Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Kingsley in India @ 19:04 on Jul 28 2013

I still hope & pray with tears that god will restore you completely my brother,
may the lord shine his light on your life...

Posted by Janice in Raleigh, NC @ 15:58 on Jul 15 2013


Glad to hear that you are back. God is a restorer. I look forward to hearing more worship songs from you.

Posted by Joel Martínez in Madrid, Spain @ 19:36 on Jul 8 2013

Thank you for following through in reality and transparency. When I heard what had happened I was so saddened and wondered what would happen to you and your family. It is so good to see how a group of people came around you, supported you and yours. Your worship will be beyond any human compression, and so it should be for all of us, after what you have gone and going through. Lets work together to point all to Jesus! Thanks Terry, hope some day I can meet you. Your servant, Joel

Posted by Arleen in Bridgeport CT @ 17:21 on Jun 17 2013

I am so grateful for your willingness to accept the forgiveness that Jesus Christ paid for and not allow pride to cancel the call and destiny on your life and the lives that He has called you to. Your anointing will be greater than you could ever dream and yokes will be broken because of the anointing. He resists the proud - He give grace to the humble. Be blessed my brother and thank you.

Reply by David in UK @ 21:14 on Aug 18 2013

I am sorry but I don't consider this to be a Biblical comment His willingness to accept forgiveness for his adultery and not let pride stand in the way ?? What a strange thing to say. God hates divorce and it seems that he chose to divorce his wife when she was willing to work it out and accept him back. He divorced her and that was wrong and unbiblical. He needed to plead for forgiveness from God and his wife. Which I assume he has done??

I love his music and also think that it is anointed but please don't seek to paper over the cracks of his sin and the pain and hurt that he must have subjected his wife and family to. His music seems somehow tainted now, however anointed.

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Posted by Joanne M. H. Lochan in Trinidad WI @ 15:40 on Jun 12 2013

My dear brother, you are anointed to lead others to worship. I have been listening and worshiping with you for many years, when I was in USA,
I played your music going to and from work every day ti help me be cool while the crazy drivers were tearing up the highway.. I brought your music with me when I came to Trinidad. My husband and I find much pleasure playing your music in our home here. Thank God for His forgiveness, and your restoration.

Pastor Joanne M. H. Lochan, Trinidad WI

Posted by Brenda dibiase in Warwick, RI. @ 18:39 on Apr 29 2013

To my Brother, I start my mornings driving in to work listening to you're music , worshiping The Lord. Nothing else will do!!! Please consider coming to R.I. We need someone to bring awesome worship music. Please!!!!!!! I enter right into the Holy of Holies.

Posted by Jana in Tennessee @ 07:08 on Apr 8 2013

Sure sounds like alot of people that are commenting here has an "annointing" to help poor God out. At least you think you do... a pastor once said, that when he thought he did such a good job sizing up another person who wasnt perfect like him, that God spoke out of the blue to his heart loudly, " It's only your job to love him, it's My job to judge him", so mind your own business, or should I say, My business!

Posted by k. Marie Dossett in Kentucky @ 20:30 on Mar 20 2013

I'm thrilled that you have been restored. I first heard you at an Aglow Conf. since that time I have prayed and worshiped with your music. Only in eternity will you fully know the impact your music, with God's anointing, has been to the body of Christ. Thank you for putting aside the woundedness, the hurt and the pain of failure and sharing the gift God has given you with us again. God is the God of a second chance, we forgive as we have been forgiven.

Posted by Stewart McGregor in Cape Town, South Africa @ 12:08 on Mar 7 2013

What a blessing to have heard that you are human like all of us, but have a gift not many have, and therefore pray that you will not let your gift be lost due to mistakes in the past. Great to know that you are going forward, for God's plan is still at work in you, Amen. Blessings to all close to you.

Posted by victor kungu in Nairobi, Kenya (Africa) @ 08:17 on Feb 13 2013

As i write this i am listening to the song EVEN SO. and my heart is so blessed, I love you terry and i have always prayed for you. I know God is going to manifest his glory through you. Christ showed us forgiveness when he said to the woman caught in sin, 'neither shall i condemn thee go and sin no more"

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