray Myers in Oklahoma City, Ok. @ 19:04 on Nov 11 2013

Terry, We have enjoyed your worship CD's very much. We pastor a small church in the Oklahoma City area and use your worship CD's at our church. I think the only one I don't have is Visit Us. Why don't you bring a worship team to Oklahoma City, Ok? I believe you would be well received. Your brother in Christ, Ray

Posted by Debbie in Chicago Illinois @ 12:51 on Oct 4 2013

GOD BLESS you brother Terry I love your music the anointing on your life I THANK Jesus that your back please continue to get deliverance so this doesn't happen to you again because IF the enemy tried it once he will try it again I look forward to worshipping with your music GOD bless you be strong in the Lord and the power of his might Jesus will hold you and Jesus will keep you GOD bless you to we were all sined come short of the glory of another Jesus is a restore Terry commit your ways on to Jesus and Jesus for keep you GOD BLESS YOU BROTHER

Posted by sarah in hamilton newzealand @ 01:34 on Oct 4 2013

Thank, you thank, you thank you, terry for using you wonderful gift of worship, the modern church seem to have somewhat lost it
God bless you

Posted by andrew in nigeria @ 14:00 on Sep 29 2013

I love you Terry. Your songs take me straight into the holy of holies. Your latter will surely be greater than your former. Keep flowing with God's Spirit.

Posted by Gwen in London, UK @ 03:28 on Sep 7 2013

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; also confess your sins to one another and pray for and love one another. I love you and the gifts of the Spirit you possess. Over and above all, I love your worship: you are a true worshipper! I look forward to worshipping alongside you in November, in London. May God continue to use you to His glory!

Posted by Regina Elliott in Fort Wayne IN @ 05:09 on Aug 14 2013

Therebis no greatet anointed worship than yours Terry. How I have wanted 2 attend a worship conference! "The gifts and calling of God is without repentance.". Praise His glorious name thsy though we all fail + have sinned He restores, renews, completely forgives and commissions us to "go" and fulfill His destiny plan for our lives. We need you back completely to lead the body in TRUE worship. I want the flow of the river that the Holy Spirit had so anointed you to bring in even a greater measure out of your brokenness. There so much noise out there ... In the church ... Bright lights & entertainment: but where is the TRUE worship? Obey HIS voice + step out again --- the Anointing will be greater than it's ever been!

Posted by Pastor Donald Stone in Gold Hill, Oregon @ 19:54 on Jul 30 2013

I have all your cd's and I have often said, Terry can lead me into God's Throne Room faster than anyone I have ever encountered. God has restored me and I know He can do it for you too. I look forward to many more hours and times in worship with your leading. Please keep me informed of your cd releases in the future.

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