Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Tae Kim in Fort Lee, New Jersey @ 16:45 on Aug 17 2016

Dear Terry,

I knew you very recently, your music and your life turmoil.
After all, this is my opinion. This is my first email.

I don't accuse you, for every human being is a sinner.
I write this just to make sure that you are neither under the domain of sin yet, nor under the disguising and deceiving hand of Satan, but that you don't ultimately go to hell.
I will write to you in detail in my next email.

With Christ's love
Tae Kim

Posted by Debbie Schwep in Medford, Oregon @ 04:57 on Jul 13 2016

I love your music. I am a music person as well and play similar to you. I love the way you lead in worship and allow the Lord to minister... It is so rare today...I am so glad that you are being used today to fulfill your calling and purpose...Blessings to you my brother...

Posted by Barbara Riggs in Ohio @ 17:12 on Jul 11 2016

I fall on my face as your worship comes alive in me❤️The anointing is like none other I've ever heard. Do not let the devil steal this from you or from Gods people. Love and prayers❤️🙏

Posted by mini in ontario canada @ 14:55 on Jun 28 2016

Oh what a joy to know that you are back worshiping the Lord with all your heart - your music has made me and so many others go straight to the throne room.

What a testimony you have now - for all to know that no matter what you have done Jesus says to us "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us"

You are forgiven - for Jesus already has paid the ultimate price for your sin and how He loves you Terry - how He loves you -

Keep on praising Him my brother - use your gift for His glory.

May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you strong in Him and in the power of His might for its not by might nor by mighty but by My Spirit that you go forth by the power of the Holy Spirit covered under the Blood of Jesus to continue the path that you veered away from but which was set for you from before you were formed in the womb of your mother.

So go forth my brother and glorify our dear precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

You are so loved by Him.

Posted by Theresa in Long Island, NY @ 08:38 on Jun 24 2016

Terry how grearful I am to our FATHER and LORD JESUS CHRIST,
we all make mistakes,I have made the biggest mistake in my life I thought I could ever make,and I can't stop beating myself up,I know i'm forgiven,but it still hunts me,but everytime I full back or think about it ,the LORD brings me to you PRAISE and WORSHIP SONGS. My Brother I just want to say, no matter how long or how bad that sin is in our life,JESUS ALREADY PAID FOR OUR, PAST,
PRESENT,and OUR FUTURE SINS,, it's like3:00am and GOD put you on my mind, I knew of your mistake and I was hurt for you and your wife,I am so sorry it didn't workout for the two of you, but I am so happy to know you both have forgiven each other,and still love and are still servicing the LORD, your music has brought me with the WORD OF GOD through many storms and many mistakes the,I wish
all the Churches would have Praise and WORSHIP in their Church like you Praise and WORSHIP songs. My Bro. I wish you Great the BEST,may the LORD BLESS the two of you and your 3 sons. I am so very greatful that you didn't give up on the LORD,your sons, Greta,or yourself . I will keep praying for you and your Ministry,and your family,after all that's what JESUS and Paul said in the WORD,we are to PRAY ONE FOR THE OTHER,and NOT PULL DOWN EACH OTHER
I love you my Brother,though we don't know each other nor have seen each other personally ,but we will be known to one another when we all get to HEAVEN WITH JESUS ,WOW WHAT A DAY THAT WILL BE ! ! please keep me in your prayers. GOD BLESS

Posted by Arlene Hegedus in Lincoln, Nebraska @ 06:14 on Jun 17 2016

Terry, I have been Saddend at a few od these comments. David was a man after Gods own heart, yet he sinned committing murder and adultery. Yes he sinned,but repented and God blessed him. I have to tell you. I bought your live worship tape while we were working at a Benny Hinn conference in OK. I have worn out two tapes already and was so sad that I could not find another one at our Christian book store. That tape has such an anointing. We attend Christ Place church in Lincoln and want to use this tape in our prayer sessions. I also want to buy several for family members. My husband were headed for a divorce after one year of marriage. We got saved at a Kathurn Kuhlman service and our marriage was healed instantly. After 60 years we are still serving Him. I just want you to know how much this tape has ministered to my life. The anointing is so powerful. Remember sins are forgiven and God does not remember them. It is only the enemy of our souls that brings them up to us. He has and will be defeated if we faint not and trust in our savior. Love your heart and your music. Don't stop. Blessings Arlene

Posted by Barbara Pomeroy in Portland Oregon @ 03:14 on Jun 6 2016

Dear Terry,

When I first heard your "I Came To Worship You" CD in a friends car, the presence of the Lord was so present in the car. I purchased the CD and often when listening to it driving, I just wanted to pull over to the side of the road and lift my hands and worship It had such an impact on me. When I heard of your moral fall, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach, I could not believe it. I was so saddened! I was thankful to read above and to hear that you were repented and have come back to the Lord. The most difficult thing though is the fact that you remarried. I am sorry, but I do not see anywhere in the bible where in a case such as your, you would be free to remarry. God forgives but as David there are consequences for sin. And i just do not see that anywhere in scripture, unless you twist or take out of context, that you were free to remarry. I pray you would really truly repent for, once more doing it the way that seems right to a man but the end is destruction. I am so sorry to hear that you did not allow God to fill that loneliness or hole in your heart of being single with his very presence. I am so very grieved.
Sincerely, Barb

Posted by Dense Donelle in Cap-Pele ,NB Canada @ 19:08 on Mar 29 2016

I was heart broken when you stop singing . In my heart I knew that you would come live again and you did .Praise God for your return .I'm glad that you did not let satan kept you down . I love to worship with the anointing .

Posted by DEE TAYLOR in SAN DIEGO @ 17:29 on Mar 22 2016

Thank you Terry for sharing your heartbreak and hard times with us. I love your music, it ministers to me like no other. I'm glad to hear you are returning to use the gift of God that is so evident in your music. I can look back to times in my life I am ashamed of, but praise God He is a loving and forgiving Lord and we can all stand in the righteousness of Christ, no matter what our past. Bless you in the coming years as once again you share your gift with the world!

Posted by Narketa in Ohio @ 15:43 on Mar 6 2016

My sincere gratitude for you answering your Calling, your triumphs and seemingly failures as well. God does not call perfect people, just people. The willing answer while God makes them able as they continue in him. We are always being made, conformed to His Image and only when we see him face to face will we be like him. Until then we stay at our Fathers feet . Its a ongoing process, it never stops. He loves us soooo much. Blessings to you and your family. From your sister in Christ to my brother in Christ . I charge you this day to go, go in Gods Forgiveness , in Gods Grace and in Gods Power and do that which you have been created to do. The Body of Christ so desperately need you, God needs you. Thank you for your continued surrender and reliance on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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