Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by berur in kenya @ 18:13 on Feb 9 2012

Very very very great, Terry you are back, oh praise be to the Holy one of Israel Jehovah. Bro Terry, you were wired to sing, i can not explain it well how deep your worship pushes me into God's presence, i weep, raise my hands totally crashed . oh i m happy to hear that anointed song you yet to release soon. Shalom shalom ,the lamb of god restore you and give you peace that surpursess the human understanding

Posted by Joseph Santhappan in S.India @ 18:41 on Jan 25 2012

My Dear brother Terry,
For the last six years you have been part of my life. I am absolutely delighted to know you are back in ministry. You have no idea how I have been blessed by your worship. Tears flow out of my eyes each time I listen to your songs. Your songs take me to the heart of Jesus. I listen to you everyday. Your best days are yet to come. I am sure you are much stronger now then ever before. Just listen to the voice of the Lord. Welcome back my friend. Hope to see you one day in person. Keep singing for Jesus and thank God for His outrageous Grace that is holding you till this moment. Blessings

Posted by Christine Farrall in Hampton, Victoria-Australia @ 10:36 on Jan 14 2012

Tonight I had Terry's old music on in my car, and OOOOOHHHH, the anointing and love which flows from your music, envelopes me, causes me to worship...

No one can judge anyone, till they have walked in your shoes...I have failed more than anyone, and God is such a Gentlemen, and your music Terry continues to bless me out of my cotton socks...and lifts my spirit towards The Lord....In His Name.....Jesus....

Posted by JOSEPH GUCHU in KENYA @ 18:09 on Jan 9 2012

Joel 2:25 I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten. I pray that our LORD JESUS whom we worship will restore you back according to his will. please be obedient to his advice.

Posted by Larry Barrett in Front Royal, Virginia @ 13:51 on Dec 21 2011

I was lead to your worship music while in the Carribean. It has been a conduit into the presence of God for me for many years now. I am sorry to hear what has happened. My wife and I have two children and were separated for 5 years. We have been restored for 7 years now. During the 5 years of separation I sought The Lord with all I had. I put Him first in everything. (Matthew 6:33) He restored us. It was a miracle from God.
The Lord be with you Brother,

Posted by Rev. Susan Kerr in Tucson Arizona @ 20:19 on Dec 10 2011

My precious Brother you owe no one anything but to love. PERIOD Our forgiveness in all our sin comes from Jesus and what He alone did for us one and all. I pray for God's continues healing and direction for your entire family...

Posted by Dennis L. Nederveen in Luxembourg @ 23:20 on Nov 14 2011

I would like to say a BIG Amen to Sr. Josephine Scheers comment.

Please Terry consider, ponder, meditate and cry about the following passages:

The whole book of Hosea, Jer. 3:14, Rom 7:1-2, Marc 10:11, Mat. 19:8-11; Luke 16:18 and many more if you will see them.

GOD HATES DIVORCE - So repent and pray for reconciliation at His Feet of your God given marriage.

Fear God and listen not to this generation who is like a damp for short moment. His Words are EVERLASTING, His Faithfulness has not changed even though we have broken his covenants.

I hope you will dare to consider and take the decision that is Holy and that you'll and your spouse have a testimony that sounds for eternity.

Posted by Dyana in Netherlands @ 10:17 on Nov 8 2011

Terry may the good God bless you, and overwelmed you with His holy presence. I have been praying for you, and God is good, God will set you on higher places, only the name of Jesus can deliver you from any evil spirit, and now you are free to do the work of God.

Posted by Josephine scheer in Virginia @ 15:55 on Oct 17 2011

The only counsel that matters or can please God or is the truth is the counsel of God, not man. The application of the cross causes our flesh to die daily. A dead man doesn't kick anymore...he has no rights. Obedience is the application of the cross and all it means. Divorce is not an option, and reconciliation is the only true counsel. It's nit about us, but Him Alone. God doesn't pull us out of the storm, but teaches us to persevere and seek Him as our vital nessecity IN The storm. The only step of obedience is to reconcile. There is nothing else. Do we want the counsel of man or of God? Obedience is dying to the flesh. Terry, don't be deceived, God means exactly what He says in His word.

Posted by D. in Texas @ 05:25 on Oct 15 2011

The name of the Lord be lifted up for Terry's restoration. I now have hope for my own restoration back to the Lord after thinking about Terry's story - a story very similar to mine. I have hope for a closer fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Love you brother Terry. The Lord bless you and keep you. You are a blessing to the Body of Christ.

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