Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by NINI in Abuja;Nigeria @ 11:30 on Feb 6 2013

Cant count how many times I have wept and felt the presence of God just listening to your worship CD. I weep in my spirit for you Terry but am glad the Almighty has restored you back to the ministry He called you to. I know God anointed you specially for worship and this I still feel each time I listen to you lead worship.God bless and keep you.I hope your former wife has equally forgiven you.

Posted by nancy in Warren,Ohio @ 19:12 on Feb 3 2013

can't wait for more cd's ,I love your music- my prays are with you. GOD Bless you.

Posted by Dolored Freyre @ 16:46 on Jan 30 2013

So happy for you you are a gift to us your songs are sk anoint love them God bless you keep doing what God want you to do God Bless

Posted by julio c carbajal in ruskin fl. @ 02:50 on Jan 25 2013

your songs brough to me healing and deliverance God is awesome God and i really believe the best is yet to come.... so be strong joshua 1;8-9

Posted by am antony okech in kenya @ 07:35 on Jan 24 2013

your music has been graced by JEHOVAH Yahweh, please let not your issues shame him in heaven.there is the repentance door and cry that the lord would restore your marriage.Christ came and saved the prostitute church. you have known him personally.ask in humility that your family may be restored.

Reply by Debbie Garrish in Hagerstown Md @ 04:58 on May 24 2013

I was looking for my cd of yours to play as it always helps me get into the spirit of the Lord. I couldn't find it so looked on the internet to see if I could find videos of yours to play. It was then that I read of your fall from grace and divorce. I am so very thankful you have returned and been restored.
We all have failed and come short of who God is but we have an altar where forgiveness is found. So glad you have returned to the ministry for worship Him we must!!! ( I was priviledged to hear you in my church when you were visiting a relative here in my town. What a blessing of the presence of God that came that night and just hovered over us and ministered to us. Your music has a depth to take us to the Holy Place where God is! A ministry to worship Him in spirit and truth!

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Posted by NICK STEPHENS in BROOKLYN NY @ 16:58 on Dec 15 2012

It is always good to know that in a time such as this, that the prayers of the saints, keep pouring into the throne room of God, we know of his grace and mercy only to well to think otherwise leaving a believer on their own, and all of the comments except my sister Peggy, dealt with his music and what it did for them, but my sister dealt with the soul of terry by expressing the concern for a violation of the wows that brought them together in the first place and as such, it is not our judgement, but rather it is our concern that the truth be the course that lead him back to restoration, she expresses the fact of separation with the hope reconciliation, but not divorce,and at that point she used as examples, her very daugthers, what humility!, what love !, let us all get back to the garden of his word and eat of the tree of life. and as such, let be known that God is not about to compromise his principles for none of our comments let the word be truth. GOD BLESS

Posted by Peggy in Pennsylvania @ 18:40 on Dec 2 2012

I have always felt terry your music was annoited. And I am pleased to hear of your restoration to worship. But what about restoration of your marriage. Do we take our vows lightly, forgiveness lightly, what does this message say to our children and the world. I came out of a divorced home and without finding Jesus it would have been a greater damage than it was. Well I have 2 daughters that are now divorced in The Lord! What's wrong with this picture, in the world I can understand but the CHURCH. Who is willing to fight for marriages to be restored and show the world the difference. No. Instead we move on!!! Well it has been 5 + years for my daughters and I am standing in faith believing to see restoration of these marriages. I will be praying that for you as well. Why is the world what it is today because we the church have failed in being the example and making the difference. I know this comment might seem harsh but truly it is in love for you, God and His Kingdom!!!! Please pray with me and see the power of God come forth in your life.

Love in Christ,

Posted by Carolyn in Kansas City @ 19:39 on Nov 7 2012

I was living in Colorado Springs in 1999-2000 when we experienced one of the hardest trials of our lives - after the death of our 20 year old daughter. I assisted in preparing the communion during the afternoon at the World Prayer Center. The worship on every Wednesday afternoon was an experience I will never forget. We have since returned to KC (our home town) and in memory of our daughter, began a ministry (Rachel's Tea House Maternity Home & More). Out of death comes resurrected life - whether if be the death of a loved one, marriage, ministry, etc.
We are instructed to restore those who have fallen - in love - considering ourselves. I'm learning to pray more and cover those in prayer who are on the front line and who are in the direct fire of the enemy. My children are very talented and gifted and I'm always telling them that God is not impressed with their talents but more concerned about their character. Often the more visibile - the more vulnerable. We have all heard the rooster crow in our lives - just as Peter did. Thank God for mercy and grace to begin again. May you arise wiser, stronger and better. I pray God's blessings, restoration, healing (on your life and all those connected). Shalom

Posted by Sherry Futrell in Cadiz, Ky. @ 04:52 on Oct 5 2012

Terry, I praise the Lord that you are going forward! My husband pastors a church and we have used your CD'S so many times during worship and prayer time. I was sorry to hear what had happened. I prayed for you and your family every time that I heard your music. God Bless You as you put the past behind you and go forward doing a mighty work for the Lord! The Lord is so good and He cares so much for us all!!
-Sister in the Lord

Reply by Dr. Judy Fishr in Mitchellville, MD @ 11:29 on Oct 26 2012

Amen, my sister. I love this anointed man of God. When I heard of his confession, I was a bit disappointed too because of the power of his praise and worship. But then I understood that what he is singing about is what we must believe and embrace...that He loves us no matter what and He will never ever leave us! Oh, what a promise and Terry is an example of that promise. His ministry seems to be even more powerful now and he can really sing about the forgiveness and love of our Lord and Savior. He can really lift up praises and worship Him from the very depths of his soul. He can testify to others of God's graciousness and love and lead others to waters of healing and comfort...especially those who have been guilty of moral failures....that is all of us! but, we don't write letters to the public confessing our failures, do we.
Let's continue to pray for him, his present wife and his family, too. Only God knows all of the details and most importantly, God knows his heart!

Dr. J. Fisher

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Posted by Del Toler in Santa Fe, Tx. @ 23:34 on Oct 3 2012

Bro. Terry,
It is so good to see your return to ministry. I don't have to tell you that there is a POWERFUL HOLY GHOST ANOINTING on your life. I pastor a church about 15 miles from Galveston Island and I would to book you in an area wide worship seminar. If you're interested please contact me & I will get it in the works. I pray for you, my brother. Rest assured that God is not through with you. You will be stronger in the Lord and minister with an even more powerful anointing. "Be not weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not".

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