Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Catherine in Kampala Uganda @ 03:58 on Sep 24 2017

Terry, if none of us had sin, then Jesus died in vain! It's for our sins that He came;to redeem n restore. His grace is much greater than our sins. Jesus Will always love you and continue to use you if you let Him. I personally honor the gift that you are to the body of Christ. Be continually blessed.

Posted by Ruth Khayo @ 17:41 on Sep 22 2017

We serve a God of another chance😀

Posted by Cary E. Anders in Hilltop Lakes, Tx. @ 11:14 on Sep 14 2017

I have been ever so humbled toward our Father in heaven and our blessed Savior, Jesus Christ through your ministry.
You know the Priests in the days when our Lord walked this earth, they said His works were of the devil; but the wise said look at His ministry--we know God is with Him. I say to you: your anointing of worship is your proof that God is with you and has chosen you for such a ministry. We cannot please everyone, but we must please Him who calls us. I pray you will never lay down your ministry. I am so, so blessed. I love you, brother Macalmon. You are dear to my heart. You have moved me into the heart of our Holy Father. I look forward to meeting you, if not here in heaven where I long to be someday when my work is finished. Thank you.

Posted by anne moody in galesburg @ 20:55 on Aug 29 2017

Who of us has not sinner? No one is worthy to serve Him yet God chooses us....Bless you

Posted by Mitch in Naples @ 17:35 on Jul 24 2017

You all are not concerned for his walk and life with God. His public ministry is a sham to holiness and wholeness to God. He says his wife is a wonderful person yet he cannot reconcile with a woman who bore 3 children for him. It was HIS choice not her's he said. Get over yourself and especially your talent. God doesn't need you or me to push on for Him when living in oppsoition to His priniples of the kingdom.

Reply by Mitch in Naples @ 00:19 on Sep 10 2017

I offer no more criticism of Terry than I would any public paid entertainer. Bringing grace into restoration but denying reconciliation is a misnomer. It makes no sense to the Kingdom of God.

I have probably sinned after having come to know Christ more than most and I don't have any planks in my eye in this area at all. I'm not condemning him but I'm also not condoning him either. It is between him and God ultimately but to bring it out publicly is to open himself to criticism.

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Reply by James in New York @ 01:40 on Sep 8 2017

Who died and made you God?

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Reply by Bob in Ocala @ 19:24 on Aug 27 2017

Wow Mitch, Jesus loves you just like he does Terry. When God gives us a gift it will always be there. Jesus to ALL our sins on the cross even your wounding as a child. It is our intimate relationship with Christ that helps us through the trials we go through. Be blessed Mitch.

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Reply by cropper in UK @ 19:57 on Aug 7 2017

"You all are not concerned for his walk and life with God"

And neither should you be. You are judging him, plain and simple. Get the plank out of your own eye, eh?

"His public ministry is a sham to holiness and wholeness to God" But he's forgiven. He who has been forgiven much. loves much. Fact.

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Reply by Freddie in Chicago @ 03:39 on Jul 31 2017

Mitch, Mitch, Mitch . . .

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Posted by Mary Collins in New Hampshire. US @ 13:38 on Jul 18 2017

I have been blessed by your worship for many years, and I continue every day to worship along with you on youtube.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. God is indeed a God of complete Restoration and I know that he has done that for you.
Thank you so much for your honesty, so many others can now have permission to do the same.
God bless you

Posted by John McEntee in Wilmington NC @ 23:42 on Jul 3 2017

Brother Terry: My spirit leads me to say that I am so happy to hear you are returning to public ministry. What The Lord has been able to accomplish through you has been a true blessing to me. I came across your CD after a number of years and I simply asked The Lord, "Where is Brother Terry?" My curiosity led me to do a search and here we are.........Praise God.

Posted by Past Richard Thompso in Port Elizabeth @ 07:52 on Jun 30 2017

I am reminded of song He an't heavy he is my brother welcome back my brother

Posted by Linda in CA @ 15:24 on Jun 26 2017

Terri, thank God for your honesty! Thank God also that you seem to turning to Him for help. Hi Grace is sufficient for you, I believe even through your broken God will shine through it.
You are such a treasure and gift to the body of Christ!!

Posted by Anne Horne in LaFayette @ 12:42 on Jun 24 2017

God woke me up this morning healing deep places. I went to find worship and found you. God is redeeming the deeply wounded places in me through worship, healing and hopefully restoring my soul fully and completely

I am grateful God wooed you back and that you returned to ministry or I might not be writing this today.

what was meant for evil, God is turning around for our good and His glory

blessngs is such a common word for me to use, and I than God for the blessing of entering into worship with you.

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