Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Kathy in IN @ 20:22 on Dec 30 2010

My dear brother in the Lord, PRAISE BE TO HIS NAME!! So glad to hear that God is restoring and bringing you back for that which you have come to do.
Bring God's people into the very Throne Room of God.
Be blessed and move in the anointing of the Spirit.

Posted by Linda Bennett in England @ 16:51 on Dec 30 2010

Terry, who else would the enemy go after but a worshiper like you. I praise the Lord that He brought you back to Him. You are a blessing to the body of Christ.

Posted by Shirl Craig in Dallas Texas @ 17:56 on Dec 23 2010

Please include me on your list of coming concert dates, etc. I am not on FaceBook and don't want to be. I have every CD you've ever made, including the CD for children. I'm thrilled you are back on the concert tours. I'm interested in seeing you in the Dallas area. Went to Majesty's many times to see you.

Posted by Rosemary Garrido in Guam @ 15:14 on Dec 22 2010

Terry I know what the effects of sin can do, cause I've been down that road & how it tares the hearts for the ones we loves, but thank God for Jesus ! The important thing is to learn from our failures become a better person & redeem back the ones we love and hurt, no matter what the outcome has come, because Love on that cross is the saving power for us to live and go on till He comes to take us home... God's Blessings to your love ones & continued ministry, yet you are God's choice for public worship through your gift & you just don't know how much your gift impacts others lives..., To a great & loving God in the expression of worship unto Him & in loving Him back forever ....

Posted by Jean in Norfolk,NE @ 21:47 on Dec 21 2010

God is so good. He answered my prayers for you & in doing so has blessed me also

Posted by Susan in Orange County, CA @ 03:12 on Dec 15 2010

Jesus said, "None [men] are perfect, only God is perfect." The gifts/giftings of God are without recompense--once He gives them, He never takes them away. Good to have you back Terry--many of us were never away [from listening to your Anointed praise and worship songs]. Be blessed [empowered to prosper].

Posted by J.K in Trinidad @ 05:31 on Dec 14 2010

I was not aware of the reason for your leaving the ministry of music until tonight. But I thank God that you are back. Your songs have been a tremendous blessing and inspiration to me. Although I did not know the reason I kept on praying that God will restore you( I thought it was your health) Praise God for you, my brother. God bless you richly.

Posted by Olivia M in NC @ 12:39 on Dec 13 2010

When I heard of your failure some time back I wept in my spirit for some time. I sit watching your video of Praise and Worship and wonder if this is when you were having your tryst? My heart cries out for you. The anointing can prove to be suductive when it travels through a vessel that does not mix a really good amount of "the fear of the Lord" with their station and their actions. I believe where you were ministering and the pastoral "covering" that flowed down upon you must of also had an impact on what happened to you my dear brother. Satan lost his anointing when he was "lifted up" he now seeks to rob others of theirs. I pray God's blessings and anointing continue to abide upon you and that as you said " you've learned and are charting a new course for your life. Blessings to you from one that has spent hours and hours worshipping the Lord with you.

Posted by Ivan Raskino in India @ 18:13 on Dec 12 2010

Terry, you have been a blessing to the Body of Christ worldwide. I feel the suffering of Greta and you and join with others to pray for both of you during this time. Being a bit senior in age, I take the liberty to advise you. "Be open to God and be open to your counselors", because often the heart plays tricks. Love you.

Posted by Sandra Wade in Australia @ 17:41 on Dec 8 2010

Hi Terry God bless you abundently, I have never met you but your music has taken me to the throne room many a time, we praise God that he is woooing you back to where you belong.

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