Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Tom Montanaro in Seattle @ 18:08 on Feb 27 2016

Righteous Man, I loved you before I read that, now I love you more. Brokeness unto Glory!
Tom Montanaro

Posted by Heather reynolds in Dorset england @ 12:10 on Feb 27 2016

I have just been listening to the cd instrumental worship, it has been played over and over in the car,but as it has been changed it is now in the house. It is just beautiful and would love another one with just the music. I am a Billy Graham convert of many years,and am very very pleased that you are continuing to use your gift of music and song for the Lord who has done so much for you. Pray that God will bless you greatly. Heather.w

Posted by Lyn Bennett in Tasmania Australia @ 22:31 on Feb 25 2016

I would like to thank you Terry for your wonderful Holy Spirit inspired worship music. My husband and I have played your CDs while travelling around our nation of Australia and have used the power of the anointing words in your songs to break down strongholds and set captives free in Jesus name. I agree with other comments that have been made you were made for such a time as this and the evil one will try and bring you down. We all need to be aware of this especially Christian marriages. Bless you for getting back up and doing what the Lord has so anointed you to do. I will be still praying for a miracle for you and your wife Blessings from Australia.

Posted by Maxine Wiggan in Winter Garden, FL @ 18:14 on Feb 21 2016

I was introduced to your music about two months ago but started listening and watching your worship about seven weeks ago. I am blown away at the way God uses you to usher in His presence wherever you are. Through you, God brings heaven to us right here on earth. I look forward to going to heaven but while I remain here fulfilling my purpose and finishing my course, I will always embrace your music and use it to worship or Father. Thank you. My prayers are with you. Your life is a living, walking, breathing, singing testimony of God's love, grace, and forgiveness. I am blessed EVERY time I listen to your songs and I invite my friends and patients to listen to you on YouTube. May God continue to bless you in all you do.

Posted by Nancy in Port charlotte florida @ 05:59 on Feb 1 2016

I had followed you for years your worship was the only one so anointed so sorry about what is happened between you and your wife I have been married to my so called childhood sweetheart for 50 years it's been a loveless relationship but I have hung in but I keep asking the Lord where is my godly man in shining armor and God says I am it for now so I want you to know every single night I turn YouTube on in my own home and I listen to your things one right after another all night long and I am blessed by the anointing of God I have been a Christian for 42 years saved by a Jewish man have hung in with the Lord he is the Lord of my life he is my husband man.. bless you would love to see you at Christian retreat in Bradenton Florida

Reply by Alice in Oklahoma @ 19:21 on Apr 18 2016

I identify with your situation (45 yrs here). Faithfulness is very important to the Lord. It is one of His attributes. We know that "all our streams of Joy are in Him"! Happy is the person who trusts in the Lord...NOT happy is the person who married the right one. Faithfulness brings a reward.

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Posted by Beverly States in Southwest Missouri @ 02:08 on Jan 6 2016

Praise God! God is faithful and I have just found some of your 2000 live worship music. I am being ministered to by the music. Thank God you're being obedient to your calling.

Posted by Michelle Ferrell in Shawnee, OK @ 08:43 on Dec 31 2015

Terry your ministry has touched my life deeply! It has taken me through some horrible times... Yet through it when I felt my world collapsing all around me and felt like I was closing down inside, I could put your worship on and the anointing would soothe and heal my painful heart! It was your music that helped me to lead others is a deeper form of worship. I miss your ministry and hope that you get back into writing again. The first time I saw you was on a Benny Hinn program back in either 2002 or 2003... never the same! You have been the single handed most effective influence in my music ministry. Our styles are similar, all though, I am now where close to your accomplishment, just the same sincere heart of worship and similar chord progressions.... THANK YOU for your dedication to the Lord! I pray for you in the healing of your life... We all make terrible mistakes, some are just more public than others! Don't let satan take away what God has ordained within you. I think you have been wise to remain in council ... many prayers for you my friend! My husband and I saw you live at OBU in Shawnee OK, I believe in 2006.... it was a cherished memory.....

Posted by Dominique Beatty in Nashville TN @ 00:55 on Oct 26 2015

Oh how we've missed you & have prayed for this day. May the Lord order your steps & heal your brokenness. Thank you for not allowing shame to keep you from your gifts. Blessings,

Reply by elena in long pond pa. @ 17:02 on Jan 6 2016

Amen Terry. Glad your heart is healed. And that your back. We All fall. But thank God for brothers and sisters in prayer. This is a time. And season in which your God felt music is needed. May Jesus continually wrap you in His arms.

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Posted by Vida in Plainefield, il @ 01:42 on Oct 21 2015

God bless u for coming into the open. May u be restored with greater sounds of heaven. I pray you and Greta's pain is healed. We welcome you back to the loving arms of the father.

Posted by Baituti Mosiane in Botswana Gaborone @ 11:30 on Oct 10 2015

Terry, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Our (My wife and I) heart prayer for you has always been to hear you are back on your feet, a righteous man falls 7 times and still rises.

To bo honest with you, my ministry is built wholly, deeply and fully on the foundation the Lord laid through you in my life.

I pray God may do to you what He did to restore Job after Job had a difficult time. "a multiple times higher than the first glory"

I love you sir, may God keep you and Greta well.

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