Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Gerry Ulrich in St Joseph Mi @ 02:17 on Dec 8 2016

Move forward and Press into God. The Church will reaps the benefits as new songs come forth from His heart. Glad to hear your are returning.

Posted by Esther Pernell in Philadelphia, PA @ 17:02 on Dec 6 2016

I thank the Lord for you and your return to your anointed calling. I have been and am truly blessed through your worship and how you minister and bring the presence of the Lord in your worship. I am listening to "This Is The Time" CD as I write. I have prayed and will continue to pray for you. Thank you for your sharing your gift.

Posted by Pastor David Corona in Victorville, @ 21:14 on Nov 19 2016

God Bless you brother Terry, none of us are perfect I thank God for his grace, your ministry has bless me and thousands more I am sure, prayed you'll will continue to use your gift, it is really needed. If you're ever in our area would love to have you minister at our church,we're in Southern Calif. Family Life Church 14411 La Paz Dr, Victorville, Ca 92395 Phone#760 490-7667

Posted by Patrick in Nairobi @ 09:29 on Nov 9 2016

Thank you so much Terry for the songs you sing. They always draw me closer to GOD. The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is so loving but please do not fall again in such a sin for God has chosen you to preach via you pleasant worship

Posted by Linda Coutts in Townsville-Australia @ 20:26 on Oct 12 2016

i love you my brother, when Daddy GOD and your Glorious Bridegroom ,King Jesus forgave so do i, O the LOVE of the Father, i always admire how Daddy GOD forgave us when we admitted our failure to HIM, Hallelujah to the Lamb of GOD. your anointed voice is a gift from the Throne room of Heaven, so keep on Going my brother. you are very precious. stay bless for the glorious King Jesus for HE is coming soon.

Posted by Cathy Jessee in Windsor, Va @ 16:35 on Oct 1 2016

I was late getting to know the author of so many great worship songs. I had listened but not paid attention to who sang them or who wrote them. My worship leader is wed so many of your songs and i would sing them. I started youtubing your songs and me and my little granddaughter would watch you play. She is very active and I discovered that she would suddenly relax and become peaceful and finally go to sleep. It was amazing to watch the Holy Spirit come over a cause peace to relax her. She is soon to be four and we've been listening at nap time for 3 yrs. Terry, I'm sorry for what you went through but I will say it make you more "touchable" and human like all of us born again believers. You fell and you rose again in the appointed time. Praise God!!!

Posted by Barbara Gallas in San Diego @ 04:58 on Sep 23 2016

I'm so grateful for your music. I'm so thirsty for this type of worship. I'm so hungry for worship that pulls the love and worship out of you. I'm so hungry for worship that exalts his holiness and makes me go on my face.

I'm going to see if you have any ministry near me.

God bless you, Terry. If Jesus forgives you, so do I.

Posted by Evelyn Meyer in Dexter, Oregon @ 21:15 on Sep 19 2016

Terry I absolutely love your ministry and I listen to your music daily. I just wanted to share with you that I do not understand Christians that think we have the right to judge one another. Only God an judge us

Posted by Stan Unger in Vancouver B.C. @ 00:30 on Sep 15 2016

I just recently listened to your worship music. My soul
was refreshed and I believe GOD answered my prayer
to create in me a desire to worship him in spirit and in

Posted by kay Jordan in Colorado Springs, Co @ 19:53 on Sep 11 2016

Please let me know if you will ever be in Colorado Springs this fall (October 12, 2016). Please let your agent know of my email so I can get a response as soon as possible.

My husband & I are hosting a very important gathering
(no more than 20) and I would like to know if you are going to be in the area if we could book you here (at our home). Thank you...I look forward to hearing back.

Grace and peace to you, Terry...

(I have also gone through a divorce. It was heartbreaking...and I know very well the "death" that one goes through when they feel as though they let God down...for many reasons.)

We would welcome you with open arms if and when you ever come to our area!

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