Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Denise in North Carolina @ 01:29 on Feb 14 2011

To God be the Glory for the Great things He has done, Terry be blessed in the Lord and continue to worship God has empowered you with a great anointing, which is indeed a blessing to the body of Christ.

Posted by Amy in WV @ 03:56 on Feb 9 2011

So glad to hear you are back in ministry. I listen to your music often and it really helps me get into God's presence more than any other music I've ever listened to. Appreciate your ministry very much. God bless you as you continue His work.

Posted by Esther in Switzerland @ 14:00 on Feb 7 2011

God is good and able to restore people. Great you'r bake to serve the Lord and bless many people. Our God ist worthy to be worshipped in spirit and in truth. We pray for restoration of your marriage. He restored our marriage too. Our God is a God of wounders, of forgiveness, of healing, of love. May the Lord bless you, your family, your country. Thank you so much.

Posted by Glenda Freelove in Fort Worth, Texas @ 03:14 on Jan 31 2011

God is great and greatly to be praised. I have spent many hours worshiping the Lord with Terry's music.I know about His retoration. When the Lord restores He makes things better than they were before. I am very glad that you are back in the ministry. It would have been a terrible loss to the body of Christ if you hadn't returned. You will be in my prayers.

Posted by Judeeth in Canada @ 02:46 on Jan 31 2011

I saw Terry on Benny Hinn about 9 years ago. He was leading prIse and worship and I was so blessed I went out and looked for his CD. Since that I have bought several CDs and they have helped me to come into a closer intimate relationship with God. He has been given such a gift and the anointing of the Holy Spirit is so evident. It's in his voice and the words he uses just speaks to any individual.

Thank you Mr. Macalmon
You are needed for such a time as this. 2011.

Posted by Jerry Brandt in Tampa, florida @ 09:49 on Jan 30 2011

Terry is now back into ministry.. praise God! We have missed our brother during his time of restoration. You can hear Terry online at his daily broadcast (M-F) at 11:00 am and 8:30 pm on a live 24/7 online Christian radio and TV network. Terry will be sharing his heart with his keyboard of course. Join him daily..program is called "Pursuing His Presence".

Posted by Terry King in Raleigh, NC @ 20:09 on Jan 28 2011

I do not understand Terry's reason for divorcing his wife. He said there were too much to overcome between the both of them and the decision to divorce was his. So he decided to return to his piano but not his wife. The same God, the Holy Spiirt, Who enables him to return to his piano can also enable him to be with his wife. I have been married for 26 years now. My husband committed adultery against me in the 10th year of our marriage. That was a lot to handle, but I choose to trust the LORD in forgiving him; and my husband choose not to leave me and his three daughters. So I guess the choice is ours. Terry choose his love for his piano over his wife because the LORD did not have anything to do with his choice in leaving her. The LORD leaves the choosing to us.

Posted by Dominic Nsona in Lilongwe, Malawi @ 11:53 on Jan 28 2011

Wow, Terry my man- the devil is a liar, get back to your piano and play the devil out! The music still bless us especially during fasting it plays in the background as I minister ti HIM.

Posted by Eloise in Austria @ 11:17 on Jan 28 2011

I "discovered" Terry MacAlmon just 4 days ago on youtube and have been playing his songs continually. I even have my laptop going at bedtime. This is obviously one whose heart is molded around praise and worship.
Somehow this morning I came upon his story and wept and prayed and thanked as on further searching I read of his restoration. God is a good and awesome Father and I thank Him for His incomprehensible love that caused Him to woo His son back into His Presence. I can only think of how much the Father missed His son. GLORY TO GOD that although he was "struck down, he was not destroyed!!!"

Posted by Ann Mary Ali in Trinidad, WI @ 15:10 on Jan 27 2011

Thank God for restoring you. Continue to fight the good fight my brother in Christ. All things work together for good to them that love the Lord.

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