Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by LaVerne Rouse in Goldsboro, NC @ 16:42 on Oct 3 2012

God is the restorer. You followed the instructions of the Word of God for which we live by. God has our backs. I don't believe there is a person in this world that has not fallen short if they will truthfully admit it. God said his Word would not return to him VOID, but WILL ACCOMPLISH where he sent it out. Your destiny shall be fulfilled. Use your experience as a testimony to bring deliverance to others who will humbly submit themselves to Jesus. Bring on more of the worship that God has stored down on the inside of you my brother. I love you. Remain encouraged.

Posted by anna ducker in charleston s.c. @ 21:44 on Sep 3 2012

what the devil mean for evil God will use it for good. I pray God healing on you and your family. we love you and we know God has great things in store for you. welcome back! I can not wait to recieve your next cd. and many more to come.

Posted by leigh in colorado springs @ 14:11 on Aug 3 2012

Where is the fruit. Anoined YES, Gifted, WONDERFULLY, but week after week in worship you spoke of restoration in the Presence of the LORD-that nothing was IMPOSSIBLE for the LORD to heal. So why after you had the affair, and Greta asked for reconcilation was the marriage COVENANT not honored? I grew up in the church, I married into ministry and ALL I have seen in my life is Pastors/Worship leaders who are SO knowledgable of the things of GOD, having affairs, leaving behind their families and their wives, then coming back to "minister" -bewilders me. Where is the commitment to scripture, HONORING the vows. Y'all preach it but are NOT a testimony to it. LAMENTATIONS!

Posted by Fidy Raharijaona- in Madagascar @ 10:46 on Jul 31 2012

I have been so desperately waiting to read this article on your return to the Ministry. Your music has been so inspiring to me personally as it ushes me very easily into the presence of God. I firmly believe that this is the Ministry you are born to devote and commit yourself to and help others to return back to God through the power of your music. May God preserve you till the rapture.

Reply by Joel in South Africa @ 12:04 on Aug 22 2012

Dear Terry,

I am not the judge and am doing mistakes too.I thank God for taking you back to him so that we can be healed too.A've done more sins than you even though am still young but need to wholeheartedly return to the Almighty,the lamb of Juda.

Please direct me where your music is beeing sold at.



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Posted by Kathy Parkhill in West Frankfort, Illinois @ 16:45 on Jul 30 2012

Dear Brother Terry,
You have blessed my heart and my whole church, when you left the ministry, my heart sank, but I knew that you did the right thing at the time, and I knew you would be back! you had something in your ministry I believe called David's Heart, you truly did have the true heart of David, and to prove that we serve the God of a second chance and that God will anoint you with a new anointing from bringing you out of circumstances such as this! For all of us that have lived and know what it is to fall down and to get up again and to have God forgive and to love us and to show true forgiveness is so amazing and there is only one that is perfect and that is our Lord Jesus Christ! We are all imperfect and all have fallen down! You Terry are an very precious man of God whom has blessed us with the anointing of God and I can't wait to see what the Lord will do inside of you now!

Posted by Patty in Pickerington, OH @ 18:28 on Jul 26 2012

Terry...I'm so thrilled to read this and Praise God for His restoration! I used to enjoy your worship at Montgomery Assembly of God in Cincinnati with Pastor Dukes! That was a lifetime ago! God bless my brother! God is good!

Posted by Mary Brickey in Beckley, WV @ 19:29 on Jul 13 2012

Terry, I am so glad to hear that you have returned to God and what he has anointed you to do for his kingdom. I am over intersessor prayer at our church, and each time we play your worship music to usher in the presence of God. Keep doing what God has called you to do.

Posted by Hola in Indiana @ 16:48 on Jun 20 2012

Praises to God! I experienced your ministry @WPC in COS and am rejoicing with you and others that your restoration has begun.

Luk 22:31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:
Luk 22:32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

The Lord said to Peter, "Peter, satan has desired to have you that he might sift you as wheat. But, I HAVE PRAYED FOR YOU THAT YOUR FAITH FAIL NOT."

He knew Peter would fail, though Peter probably never thought he would. Jesus prayed that when Peter say himself in his failure he would not be so discouraged as to walk away FROM God, but to RUN TO HIM with repentance, which he did. And he was restored. Peter also received his next assignment..."WHEN THOU ART CONVERTED, STRENGTHEN THE BRETHREN."

God bless you, Bro. McAlmon. Stay close to God and finish the work He's placed in your hands.

Posted by Dee Diaz in Orlando Florida @ 01:30 on May 29 2012

Terry, I thank the Lord for restoring you after that humbling experience. Through your music, you taught me how to worship the Lord during more than 10 years of incarceration. Now, I am home still listening to your music, worshipping Jesus!!

Posted by Ate Moala in Jerusalem, Israel @ 14:13 on May 28 2012

Dear Terry, thank you for worshipping the King and ushering His people into His Presence with your worship and music. Today, at Jerusalem Prayer Tower, King of King ministries, your music ministered to our hearts and the King of the nations as we worshipped and travailed for the healing of restoration of Israel and USA. We ask the Creator King and Music Maker to bless you and keep, Greta, your sons and their families. May the same God who bless and restore our hearts in HIs Presence with your music, do the same for you and your family and more in increasing measures in the days ahead. God bless you, Greta and your family. Numbers 6:22-27

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