Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Lynda in Ontario Canada @ 01:47 on Aug 4 2018

We all have skeletons in our closets and Godforgives us of our sin and when we confess and repent He washes us clean
I have made a lot of mistakes in my life ,more than I’d like to think about but God has set me free and cleansed me of all those sins
Now I’ve been set free
I love your music and you are such an inspiration
God Bless you as you continue on this wonderful journey with our wonderful saviour

Posted by Tom in Zerbel @ 16:19 on Jul 17 2018

Greetings, Terry!! I am a Man who was abused horrifically as an adolescent & teenager, by My Dad.This, coupled with, albino looks from My families various heritages.Thus, although My Mom took Me to good Word-Churches, I Kept backsliding from these rejections & hurts from family & classmates!Finally, at 23, I began having seizures & had to have major brain-surgery, when I was given the threat of brain-tumor!Long-story, short, thru Jesus' intervention, My Dr.'s could-not find anything but scar-tissue on My brain, Glory to Jesus! I then happened upon Your 1st 2 CD's in a bookstore, one-day.And, upon hearing themm, it brought tears to My eye's, to hear the most affectionate & personably-loving song-lyric's, sung to Our Lord, that I had EVER heard in My life!!Upon recommitting 100% of My Heart, Soul & Strength to My LORD-JESUS, I began dieting & exercising, the way that GOD commanded Israel to, in the old-testament.And, within 1 year, I went from 254lb.'s, down to My present-weight of 175lb.'s!!And, am walking totally seizure-free, Praise JESUS!! I have now put off My OLD carnal, sinful backslidings, in the FULL!!Glory to JESUS!! I praise JESUS, that Terry has recommitted His heart & soul to Jesus, as-well!!

Reply by Pat Anderson in North Liberty ia @ 01:08 on Oct 11 2019

I watched a utube of Terry leading worship at Benny Hinn conference. I watched how the people entered into worship and tears filled their eyes. Even young children and choir singers. I sat in my home amazed at such a gift given by God. I'm so greatful to be a Christian so I can watch my days unfold the rest of my life. No other human can touch that.

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Posted by Roberta gilbert in Minnesota @ 22:23 on Jul 11 2018

Love your music
Rise again
Obey God

Do u have any new CDs?

Posted by Ty Huang in Singapore @ 05:46 on Jul 3 2018

Walk in the light of the Lord!

Posted by Godffrey Warui in Kenya @ 15:03 on Jun 25 2018

In the few years I have in salvation, it has dawned to me that the devil is nothing but a liar. He always target the most anointed servants of the Lord and if at all Christians around the world would realize so, then they'd realize that this is the best moment to become a serious Christian and stop mixing themselves from this delusion of modernism and be born again proper. There is nothing difficult to re-establish or restore the previous relationship you once had with God before falling into sin in this world. It calls for humility, accept that you have fallen, persistent battle in repentance and prayers and endurance and finally submit yourself fully to the will of the Lord. I truly trust and believe in the Lord's own words in his parable of the unjust judge that if we keep on persistently knocking the door, the Lord will finally open the door for us. May the Lord help us to overcome the current great spiritual assaults by the enemy the devil.

Posted by Steve Slaughter in Colorado @ 02:30 on Jun 4 2018

If God only use people who are perfect God would have no one to use. Terry music has had an impact in my life profoundly and that of my loved ones. Press on brother Press On!

Posted by Jeff in Hampton,Va. @ 13:02 on May 29 2018

I am greatful to serve God and a privilege and blessing for the many times I have been forgiven. My question is whether the ground for divorce was applied here. Our lives are no longer ours, once we are believers we are now obligated to live according to scripture. I heard you in person years ago and was blessed. I wonder if when it comes to marriage if we no longer treat it as a God covenant and decide on our own what should be done during hard times. Be blessed.

Posted by MS KAREN BREWER @ 08:45 on May 28 2018

Dear Terry it seems a little obvious you still care about your adult children s Mum PLEASE get back with your lovely Lady ..I tried to divorce my only husband four4 times didn't go through with it my husband of forty year we are making up for all the rotten stuff now in our once bad marriage Jesus has healed my husband and me and still is..There's no area that God cannot fix heal restore..LUKE 1-37 obey the Ten Commandments ..Don't remarry it's AdULTERY

Posted by Jocelle in Philippines @ 01:22 on May 28 2018

I Just want to share this passage on what Jesus Christ tells about DIVORCE. As Christian and follower of Christ, I pray you will take heed of HIS commands so that we will be full with HiM. As for me DIVORCE is not the solution of every couples problems and conflicts. Both must undergo healing and deliverance and submit to GOD’s authority.

“Jesus then left that place and went into the region of Judea and across the Jordan. Again crowds of people came to him, and as was his custom, he taught them. Some Pharisees came and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” “What did Moses command you?” he replied. They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.” “It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law,” Jesus replied. “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.””
‭‭Mark‬ ‭10:1-12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Posted by Charles Booysen in South Africa Cape Town @ 02:29 on May 14 2018

I love your music. I saw it for the first time on YouTube yesterday and listen to it. You are truly blessed. Please Please Please my brother reconcile with your wife, get over what happened, forgive yourself because God already forgave you. The coming of the Lord is so near. Please don't let the devil made you think that you at in the right direction. Forgive and forget and carry on with the Lord. God Bless

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