Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by judy in kenya @ 13:34 on May 14 2012

I thank God for you Terry. Am so uplifted by your cds and i prayed for you.Am also a worshipper and i know what God begun in you must be accomplished. May the Holy Spirit rekindle the fire like never before as you usher many to God's presence. To God be all the glory.

Posted by Everlee Robinson in New York @ 17:04 on May 10 2012

My brother in Christ, Terry,
I am so glad that Jesus Christ came not to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be save. Continue to let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glory your Father "JESUS" who is in heaven.
The anointing in your songs has ministered to my heart and distroys yolks of bondge during a tough times. I pray that the Lord will you supernatural anointing and take you higher and higher in Him. God bless you always.

Posted by Lynda Chafin in Midlothian, Virginia @ 15:21 on Apr 17 2012

This is soooooo exciting! I was so moved and so easily ushered into the throne room by your music and ministry. As I fiished reading my Bible this morning, I desired to enter into a time of praise and worship, and your CDs came out of the cabinet.

I told Father, "Lord, if he is truly repentent, please restore and return him to ministry". Then I decided to look you up on the computer to see if I could still get some of your old CDs since some of mine are just about worn out.

Much to my surprise and delight, I found this! I had no idea this had already happened!

While God doesn't overlook sin from any of us, we have all messed up to some degree or other, and it's wonderful that He not only forgives but restores. I have no desire to judge anyone -- I'm too busy keeping myself on track.

May the best days be ahead for you -- to God be ALL the praise!

Posted by nelia in philippines @ 00:08 on Apr 4 2012

I love your songs of praise and worship,I can feel the presence of the Lord is here, Im also a christian,but during the difficult times of my life,I almost have committed adultery,not in execution but in thoughts,and by the Grace of God and because of the anointing in my life that time,God spared me,God is faithful,and forgiving,we love you continue to sing to the Lord,Me too,Im a worshiper and I cannot live without worship without music,and without your music,to Jesus Our Lord be all the glory,Shalom

Posted by June in Ohio @ 19:00 on Apr 3 2012

The Lord really used your ministry to usher me into His presence! In fact, I was searching for more of your CDs and couldn't find anything but did learn of your leaving the ministry and why. I started praying for you and realized that the enemy was out to destroy and silence you and your family. Praise God you're back!

Posted by Jackie Hernandez in Winston Salem North Carolina @ 13:26 on Apr 3 2012

Most people are not as open about what they have done, but Terry I thank God for the God in you to be open and defeat the devil and put him on the run. It is my humble desire to see you one day and to worship the Lord in His presence. God be with you and just continue to be obedient to Him!

Posted by Jeremiah Letsoalo in South Africa Pretoria @ 07:25 on Mar 30 2012

If we repent and forsake our sins, God is faithful and just more than ready to accept us back into His fold.

Your music has really touched my life and I use it daily to usher me into the presence of the Lord. I will always love you my brother. A righteous person may fall seven times but he is able to rise again. I know you will rise again by the grace of our Lord.

Posted by Lisa in Bowie @ 06:02 on Mar 25 2012

Terry, your music is still dear to my heart. I thank our heavenly Father for His tender mercies and grace towards us. I look forward to your music.

Posted by Sue in AZ @ 01:42 on Mar 19 2012

Terry, You are forgiven! I understand as I have been in adultery and our gracious Lord has cleansed and purified me. I pray for a complete and holy restoration of all the locus has stolen. I have used your music for years to bring people I worship and pray with into the presence of the Lord. I attended the last Worship Gathering in Colo. Springs an experience of a lifetime. I look forward to more annointed music from a broken man restored. God Bless you, Greta and your family. Shalom, Sue

Posted by Sunny Stallings in United States @ 03:13 on Feb 19 2012

Words cannot express my joy that you are back in His courts to worship in Spirit and in Truth... leading us into God's Holy Presence. He's Coming Soon!

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