Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Joy Connery in Lindale, TX @ 13:37 on Apr 5 2018

Your music has been very important in restoring my walk with the Lord after my own moral failure. I had no idea til this moment you had a like experience. I know your pain and the joy of restoration. Are you ministering in the Dallas area?

Posted by Janice Blocker in LA @ 18:07 on Mar 28 2018

I rejoice with and for Terry MacAlmon in that he has pressed on in allowing the LORD TO HEAL AND RESTORE him. He is a truly gifted worship leader and writer of beautiful worship music. I have his music and it is a essential part of my worship time before the LORD. GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU IN YOUR FUTURE!!!!!!!

Posted by Gloria Stansbery in Fitzgerald GA @ 19:18 on Dec 14 2017

An avid supporter and worshipper using your original cd's. Saw you I Valdosta a number of years ago. I distinctly remember a photo of you and a beautiful young lady, your new wife, taken near your pickup truck. Am I to believe that that marriage foundered. God bless you. No condemnation. Just concern.

Reply by Christine L. Walters in PA @ 16:01 on Feb 24 2018

I was wondering the same thing. did Terry marry again and if so, what happened?

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Posted by Jennifer Farnsworth in Fort Wayne, IN @ 21:02 on Dec 5 2017

I squelled with joy when I read Terry was returning to worship ministry. There is no doubt that he is doubelly blessed as I have said. A friend told me about Terry's music and I purchased as many CD's as I could afford and that were not repeat of songs, I got my friends, and mother a copy as well and we all have tears flowing the minute our CD player starts. No doubt Terry was born to give God much glory thru his worship of song. I am anxiously awaiting any new CD that may be in the works to purchase. O Happy Day! Terry's back!

Posted by JUNE HODGEMAN in POUGHKEEPSIE, NY @ 04:02 on Dec 2 2017

First let me say your grandmother Ivy married to Audly was my Sunday School Teacher growing up. it was through her I came to know the Lord. I am 90 years of age and still serving the Lord God has blessed your ministry and I believe he will continue. The Mac Almon's have left a wonderful legacy to this world. God Bless You All !!

Posted by Ann Tucker in Sc @ 04:53 on Nov 19 2017

I don't know how many times I have made mistakes with my walk in this christian faith but I am so glad to know that I have a heavenly Father who intercedes on my behalf. I love your music and it gets me through some of the worst times in my life.Dont give up

Posted by Kathy Hendrickson in Perry @ 15:04 on Nov 18 2017

Iam so glad to hear tou are returning to what God called you to do! You are anointed and a beautiful worship leader. I still enter my personal prayer time with your cd's. I love and respect you. I understand the heartache and disappointment in yourself. God is a restorer and healer. Iam so glad tou did not give up on the Lord! We all are human and come short, but oh how faithful is the Lord! I sit in no judgement of you. Iam giving thanks to the Lord fir restoring tou! Kathy Hendrickson

Posted by peter in uk @ 09:01 on Nov 3 2017

it is very good that you repented but iam concerned about your atitude toward your wife why you divorced her ? what Mitch said is biblical we are to love and to tell each other truth with love the bible tells us is better a rebuke from a wise man than a praise from a wicked person please my bro think about what Mitch wrote You all are not concerned for his walk and life with God. His public ministry is a sham to holiness and wholeness to God. He says his wife is a wonderful person yet he cannot reconcile with a woman who bore 3 children for him. It was HIS choice not her's he said. Get over yourself and especially your talent. God doesn't need you or me to push on for Him when living in opposition to His principles of the kingdom

Reply by Joanne White in Philadelphia Pa @ 16:59 on Jan 16 2018

Terry thank you for finding the Lord again....I have been blessed by your music for years...looks like the evil one has been working on you....God loves you and so do we..when we fall God always forgives us...we just cant forgive ourselves for our weakness...look for the signs from the Lord this is how I healed from my weakness through a prophecy I heard....your music is so healing to us....keep up the good work...God loves you and so do we

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Posted by Cheryl Echols in Davison Michigan @ 13:30 on Oct 23 2017

We are a very small congregation with a heart for worship. Our worship leader was able to attend a meeting you were in Lansing MI on 10/19 and was so completely blessed by the ministry. We are inquiring about having you come in for some services, we simply need to have the information and your terms. Please contact me and allow us to set up a time of worship with you. Thank you in advance .

Posted by Sonja in Jamestown, NC @ 13:55 on Oct 12 2017

So grateful for the grace in your life ... we are all so in need of that grace. I know I am. You are an encouragement to me. May your transparency, brokenness, and subsequent restoration be a help to many believers.

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