Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Henry Komba in Arusha, Tanzania @ 22:40 on Mar 18 2017

Waw. nice to hear, May the Lord's favour and anointing be with you as you get back from the hot experience. ...

Posted by Clifford in Pretoria, Sout Africa @ 09:03 on Mar 14 2017

He who is without sin , let him cast the first stone. I applaud you on your return Terry. I too and struggling with a lot of guilt and condemnation of a divorce but God is good and only through and In Him can we move on.
Your music is anointed and with each track you can literally soak in the presence of God.

Posted by Faye Pittman in Pasadena, TX @ 18:57 on Mar 13 2017

We have a group of prayer partners that meet in my home every Sunday Evening. During our prayer time I play the worship music softly as we pray. It brings an atmosphere of worship and we all feel the anointing in the songs and after prayer we sing with you. It is a vital part of our prayer meeting. The presence of God is so rich as we worship with the anointed recordings. Thank you for obey the Lord in recording these wonderful songs.

Posted by Charlotte Russell in Farmington Mn @ 07:55 on Feb 11 2017

Thank you so much for allowing the Lord to continue to work in your life as He fills your soul with His words of Praise. I have been sitting in my living room for the past 4 hours (it is now 2:00 am) just basking in His glory and letting your music fill me afresh. You were the minister of music at BAG and I in the choir. Having started singing in church at the age of 4, I've had many choir directors but you were the without a doubt the best worship leader and being obedient to God, you showed us how to worship. Many people in our church prayed for you, Greta and the boys when you all were going through the fire, but praise the Lord, He reigned victorious. Thanks for continuing down the path the Lord has set you on and for showing us His love, grace and forgiveness. What a mighty God we serve. WOW

Posted by Mami Kong in Cameroon @ 05:36 on Feb 9 2017

Terry Thanks A Lot For The Bravery And The Decision you took .We have all Sin and Come shot of the Glory of God.Wishing You All The Best .You have been an Inspiration to me.No matter how down I am once I put your Music On I felt the Presence of the Lord.One Of My Favourite is PRAISED HIM And AND VISIT US.God Bless You SIr.

Posted by Joanie in Portage, IN @ 19:28 on Feb 4 2017

Terry, I have been so blessed listening to your music. Many nights when I am in pain and find sleep far away, I will get your cd's on my IPOD and just get lost in the worship and praise of your songs. I especially love your instrumental Cd's with the piano and the Praque Orchestra. I know that it cost a lot of money to record with an orchestra but it is so worth it. I am so glad that you are back doing what the Lord called you to do. God bless you and Liz as you share your beautiful music with others.

Posted by Gloria Davis in Opa Locka @ 16:46 on Jan 16 2017

Terry, I thank God for your praise and worship songs. I bought them way back when I was living in Oklahoma. I kept them, but I didn't continue to listen to them to refresh my soul until this year 21day fast. God began to show me my sin and how far I was from Him. I began to seek my God and praise Him to be restored. your praise song touch my heart. Thank you for your gift. May God bless you as you continue your journey with our Lord.

Posted by Dawn in Middletown, Pa @ 11:43 on Jan 11 2017

I write this as I am listening to your album "Visit Us" I understand the pain of divorce, as I struggled with that choice as well 10 years ago. I know that God is a forgiving God and quite a few of the men of God preaching under the anointing today have struggled with and been touched with divorce but God never lifted His anointing from them and I know He has called you as a Psalmist to the body of Christ. There is a great anointing on your music. I look forward to more albums to come. God is so faithful, Terry.

Posted by Daniel in Kuwait @ 17:09 on Jan 4 2017

All of you guys in here have really good hearts.. Impressive.. Lord! forgave us by your holy blood. You told us whosoever looks a women to lust after her has commited adultery with her in his heart.. The only difference is whether the sin is revealed or not... We might be same.. How many times we failed for it? God is always looking our heart deeply.. Nobody cannot hide before him..Lord! Give us clean heart so let us make pleasing you!! Holy spirit came here for that so lord please come to all of our brethren here and pour your spirit..! Amen..

Posted by Donna Perkins in Weslaco, Texas @ 01:16 on Dec 30 2016

I have all your cd's and listen to them for my private praise. The are prophecy in song. God Bless you!

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