Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Malumbo Simwaka in Malawi @ 08:24 on Jan 27 2011

If there is music which has helped me to grow spiritually is Terry's music and even up to now am being ministered. Terry you are a child of God welcome back to the family and am happy for you. May you remain more rooted in His presence now than ever before and dont let the past define you. I will be waiting for your next album................

Posted by merle in London @ 02:38 on Jan 26 2011

Glory to God. The praise and worship was truly awesome in Atlanta wken you played. I was in pursue
of your music and now found that you have gone through the fire.It no small thing.May HIS GRACE AND MERCY ABOUND. God bless you. Only God knows.Amen

Posted by D Bennett in MD @ 17:52 on Jan 21 2011

Our God is the God of restoration. So happy to hear that you're back. I've missed you. Alright...get to work!

Posted by Jackie Brown in North Carolina @ 15:10 on Jan 20 2011

Wow! thank you God for the restoration of my brother, may you always abide in His love.

Posted by Judy in New York @ 02:39 on Jan 17 2011

Not knowing what had happened to my favorite worship leader (I have all his CD's), I sat at my computer tonite watching some of his videos, praying again for him, when I was aware of comments under one of the videos stating that he had been "restored" !! I sat and wept, praising God for His amazing grace and thanking him for His unconditional love!! Hallelujah for the cross!!

Posted by Donna in Newcastle in Australia @ 11:31 on Jan 16 2011

So glad you are coming back, returning to your first love - Jesus. Love your voice, piano is anointed. Can't wait to hear the songs you will write now. Jesus wooes you Brother Terry. When you play and sing The Holy Spirit continually falls llike dew from heaven. The hardest person to forgive is ourself. You are worthy. Walk in the light of the Lamb. Love your CD's.

Posted by rafael diaz in apollo beach fla @ 01:50 on Jan 15 2011

So so glad GOD is restoring the gift HE gave You.I Play this great music, and share with my friends daily ,glad You are okay and,I pray for GOD to keep using You to do more great music,look foward for you next CD that GOD leads YOU to do! blessings

Posted by charles in orlando @ 02:40 on Jan 14 2011

Question... if you are restored whom are you accountability partners? do you believe you have grieved the Holy Spirit?

Reply by Eloise in Austria @ 10:49 on Jan 28 2011

Charles, be happy for Terry's restoration. Dont know if you are a christian, but JESUS said to the woman in John 8..."Where are your accusers.....neither do I condemn you.....Go and sin no more." It's all about forgiveness, healing and restoration, because of God's unconditional love.

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Posted by penelope in on,canada @ 19:23 on Jan 8 2011

Terry, I am so very glad for God's redeeming grace,and that my God is still in the restoration business today.. MY brother the biggest step is confession and God does the rest. To God Be The Glory!! Lean onto Him and allow Him to direct your life you won't go wrong. Many blessings to you ,keep on singing for Jesus.

Posted by myra in Brockton, MA @ 01:15 on Dec 31 2010

Thank God for restoration/ Thank God for The Cross. God bless you Bro. Terry from your sister in Christ. Myra

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