Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Garrett Ryan in Newfoundland , Canada @ 05:05 on Oct 6 2015

For all have sinned and Fallon short of the Glory of God , welcome back . Terry it is not your music or ministry but the Lord's for it is The Lord who called you and gives you the ABILLITY and the heavenly HONOR to perform for HIM . WE JUST DO NOT WAKE UP ONE MORNING AND DECIDE THAT WE WILL BE A WORSHIP LEADER FOR IT IS A DIRECT CALLING FROM OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN HIMSELF . Our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with powers , principalities and wicked spirits in height places , Terry you are on the front lines of this SPIRITUAL WAR , expect to be attacked , you are bringing down strongholds. God has called you , fight the good fight of your faith , we need you . WE ARE NEARING THE END TIMES , EXPECT THE ENEMY TO BRING YOU DOWN ANYWAY HE CAN BUT THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE ARE NOT CARNAL SO PUT ON YOUR ARMOUR AND GET BACK TO WORK .

Reply by Jo Walker in Wyoming @ 19:07 on Nov 9 2015

Terry... I stand in agreement with Garrett. to add to that is the truth that God mercies are new every morning like the dew. For all have indeed fallen short.. many in the public eye, far more in the privacy of darkness, but God knows it all. The songs the Lord has given you are my morning entrance into the throne room where Abba and I commune. Right now I am listening to Holy Holy Are You Lord.. to which I echo.. holy holy holy indeed are you, Lord. For the Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting. The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy. What he does not know is the work of the Spirit in worship within you will be or is already far greater than before the fall. May God be glorified in all that comes forth from your life and music.

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Posted by Monica in Qatar @ 02:55 on Oct 1 2015

Terry I have been so blessed by your ministry. Thanks for allowing the Lord to bring you through the battle. The enemy seeks to destroy the people the Lord uses in worship. Keep doing what you are invested in, worship!

Posted by MARY in Los Angeles @ 22:08 on Sep 29 2015

My dear bro Terry, Love you so much. God is in the business of healing and restoring people. People are ready to throw stones, and rake the wounds by reminding. But God called us to love unconditionally. No one is perfect not, even in thoughts. Keep on singing for Christ, no matter what, anyone says. we love you always. Thanks for the worship CDs you made.

Posted by Sue Evans in Texas @ 22:39 on Sep 23 2015

My prayer for you, Terry, is that you will be totally restored to your wife. My husband and I were separated for 3 long years. Neither would get a divorce but we just could not live together. My pastor told me not to "go back" to him, but to "go forward" and God would bring me along when He finished his work. 3 years later that work was finished and God restored our marriage. We were both made "new". We did not "go back"! May God make your hearts ready to be one again! I love your worship music! I have worn out several cd's. Thank you for your obedience! S

Posted by mini in canada @ 15:38 on Aug 13 2015

This is such a blessing to know you are returning to the call on your life - - me and my husband reconciled after several years of infidelity - and are serving the Lord now. Your music has so blessed us and so many others!

Remember it was satan who was the worship leader in heaven - got kicked out - and is now after worship more than ever before and the leaders are his target!

God is faithful to turn that which seems bad into a blessing because He loves you and your family so very much

May the Lord bless you and continue to use you mightily for His glory as you stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might for its not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord!.

Posted by John Pavlik in Tucson, AZ @ 20:16 on Jul 18 2015

I believe the Lord is calling upon you to reconcile your marriage. His Word says He hates divorce. Would your wife be willing to bring the marriage back together?

I have always felt the anointing of the Holy Spirit in your music.

Posted by claudette bills in australia @ 23:29 on Jul 14 2015

So happy to hear the Lord has restored you back to your Ministry in worship. We love your music so much it really bring you so close to the Lord. Thank you.

Posted by Freddie S in uk @ 18:39 on Jun 24 2015

i believe the word of God which says if we repent and return to him he will forgive us,wash away our sin & remember it no more. So who are we not to welcome you back when God has forgiven & received you back to continue your great work in the kingdom. I love your music & I am so glad to hear you are back. Thanks be to God. The enemy has not won!

Posted by Kaydebelle in Hamlet NC @ 20:07 on Jun 19 2015

Terry ever since I heard that there was a separation I
have been praying, along with others, that you and your
gifting would be restored. I also prayed that you and your family would be restored. So glad the Lord is with you and all involved with you. Amen. I have all of your music and music books except your new ones. I only heard yesterday that you were back and had new music

Posted by Joe DEMOTT in colorado @ 15:32 on Jun 13 2015

hopefully you will reconcile with your wife

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