Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Maxine Brown in Scarborough Canada @ 04:01 on May 30 2017

Hi Terry, your worship song made me fall so deeply in love with Jesus. What hadn't to Lizzie? are you two still married?

Posted by mercy chebet in Kenya @ 19:27 on May 28 2017

praise the LORD Jesus my brother Terry!The LORD has really annointed you to worship Him and lead others to the presence of God. I have been humbled and blessed so much by most of the songs I have managed to listen to.Don't stop and listen to the enemy, instead continue serving Jesus in fear and trembling because time is over, THE MESSIAH IS COMING! Thank you so much.

Posted by Maria Sales in Rockford,Michigan @ 08:23 on May 28 2017

No matter the fall. No matter the sin.
What can seperate us from the love of God?
NOTHING! Because He has done a great work in you, he will finish it! He will not leave you nor forsake you. He is faithful to finish the work in you. God loves you, Bro.Terry. You were called for this purpose, to worship Him boldly before the throne of grace. The world didn't give you the joy and the world can't take it away.
Welcome back my brother! Your music, your songs are so anointed keep pleasing the Lord. I love you brother Terry, in Christ.

Posted by Viola in Mesa Az. @ 22:59 on May 14 2017

I was introduced to your gift of praise music in October 2007, by a friend with six other liedies, two of us going through a divorce. We praised, prayed, cried late in the night. I purchased several more cd's to share with others going through things. This ministry God has given you is healing for a broken spirit. Thank you for obeying Him. Welcome back.REAL

Posted by joyce McCaul in belton, Mo. @ 20:20 on Apr 22 2017

your music is anointed and lately I have been listening
To your worship and wondered when I could get the first one or new music. I work part time at Beacon Book & Bible store in Belton. NOT one of us should judge when
A CHRISTIAN falls as we are not perfect.
do would like a copy of yur first worship. I have three Different ones. joyce McCaul

Posted by Christine E Farrall in Wantirna South Victoria Aust @ 14:19 on Apr 16 2017

I pray the Lord will bring back your anointed music to us again. May the Lord bless you and your beautiful wife always.

Posted by Janet smith in Brisbane Queensland @ 03:10 on Apr 10 2017

I first heard you around 2003 one night our Pastor had someone put Holy Holy Holy in through the music system we came alive in the Spirit the silence stayed for a good while it was a poignant time Just not long before our Pastor was about to leave and we were all waiting on God. Your worship has since blessed my heart and brings me quickly into his presence when I sometimes sense he isnt around. (silly me) You are gifted in Worship and the Body of Christ Loves you for what you do, we Praise God for you and bless you Sorry to hear about you marriage God never sees us as failures in any way he has brought you both through the situation and for some reason your life had to go through all of it and you have overcome we all do with Jesus. His promises are Yes and Amen and they never fail. Love you Jesus!

Posted by Emmanuel in Swansea @ 14:16 on Mar 27 2017

I don't know why it is so easy for us to lecture people who have fallen into sin. The Bible warns us that the people that think they stand should take heed so that they won't fall. We are in a battle with the powers of darkness, and the enemy would be most interested in taking out the more prominent members of our army. And instead of standing by the wounded soldiers, people end up killing them off! This needs to stop.
Brother Terry, May the LORD uphold you and help you fulfil all that is still in HIS grand plan for you in JESUS NAME. Your labours of love will not be wasted.

Posted by Teresa Rivera in Santa Maria, CA @ 18:08 on Mar 22 2017

Your music is a constant blessing to many. I love to hear your music and soak in God's presence. Your music is so anointed. I pray that God continue to bless you as you bless others. Your music helped me through the time my Dad with to be with the Lord. He enjoyed listening to your music in his last days and guided him home to be with the Lord. Many blessings going your way.

Posted by Steve reed in Folsom la @ 03:49 on Mar 20 2017

I also am a worshiper. The Lord has been dealing with me. I love to worship in song . I just got your cd from my sister. I asked who your where. I remember you from years ago. I asked and here I am listening to you. Thank you . Brother . I hope to meet you one day. I love you in the . Lord I know i was meant to here you tonight . PRAISE GOD.

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